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problem about FBVv0.2 Script

Started by chn batista, February 14, 2009, 06:40:33 AM

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chn batista

ps:1 not such channle is not in the game see it just in mirc not in game!

this is my Script part 1

; ------------------------------------------------------
;  VC:MP Server Configuration File.
; ------------------------------------------------------

; -- Set ListenPort to the port this server will listen on.
; -- Set MaxPlayers to the maximum number of players allowed
; to connect to this server.

MaxPlayers = 30
ListenPort = 5192
ServerName = "new Script"

; Map Type
; -- 1 = Vice-City
; -- 2 = Liberty-City
Map = 1

; -- General password configuration. Set NeedPassword to True
; if the server requires a password to connect.

NeedPassword = false
Password = "none"


AdminPassword =jajaja

; -- Port that the remote console server listens on.

RconPort = 5315

; -- Maximum number of users that can connect to the remote console
; at the same time.

RconMaxUsers = 5

;Log Text To Server
LogServer = true

; Kick Message
KickMessage = "~t~You Have Been ~b~ Kicked From the Server"

; Ban Message
BanMessage = "~t~You Have Been Banned."

; Set Ping level for server
Ping = 1000

; -----------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------

; ---weather settings----------------
; 0 = mostly clear skies
; 1 = overcast
; 2 = rainy-lightning
; 3 = foggy
; 4 = clear skies
; 5 = rainy
; 6 = dark sky partly cloudy
; 7 = light sky partly cloudy
; 8 = overcast partly cloudy
; 9 = grey sky black clouds

; --Set default weather
WeatherDefault = 0-9 ; 0-9 reccomended

; ---time settings-------------------
HourDefault = 12 ; 0-23
MinuteDefault = 30 ; 0-59

; ---TimeRate settings---
; 0 = time stands still in server
; 4 = fastest time rate
; 8 = default setting for slowed time
TimeRate = 8 ; reccomended 8 or higher if not 0

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF Ammunation Settup >>>>>
; Ammunation_Shop = #shop.no #Pos.X #Pos.Y #Pos.Z #camera.angle.x #camera.angle.y #camera.angle.z #camera.pos.x #camera.pos.y #camera.pos.z
; A_Weapon = #shop.no #weapon.pos.x #weapon.pos.y #weapon.pos.z #weapon.1 #weapon.1.Cost #weapon.2 #weapon.2.Cost #weapon.3 #weapon.3.Cost #weapon.4 #weapon.4.Cost

Ammunation = 0 -66.0178 -1481.7504 10.4940 -60.593 -1486.241 12.433 -60.508 -1484.245 12.428
A_Weapon = 0 -60.793 -1488.141 12.24274 278 150 283 220 277 230 276 210
Ammunation = 1 364.1243 1055.6443 19.2101 364.152 1051.163 21.291 364.203 1053.161 21.269
A_Weapon = 1 364.9 1049.5 21.067 269 100 283 195 277 250 288 395
Ammunation = 2 -677.0 1205.6 10.0 -680.155 1203.449 13.171 -679.161 1203.449 13.133
A_Weapon = 2 -681.6 1203.449 12.91 275 150 279 295 277 190 280 325
Ammunation = 3 202.7 -474.1 10.1 203.608 -470.797 14.217 203.616 -471.795 14.284
A_Weapon = 3 203.606 -469.297 13.91 260 50 267 75 269 220 263 95


GameMode = "by [BIF]CHN" ; reserved for future use.
GameModeVersion = 0.2 ; reserved for future use.

; If true, players on the same team will not be able to damage eachother with onfoot weapons.
FriendlyFire = false

; decides how players will be shown on the radar.
; 0 = false do not show players on radar
; 1 = true show all players on radar
; 2 = team show only team members on radar
ShowOnRadar = 1

PlayerPos = -446.6460 -355.2578 6.9927 ; Where the local player model is initially placed
CamPos = -445.6306 -351.7004 6.7 ; Where the camera is situated for class selection
CamLook = -446.6460 -355.2578 6.9947 ; Where the camera is looking for class selection

WorldBounds = 5000.0 -5000.0 5000.0 -5000.0 ; Confine the world to these boundries

Teams = 6 ; Number of teams (use -1 for deathmatch)

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF CLASSES >>>>>
; Class =
; #team (0 = team / -1 = independant) #model_id #spawn_x #spawn_y #spawn_z
; #z_angle #weapon_1 #weapon_1_ammo #weapon_2 #weapon_2_ammo #weapon_3 #weapon_3_ammo
; (use -1 to keep the weapon assignment empty)
; ClassDescription = <name>
; Note Class teams must start at 1 and first ClassDescription must always be Independant
; If Team is Indepenant must not have ClassDescription Defined

