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Topics - NE.Restricted

Pages: [1]
Script Discussion / [Suggestion|Question]Play a sound
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:16:54 pm »
how to play a audio file? and if you cant, I suggest you add it.

Script Discussion / Calculate the forward point
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:21:35 pm »
I would like to calculate the forward point from an object.
For example a car object is 120 degrees (rotated) so a function which when I want to move it forward by 1 point, I would write:
Anyone knows how it is done?

Script Discussion / [HELP] Collision IDs
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:16:20 am »
I have been making a new 0.4 server but I couldn't find any collision IDs for vehicles... If you know a list, please post here!

Snippet Showroom / [TUTORIAL] How to make a heal system (timed)
« on: August 16, 2014, 03:45:37 pm »
In pawn, you cannot pass arguments using a timer.
Or can you!
To make a timed heal system requires some variables:
Code: [Select]
new IsHealing[100];
new HealCount[100];
Some definitions
Code: [Select]
#define HEAL_HEALTH_AMOUNT 100 //the amount of heal you wanna give after healing
#define HEAL_TIME_SECONDS 10 //the time you want to take to heal in seconds
And a timer, ofcourse
Code: [Select]
public OnGameModeInit()
NewTimer("Healed", 1000, 1);
And the timed function
Code: [Select]
public Healed()
for(new i; i<=100; i++)
if(HealCount[i]== HEAL_TIME_SECONDS)
IsHealing[i] = 0;
SetPlayerHealth(i, HEAL_HEALTH_AMOUNT);
and where you want to make the heal (example !heal)
Code: [Select]
IsHealing[playerid] = 1;
HealCount[playerid] = 0;

ShowRoom (pawn) / [INCLUDE UNTESTED] NE Database system
« on: August 09, 2014, 06:54:08 pm »
Hello, guys!
Heres my second include. It adds a database function (not mysql) to your script.
Code: [Select]
stock nedbset(entry[], point1[], point2[], data[])//entry: The entry you want to edit, data: The variable you want to edit in entry, point: The string you want to set the variable to.
stock nedbget(entry[], point1[], point2[])//Gets a variable info
:::nedbint:::same as nedbget but return integer
:::nedbfloat:::same as nedbget but return float
Note: You have to make an empty file named ndb.sys in scriptfiles for it to work.
No longer needed
Did it work for you? Tell in the replies!

Servers / NE RLRP Server
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:36:06 pm »
Name: NE RLRP Server
Gamemode: NL RLRP
Best command: /c mode rp
Hope you enjoy this server!

mIRC/pawn Scripting / [HELP] Execute error
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:04:23 am »
Hi guys!
I was creating a beginner script to post here, but unfortunately, it compiles without error but when launched vcmp-svr.exe it shows error:
Code: [Select]
Script[gamemodes/SFB.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"Here is the code (to download):

VC:MP Clans / NMK/NK/NE Clan
« on: June 04, 2014, 07:18:12 pm »
NE Clan
The NE clan is the official clan for NE RLRP clan server, which both were started by NE.Restricted.

Unfortunately, the clan does not have any history.

The NE clan has a sub forum on its main forum, the NE RLRP Server forum.
The forum for the clan is

A full list can be found in

VC:MP Clans / Neutral Mega Killers clan
« on: March 18, 2014, 04:38:51 pm »

Neutral Mega Killers is a clan started by NE.Restricted. It has 3 tags,
NE: Neutral Mega Killers,
NK: Neutral Mega Killers,
and NMK: Neutral Mega Killers.
NMK and NK is not to be confused with MK, which is a completely different clan.
NMK is an RLDM clan, which means Role Play Death Match.
Website: Category: Clans

Test administrators:
Test members:

Tutorials / How to configure your server
« on: February 06, 2014, 05:55:26 pm »
Hello, guys!
In this tutorial, I will tell you how to configure your server.
Lets get started:
Step 1. Download your server from
Step 2. Save it
Step 3. Open the server.conf file with notepad. You will see something that looks like this this:
echo Executing Server Config...
friendlyfire 1
lanmode 0
maxplayers 50
port 5192
hostname VCMP Server
gamemode0 VCMP_Mode 1
filterscripts ...
rcon_password none

Friendlyfire is a boolean value that can be set to 0 or 1. 0 is when players cant kill team members and 1 is vice versa.
Lanmode is also a boolean value. 0 is when the whole world can play in your server, and 1 is when only people in your network can play.
Maxplayers is the amount of max players that can play on your server. 50 is default.
Port is the UDP port used to connect to this server
Hostname is the name of the server, for example: Littlewhitey's VCMP Server.
Gamemode is the name of the scripts, without the .amx extension.
filterscripts is not there by default, and is used to specify filterscripts (script files inside the folder filterscripts) without the .amx extension.
Rcon_password is the password used to make yourself an admin.

