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Topics - Tamas

Pages: [1] 2
ShowRoom (pawn) / GUPS 1.17
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:26:23 pm »
General Use Pawn Script
Note: Check the Changelog file for more information.


  • Registration System
  • Admin System
  • Vehicle System
  • Property System

Thanks to the following peoples:

  • DracoBlue
  • Falcon
  • PlayerX

Current Version: 1.17
Mirror#1: Download

mIRC/pawn Scripting / VCMP 0.3z Team-Colours
« on: March 24, 2009, 04:24:02 pm »
if someone need it  ;)

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Counting
« on: November 19, 2008, 06:58:25 pm »
Somebody knows how can i count a specific name value inside the ini file?
For example if the ini file containes 200 names and i want to count only the xy* name, than return the total value of that names.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Bug in VRocker's DLL
« on: October 27, 2008, 05:59:46 pm »
I made a radaroff command with VRocker's dll, but i think this section containes some bugs, because if i specify a players id than it will remove his/her radar icon.
But if i specify another id or name than still removes the same persons's radar icon from the map.

Heres my code:

    elseif (pmarker iswm $3) {
     WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1-
     if (!$4) WSV.msg $2 Syntax: /c pmarker + or - <name/id>
     if ($4 == +) {
      if ($6) {
      if ($6 isnum) {
      if ($WSV.pconnected($5)) {
        WSV.removemarker $5
        WSV.setplayermarker $$5) $6
        WSV.msg $2 $$5) $+ 's Radar Marker has been changed to: $chr(91) $6 $chr(93)
        else WSV.msg $2 Error: Invalid Player
        else WSV.msg $2 Error: Invalid Syntax! Value must be a number.
        else WSV.msg $2 Syntax: /c pmarker < + > <name/id>
    elseif ($4 == -) {
      if ($WSV.pconnected($5)) {
        WSV.removemarker $5
        WSV.msg $2 $$5) $+ 's Radar Marker has been dleted.
        else WSV.msg $2 Error: Invalid Player

VRocker, it is a bug or i made something wrong?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Question about VRocker's DLL
« on: October 11, 2008, 10:54:45 pm »
I have a problem with VRocker's DLL
I made a command that checks the currently game time:

elseif (gametime == $3) {
WSV.say Current Game Time: $chr(91) $WSV.hour $+ : $+ $WSV.minute $chr(93)

But its not showing the real time:
<~[SkT]Tamas> !settime 15:45
<&Robocop> Admin [SkT]Tamas Changed time to: [ 15:45 ]
<~[SkT]Tamas> !gametime
<&Robocop> Current Game Time: [ 15:52 ]
<~[SkT]Tamas> !settime 12:20
<&Robocop> Admin [SkT]Tamas Changed time to: [ 12:20 ]
<~[SkT]Tamas> !gametime
<&Robocop> Current Game Time: [ 12:21 ]

+I have another question about the DLL's setmarker, removemarker and putmarker functions.

It is possible to set a player's marker to a Sunshine-Autos icon for example?
Because i know this is possible in Bakasan's DLL.
+How can i add a marker to the map when iam currently ingame?
I use this function:

alias WSV.onjoin {
WSV.setmarker 26 -1022.3336 -853.7759 24.3164

But it is possible to add a marker when iam allready connected to the server?
For example !addmarker 25 <coord> --> than that specific marker appear on the map.

Regards  :)

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Function Qestion
« on: September 12, 2008, 06:01:34 pm »

Ive seen theres some commands (wasted with green announce at the bottom of the right, blackbox when you buy a weapon at ammu-nation, and such others..)
I mean the 0.3z vcmp allready conataines these stuffs, but the dlls not, so i have no choice to put these on?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Question about DLL
« on: September 05, 2008, 07:05:40 pm »
I have a question abour VRocker's new dll. I want to using the setmarker function:

    elseif (putmarker iswm $3) {
          WSV.cmdlevelcheck2 $1-
          WSV.setmarker 25 -1022.8901 -866.6465 12.7784
          WSV.say TESTING

But this dont want to work. The new icon not appear in the map, i don't know whats the problem.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Server config.ini
« on: August 29, 2008, 01:24:59 am »

I need some help about the vcmp server config.ini.
If i want to add some various vehicle: Caddy, Hotring, Banshee, etc. the game freeze when i start it.

Vehicle = 187 -992.8995 -890.0267 12.6641 43.3273 -1 -1 ; Caddy at Sunshine Autos next parking line

Any idea?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Mirc script
« on: August 14, 2008, 12:11:28 am »

I have a hard question  :)
When i ban someone it susually write it to a txt file, i want to do when i type !bans automatically load up a site (banlist.ini in my ftp server)

But i dont know what is the mirc command for open up files from FTP servers.
Does anyone can help me, Adtec, Mattz?