ClassDescription = Working_Class

Class = 1 108 345.1462 -1211.6379 11.0712 160.8151 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; ken rosenberg

Class = 1 120 149.2859 -1149.9199 31.3094 153.7441 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; lance
Class = 1 119 375.8360 -484.9672 13.8172 242.4172 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; lancecop

Class = 2 124 -1104.6864 352.4408 11.6364 192.7969 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber trailer
Class = 2 127 -1067.9899 351.0122 11.2630 179.6600 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber 2
Class = 2 129 -1101.7609 287.6475 12.2578 318.7579 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber garage

Class = 3 132 -995.1219 185.1309 12.4340 5.9484 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; cabbie red
Class = 3 133 -1009.4338 186.8296 11.3937 351.5172 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; cabbie blue

Class = 3 140 -1314.2012 166.0502 11.5240 216.3986 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; brownsuit worker
Class = 4 141 -1314.2012 166.0502 11.5240 216.3986 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; bluesuit worker

Class = 4 109 -88.8916 931.7161 10.8450 271.1172 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; candy suxx
Class = 4 121 -77.5237 975.0023 10.9407 246.0641 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; film producer

Class = 5 138 75.0896 1088.3798 18.7597 82.1443 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; thug1prawn1
Class = 5 147 17.4948 1148.1854 23.5272 182.0645 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; thug2prawn2
Class = 5 153 -35.0375 1114.5541 17.0775 260.0494 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; thug3prawn3

Class = 6 149 -524.0222 -305.2146 10.8010 181.4869 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber nomask1
Class = 6 150 -502.3018 -310.4233 10.6640 32.9656 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber nomask2
Class = 6 151 -502.3018 -317.4233 10.6640 32.9656 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber nomask3

Class = 7 156 80.9220 -1456.6185 11.6068 247.7549 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; stripper1
Class = 7 157 72.8170 -1445.6389 11.3123 53.2488 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; stripper2
Class = 7 158 63.9192 -1450.3369 10.5655 353.4679 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; stripper3bigger
Class = 8 142 90.4138 -1453.7081 10.5655 194.6060 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; waitress / maid
Class = 8 116 -246.9812 -1360.8901 8.1130 274.0870 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mercedez1
Class = 8 125 -260.7284 -1214.7253 8.1130 272.8622 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mercedez2

;Class = 9 137 128.7016 -1540.6157 10.8281 22.9021 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; chef
;Class = 9 139 238.0274 -1241.0366 11.9038 257.0663 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; frenchie
Class = 9 148 158.6859 -1516.5957 11.0113 245.4086 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; beach dude

Class = 10 154 294.7973 -298.9298 11.9591 194.9315 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; hick1 spandex
Class = 10 155 305.9129 -299.8355 11.9591 167.1942 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; hick2 spandex

Class = 10 159 -1072.2922 -279.4254 12.0882 270.7565 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; janitor worker

Class = 11 131 -906.5925 800.5430 11.4226 258.7836 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; pizzaguy?

Class = 11 143 428.6750 608.0848 18.7571 26.4515 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan1
Class = 11 144 429.1537 607.4714 12.7161 9.4175 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan2
;Class = 12 145 428.6750 608.0848 18.7571 26.4515 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan3
;Class = 12 146 429.1537 607.4714 12.7161 9.4175 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan4

Class = 12 134 -668.8673 -1251.8209 36.8126 75.4360 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; sailor1
Class = 13 135 -696.7894 -1216.3895 17.7961 206.5361 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; sailor2
Class = 13 136 -609.1616 -1404.1005 26.4293 25.3651 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; sailor3

Class = 13 130 335.5701 -233.9047 29.6466 164.1848 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; agent with glasses

chn batista

this is part 2

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF PICKUPS >>>>>
; Pickup = #Pickup_id #spawn_x #spawn_y #spawn_z

