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how to add props and vehicals on gups 1.16 a

Started by johnx, October 18, 2010, 07:50:17 AM

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can any one help me plz that how to add props are vehicals in vcmp server in gups  iam using gups 1.16a but i dont know how to add props plz help me...or tell me other scripts for vcmp 0.3zr2 where can i get props and iam using 0.3zr2 ok

Terminatorupgrade 2

i have that problem tooo
/c addprop  is not working in pawno here is the script

Quoteelse if (strcmp(cmd, "addprop", true) == 0) {
       new name[500];
        tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx), name = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
      if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Logged] != 1) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You need to login first!");
      else if(!IsPlayerCommandLevel(playerid,"addprop")) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You don't have access to use this command!");
      else if (!strlen(name)) SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN, "USAGE: /c addprop [Price] [Name]");
      else {
         new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z, szMsg[256];
         format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"Property added! Price:[ $%s ] Name:[ %s ]",tmp,name);
         SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, szMsg);
any one can fix it?


you can add them manualy through ini files in scriptfiles directory
Hello, this is Robd from the past.
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Regards, management

Terminatorupgrade 2

any idea or you can send us config.ini file for an example


From list.ini
158=223 -810.704467773438 -212.029327392578 6.99906158447266 0 84 84//underground
223=car model
-810.704467773438 -212.029327392578 6.99906158447266=x,y,z coordinates
the // wont be seen in game at all its just so you can identify it in a way you would recognize
just insert the information in that order and you have your car added to the list
From owners.ini
Thats just lets you know who owns the car
im pretty sure u have to have an owner for each id but im not sure
From prices.ini
Same thing as owner.ini
From Share.ini
same as owners :) :) :) :) :) :)

that just about covers cars
ill add something about props when i get a chance
Hello, this is Robd from the past.
If you are seeing this I have either posted something stupid, forgotten something, started a stupid topic, or a combination of the three.

Please forgive us for this mistake.

Regards, management


you must do basicaly the same thing

goto /scriptfiles/properties

for names.ini


for owners.ini


they're all the same in that directory
be sure to match the ids for each property
so if you want a mansion do this

asuming u only have the default chery popers this will be id 2


not 2=cherry popers owner

make sense?

Hello, this is Robd from the past.
If you are seeing this I have either posted something stupid, forgotten something, started a stupid topic, or a combination of the three.

Please forgive us for this mistake.

Regards, management

Terminatorupgrade 2


Just replace the information in <> with what you want. I can't really make it much simpler then that.
Hello, this is Robd from the past.
If you are seeing this I have either posted something stupid, forgotten something, started a stupid topic, or a combination of the three.

Please forgive us for this mistake.

Regards, management