Note: I using FTP server from my local PC so i dont need FTP writing, when a new ban become.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Auto Drown
« on: August 10, 2008, 03:54:36 am »
I writed a little script to auto drown a player who kill at Sunshine but its not work:

      if (Sunshine-Autos-Viceport-Vice-City-Mainland !isin $vcmp.playerarea(%id)) {
      vcmp.adminchat Admin auto drowned player: $+ $chr(91) %id $chr(93) Reason: $+ $chr(91) Killing at Sunshine-Autos $chr(93)
        vcmp.setloc %id -761.1595 -340.6097 9.9061

I puted that under vcmp.event.kill but its didnt do anything when somebody kill there.
Any idea?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Help in Syntax
« on: August 07, 2008, 07:35:09 pm »
Pls help me about sintax:
My ban command:

  elseif (($2 == ban) && ($vcmp.loggedin($1) > 4)) {
    if ($vcmp.loggedin($1) < 10) vcmp.adminmsg $1 You are not an admin, so you hasn't got permission to ban someone!
    else {
     if ($vcmp.nameid($3) == $null) { vcmp.adminmsg $1 Error: Invalid ID/Name }
       else { vcmp.adminchat vcmp.ban $vcmp.nameid($3) $iif($4-,Reason:[ [ $4-,) ] ] | Kicking: $vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($3)) }
Thats work fine but i want to add a third if command too that says you cant ban higher level admin than you.

I tryed this:

  elseif (($2 == ban) && ($vcmp.loggedin($1) > 4)) {
    if ($vcmp.loggedin($1) < 10) vcmp.adminmsg $1 You are not an admin, so you hasn't got permission to ban someone!
    else {
      if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ $1) < $hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ $vcmp.nameid($3))) { vcmp.adminmsg $1 You can't ban someone higher level admin than you. }
    else }
     if ($vcmp.nameid($3) == $null) { vcmp.adminmsg $1 Error: Invalid ID/Name }
       else { vcmp.adminchat vcmp.ban $vcmp.nameid($3) $iif($4-,Reason:[ [ $4-,) ] ] | Kicking: $vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($3)) }

But when i go ingame the commands not work, i know thats about because i using wrong sintax in the third if command.
So how can i variable that 3rd if command to work fine?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / .ini file writing
« on: August 05, 2008, 06:06:08 pm »
Hello doe anybody know how can i write ini file from ingame?

My Code:
    elseif (($2 == !changecarowner) || ($2 == !cco)) {
     if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ %id) < 10) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You must be Admin Level 10 or higher to attempt this command. }
      else {
       !writeini OWNERS $vcmp.hgetcarid(%id) $vcmp.hgetname(%id)

Now i want to make if Example: i type:
!changecarowner 34=[SRS]Tamas

Than: the script write or repleace the 34=[SRS]Tamas section
Ex: cars.ini containes 34=somebody under [OWNERS] than i type !changecarowner 34=[SRS]Tamas it will repleace the "34=somebody" line in the file.

I dont know that command that put my "writes" to the file.
Maybe:   !writeini OWNERS $3- ?

Any idea?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Money Saving
« on: August 04, 2008, 04:31:52 am »
I has a money saving error if somebody quit or crash or etc... and not deposit his money he will lost all i tryed this code but its not work:

on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.part:{
  !writeini MONEY $2 $vcmp.hgetmoney($1)

And how can i do that if i rejoin or somebody than the server read the correct players money from that file?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Ban Error
« on: August 03, 2008, 02:56:27 am »
My Ban Alias:

alias vcmp.ban {
  vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ [ $vcmp.hgetname($1) ] ] Banned Player:[ [ $$vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($1)) ] ] $iif($2-, $2-,)
  !write vcmp.banned.txt Admin: $vcmp.hgetname($1) Banned: $vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($1)) IP: $vcmp.hgetip($vcmp.nameid($1)) $iif($2,$2-,)
  .timer. $+ $$vcmp.nameid($1) $+ .ban -m 1 250 vcmp.command ban $$vcmp.nameid($1)

  elseif (($2 == ban) && ($vcmp.loggedin($1) > 4)) {
    if ($vcmp.nameid($3) == $null) vcmp.adminmsg $1 Error: Invalid ID.
    else {
      if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ $1) < $hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ $vcmp.nameid($3))) { vcmp.adminmsg $1 You can't ban someone higher level admin than you... | vcmp.kick $1 }
       else { vcmp.adminchat Kicking $vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($3)) | vcmp.ban $vcmp.nameid($3) $iif($4-,Reason:[ [ $4-,) ] ] }

The problem is when i type /c ban goldkinght it says:
<@BootRobocop> Admin:[ goldkinght ] Banned Player:[ goldkinght ] Reason:[ test ]

I want to change to this format:
<@BootRobocop> Admin:[ [SRS]Tomi ] Banned Player:[ goldkinght ] Reason:[ test ]
Dont know why its showing the banned person name in the  Admin: section.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / HP Script
« on: August 02, 2008, 03:53:58 am »
Does anybody know how the vcmp.sethp command work?
Cuz the !setcarhp function not work too.
vcmp.sethp %id 100
Its changing the health but how can i do it if i want to change the players HP manually Example:

!sethp Tomi 89

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