Pickup = 368 -855.5118 -631.2861 11.3756 ; 24-7armor
Pickup = 368 407.7466 -483.1101 12.3432 ;copshoparmor
;Pickup = 280 335.0001 -234.9047 29.6466 ;conssiteTest m4
;Pickup = 289 336.0001 -234.9047 29.6466 ;conssiteTest m60
Pickup = 288 311.0720 -238.6959 38.3752 ;conssite flamethrower
Pickup = 368 266.4264 -249.8750 36.1315 ;conssite armour
Pickup = 366 373.7430 -255.7513 46.0797 ;conssite health
Pickup = 368 341.0047 -230.0483 38.3752 ;conssite armour
Pickup = 288 -990.6908 263.9287 8.8123 ;printunderground flamethrower
Pickup = 278 -988.6908 263.9287 8.8123 ;printunderground stubby
Pickup = 280 -986.6908 263.9287 8.8123 ;printunderground m4
Pickup = 368 -1034.1990 41.1718 11.3544 ; nearpizzagrave armour
Pickup = 368 -1472.9331 -866.6178 20.8979 ; airportarmour
Pickup = 277 -672.05 749.44 10.90
Pickup = 368 -671.05 749.44 10.90
Pickup = 278 -670.05 749.44 10.90
Pickup = 366 -113.2 -975.7 10.4
Pickup = 366 -225.1 -1158.1 9.1
Pickup = 366 456.2 -471.4 16.6
Pickup = 366 377.4 467.7 11.6
Pickup = 366 469.6 697.4 11.7
Pickup = 366 385.3 1210.9 19.4
Pickup = 366 384.3 756.6 11.7
Pickup = 366 10.7 1099.0 16.6
Pickup = 366 85.3 402.7 19.8
Pickup = 366 -711.7 -501.7 11.3
Pickup = 366 -404 -588.0 11.6
Pickup = 366 -406.2503 -566.4947 19.5804
Pickup = 366 -478.1  1438.5 16.1
Pickup = 366 -67  1263.3 25.1
Pickup = 366 -821.8 1144.8 26.1
Pickup = 366 -1139.4 55.4 11.2
Pickup = 366 -1290.9 91.9 26.9
Pickup = 366 -885.4 -483.4  13.1
Pickup = 366 -925.1 -638.3 16.0
Pickup = 366 -692.4 -1283.8 11.1
Pickup = 366 -655.1 -1506.3 8.1
Pickup = 366 -1399.4 -865.9 20.9
Pickup = 366 -822.6 1137.3 12.4
Pickup = 366 -851.4 -78.8 11.5
Pickup = 366 -834.2 740.6 11.3

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF VEHICLES >>>>>
; note: reccomened maximum number of vehicles for stability is 180 - use more at your own risk
; Vehicle =
; #model_id #spawn_x #spawn_y #spawn_z #z_angle #color1 #color2 (use -1 for auto-color from carcols.dat)