Step 4. Edit the values so that they are exactly what you want.
Step 5. Your server is now completely configured! Thanks for reading.

ShowRoom (pawn) / [INC] My plugin - A whole new way of scripting
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:14:36 pm »
Hey guys I have a new plugin I want to share!
int - public
arg - (
start - ){
end - }
new_variable - new
add - +
subtract - -
multiply - *
divide - /
MessageSendPlayer - SendClientMessage
MessageSendAll - SendClientMessageToAll
SkinNew - AddPlayerClass
SkinNewEx - AddPlayerClassEx
VehicleNew - AddStaticVehicle
PickupNew - AddStaticPickup
An example using these:
Code: [Select]
int OnPlayerText args playerid, text start
if(strcmd(text, "hello", true) == 0)
MessageSendPlayer(playerid, (color), "Hello!");
int Test arg start
MessageSendAll("Droopy proopy, hello fellow");
int PrintNumbers arg amount start
new_variable count;
while(count < amount)
printf("%d", count);
count add 1;
SkinNew, VehicleNew and PickupNew don't have examples :(

Download the file and save it to /pawno/include.
On your pwn files, add this line at top: #include <nerestricted_plugin>

Click here

0.4 Public Beta #2 / [SUGGESTION] VCMP 0.4 Server and Client
« on: September 22, 2013, 04:54:29 pm »
I would like a downloadable vcmp 0.4 beta server and client.

Post by revolver removed

Snippet Showroom / Non-Damagable cars
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:25:57 pm »
On top:
[pawn]new autofix[101];
new vehid[101];[/pawn]
On OnGameModeInit:
[pawn]public OnGameModeInit(){
SetTimer("autofixtimer", 500, 1);//this is the line you need to add
On OnPlayerText:
Code: [Select]
public OnPlayerText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(strfind(cmdtext, "!", true) == 0) OnPlayerCommand(playerid, cmdtext[1]);//this is to prevent confusion between different scripts.
Add public OnPlayerCommand:
Code: [Select]
public OnPlayerCommand(playerid, command[])
new idx, cmd[243];
new tmp[243], tmp2[243];//we put array to be able to use strcmp on it
cmd = strtok(command, idx);
tmp = strtok(command, idx);//we use this here so we dont always need to define tmp
tmp2 = strtok(command, idx);
if(strcmp(command, "autofix", true) == 0){
if(autofix[playerid] == 0)
autofix[playerid] = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0FFDD349, "Autofix set to: [ON]");
if(autofix[playerid] == 1)
autofix[playerid] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0FFDD349, "Autofix set to: [OFF]");
Add public autofixtimer
[pawn]public autofixtimer()
for(new mpl; mpl <= 100; mpl++) if(IsPlayerConnected(mpl) && autofix[mpl] == 1 && vehid[mpl] != 700){
SetVehicleHealth(vehid[mpl], 1000);
//printf("Auto-fixed player vehicle: [%d]", mpl);//uncomment if you want to be notified on every autofix
On OnPlayerEnterVehicle:
[pawn]public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)//yours may have parameter ispassenger
vehid[playerid] = vehicleid;
On OnPlayerExitVehicle:
[pawn]public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid)//yours may have additional parameters
vehid[playerid] = 700;

If you find any bugs, report them now!
Also, dont forget to rate!

NOTE: To add more commands to OnPlayerCommand, DO NOT use ! before text for example you use !say it will be activated when player types !!say and not !say.

VC:MP Clans / NE, MK, NMK - Neutral Mega Killers
« on: September 18, 2013, 04:35:08 pm »

Introduction to the NE Clan
The NE clan is a roleplay + deathmatch clan. It has three tags: NE., MK., NMK.. These three tags are all just some shortenings of Neutral Mega Killers. It has its own official server.
NE Members
Our objective
The objective of NE is to make a clan for both rp players and dm players unlike most other clans.
Our forum
Our forum is on NE Clan does not support any hacks, so attempts to hack the NE clan will not give you any advantage.

ShowRoom (pawn) / GUPS 1.17 Fixed version (And a extra script!)
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:21:22 pm »
GUPS 1.17 Fixed version


IMPORTANT: You MUST use the pawno from the script or at least copy /pawno/include/ to /yourpawnodirectory/include/ to modify/edit the script. If you dont you will get this:
Fatal error (xx): Can not read from file ntsys.
I told you about an extra script in the title, right? Well, its a roleplay script. To use it, open pawno, look at the top and change new ROLEPLAY_MODE = 0; to new ROLEPLAY_MODE = 1;

~Note: This script is untested~
~Note: The credit is not stolen, thus the credits to gups scripters is still there~

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