Vehicle = 191 338.6310 -237.6571 29.1708 98.9897 0 0 ; consitepcj1
Vehicle = 191 321.2141 -223.5259 35.4006 239.5351 0 0 ; consitepcj2
Vehicle = 191 323.4258 -278.1154 35.4035 5.3742 0 0 ; consthirdrail
Vehicle = 191 -542.1738 792.2469 97.0344 336.3952 0 0 ; officepcj1
Vehicle = 191 -1186.4758 76.4269 10.6504 52.8653 0 0 ; drugwarehousepcj1
Vehicle = 191 101.3112 -1472.5735 9.9521 275.9432 0 0 ; stripperpcj1
Vehicle = 191 100.1139 -1474.9865 9.9556 243.1996 0 0 ; stripperpcj2
Vehicle = 191 97.7001 -1475.9623 9.9563 173.3619 0 0 ; stripperpcj3
Vehicle = 132 91.2412 242.9259 21.4487 127.1787 6 6 ; golfstinger1
Vehicle = 216 -1009.4338 186.8296 11.3937 351.5172 6 76 ; cabbie2
Vehicle = 216 -994.8803 193.2692 11.4204 76.9205 6 76 ; cabbie3
Vehicle = 130 -598.1232 622.5588 11.7840 91.9153 18 74
Vehicle = 223 -631.2451 -1456.9464 5.8690 335.9804 36 13 ; dox1
Vehicle = 223 -624.0446 -1459.0283 5.8552 314.2722 36 13 ; dox2
;Vehicle = 223 -618.1960 -1462.3164 5.9297 303.1112 36 13 ; dox3
;Vehicle = 223 -611.0363 -1464.7899 5.9410 317.4910 36 13 ; dox4
Vehicle = 166 -616.4828 651.4387 10.5640 348.6626 14 75
Vehicle = 166 -611.2023 651.9318 10.5676 333.8794 14 75
Vehicle = 166 -605.1564 652.4683 10.5843 339.8292 14 75
Vehicle = 166 -587.9245 654.5039 10.6044 336.7441 14 75
Vehicle = 166 -582.4528 655.5148 10.5830 327.5977 14 75
Vehicle = 193 -577.7695 650.5206 10.5597 12.5459 84 84
Vehicle = 193 -596.3391 675.9069 10.7617 142.2299 7 7
Vehicle = 156 -665.3930 805.4311 11.0370 179.7041 46 1
Vehicle = 156 -665.3428 783.4216 11.0371 180.0831 46 1
Vehicle = 156 -650.4547 754.2264 11.2033 266.7828 46 1
Vehicle = 156 -639.0520 753.5862 11.2032 266.7841 46 1
Vehicle = 156 -600.3902 807.4341 11.2114 263.8463 46 1
Vehicle = 227 -614.1934 803.9073 29.6660 1.2667 46 1
Vehicle = 210 -784.7332 672.1744 10.8495 89.7786 12 12
Vehicle = 135 -768.0613 665.6818 10.9137 91.5195 2 0
Vehicle = 210 -774.2057 995.6342 10.8461 271.1632 12 12
Vehicle = 159 -752.8378 1003.8906 10.8649 359.9301 3 3
Vehicle = 174 -780.7037 1026.5653 10.9394 88.3382 61 0
Vehicle = 130 -650.2558 920.8828 11.1857 91.0021 18 74
Vehicle = 137 -694.1721 926.0735 11.1955 268.8809 3 1
Vehicle = 137 -751.7783 927.2592 11.2812 56.6550 3 1
Vehicle = 145 -774.4608 977.6279 10.8241 180.5240 36 36
Vehicle = 192 -803.5596 959.3724 10.6343 271.9642 68 78
Vehicle = 192 -715.9547 1065.1605 10.5446 242.0198 68 78
Vehicle = 191 -496.2343 1208.0430 7.0726 151.6175 22 22
Vehicle = 191 -521.5993 838.3251 11.1270 326.8671 3 3
Vehicle = 132 -392.5302 894.8767 10.6133 339.7856 6 6
Vehicle = 132 -528.6176 1203.7877 7.2948 330.5338 10 10
Vehicle = 191 -447.5215 1203.1743 9.2052 270.8528 2 2
Vehicle = 174 -448.7614 1185.0378 9.5395 93.0431 41 0
Vehicle = 149 -594.9833 1346.0950 11.5229 114.8051 47 76
Vehicle = 191 -822.9012 1310.8057 11.1059 159.9270 2 2
Vehicle = 234 -1476.8434 1047.7759 264.1451 217.4100 -1 -1
Vehicle = 234 -1347.2435 1055.6526 264.0510 156.2663 -1 -1
Vehicle = 234 -1279.8364 993.2283 262.8954 90.2378 -1 -1
Vehicle = 234 -1351.7225 934.1428 262.0353 14.6320 -1 -1
Vehicle = 234 -1515.2861 983.0940 263.1325 282.8845 -1 -1
Vehicle = 198 -1346.5970 1448.2627 299.1477 321.8539 46 46
Vehicle = 198 -1311.7345 1446.4861 298.8468 49.8741 46 46
Vehicle = 198 -1323.5178 1439.1461 298.8476 9.8079 53 53
Vehicle = 198 -1296.2511 1458.1401 298.8468 77.2460 53 53
;Vehicle = 198 -1417.2706 1531.3175 299.5493 265.1401 53 53
Vehicle = 198 -1421.0701 1488.8687 302.1499 73.6359 53 53
Vehicle = 217 -1127.0664 1511.9712 11.9682 357.7274 1 42
Vehicle = 173 -985.4117 1344.1613 11.7257 47.3206 93 77
Vehicle = 201 -918.6592 1130.1572 10.9791 129.1441 13 13
Vehicle = 146 -782.4065 1116.9678 10.0661 0.3381 1 3
Vehicle = 146 -771.0571 1154.9764 12.6235 180.7035 1 3
Vehicle = 132 -756.0136 1074.7358 9.2508 91.9495 35 35
Vehicle = 191 96.4878 1090.1553 16.0475 211.5273 48 48
Vehicle = 179 48.7824 1100.7084 17.2732 182.7325 16 74
Vehicle = 179 -4.4181 1147.7140 19.4285 205.1626 16 74
Vehicle = 179 18.5310 1140.2460 19.6552 124.7352 16 74
;Vehicle = 179 -25.4681 1100.8353 15.0815 281.7052 16 74
Vehicle = 190 -142.0661 1022.3298 7.5074 8.5241 1 90
Vehicle = 205 50.4374 1174.9293 20.6586 173.0398 41 29
Vehicle = 205 334.1074 1201.4971 17.1962 268.0051 33 0
Vehicle = 204 395.3799 989.4377 12.1038 245.0027 17 17
Vehicle = 132 287.0439 1037.1035 13.2244 11.1845 33 33
Vehicle = 230 208.6151 1229.4574 17.4755 295.1513 48 65
Vehicle = 230 -1106.8494 292.9714 12.3273 271.9934 48 65
Vehicle = 216 -1002.6074 206.0241 11.4072 174.9314 6 76
Vehicle = 138 -1261.3719 115.7242 12.0178 172.4562 1 75
Vehicle = 205 -1107.2173 -198.0835 11.1751 90.1365 9 39
Vehicle = 158 -920.4551 -306.0597 13.5878 264.1842 4 75
Vehicle = 206 -951.9403 -378.0401 10.9365 276.5116 61 39
Vehicle = 206 -891.4566 -700.5800 10.9547 37.6183 61 39
Vehicle = 236 -863.2736 -666.1580 11.0304 186.4959 3 3
Vehicle = 236 -855.5962 -666.0559 10.9932 183.2121 7 7
Vehicle = 236 -851.5004 -665.6548 10.9740 185.7453 76 76
Vehicle = 236 -845.2188 -675.1938 10.9438 97.3510 6 6
Vehicle = 236 -844.9042 -679.4929 10.9420 98.8294 52 52
Vehicle = 175 -846.8568 -909.4408 10.9547 319.2956 42 42
Vehicle = 141 -973.8217 -831.9473 6.4925 91.7754 11 11
Vehicle = 132 -1017.5047 -861.6166 12.8358 213.0164 6 6
Vehicle = 191 -1015.7603 -859.2327 17.4827 191.6682 22 22
Vehicle = 191 -1019.6179 -858.1592 17.4810 184.1755 2 2
Vehicle = 175 -979.8837 -1169.0863 14.7222 92.2340 53 53
Vehicle = 144 -1008.8375 -1407.3828 11.8616 252.0942 3 3
Vehicle = 191 -697.8029 -1522.6481 12.1532 68.8400 3 3
Vehicle = 226 -731.2047 -1503.1404 11.2021 265.5437 12 1
Vehicle = 226 -720.9149 -1553.4470 12.2698 338.7068 12 1
Vehicle = 226 -696.1869 -1502.0701 11.7049 357.9846 12 1
Vehicle = 217 -686.5530 -1567.7709 12.5295 247.8371 1 57
Vehicle = 223 -588.4979 -1511.8752 5.8423 252.7852 36 13
Vehicle = 223 -583.6869 -1502.5627 5.7980 240.5196 36 13
Vehicle = 136 -389.6123 -1726.2853 6.7915 3.0873 1 1
Vehicle = 136 -397.6457 -1342.7911 6.6525 354.6517 1 1
Vehicle = 223 -374.6611 -659.9583 5.6830 91.7661 36 13
Vehicle = 214 -650.9855 -263.8465 6.7326 306.9479 50 32
Vehicle = 136 -512.7714 -226.5067 6.7797 356.7461 1 1
Vehicle = 136 -535.4413 -227.1720 6.6767 337.7500 1 1
Vehicle = 190 -372.2652 -216.4774 7.3608 295.0877 1 35
Vehicle = 190 604.7895 -1706.5129 7.5829 332.8387 1 60
Vehicle = 190 583.6797 -1760.7828 7.2956 313.2621 1 46
Vehicle = 190 603.4528 -1774.8110 7.4699 205.4766 1 14
Vehicle = 190 -1259.0291 -1414.6964 7.4179 60.5551 1 50
Vehicle = 160 -1199.0627 -1382.2418 5.6341 152.5868 46 1
Vehicle = 160 -1213.4904 -1382.6627 5.5850 151.3750 46 1
Vehicle = 132 -651.9755 -513.1553 10.1559 111.1670 6 6
Vehicle = 132 -355.9834 -530.7414 12.5118 1.3028 61 0
Vehicle = 132 -362.5143 -528.3513 12.5124 2.4941 61 0
Vehicle = 174 -393.3240 -523.2957 12.6169 356.3634 61 0
Vehicle = 174 -398.3515 -520.8174 12.6268 359.5150 61 0
Vehicle = 174 -406.8978 -520.3749 12.6289 3.5854 61 0
Vehicle = 217 -391.8160 -573.8380 40.0296 270.2119 61 0
Vehicle = 156 369.4720 -523.6241 12.1027 319.9711 46 1
Vehicle = 156 352.9126 -509.6271 12.0988 320.7192 46 1
Vehicle = 198 167.0211 -1504.3243 10.6981 195.1150 46 46
Vehicle = 198 161.7691 -1505.6873 10.6334 260.1471 53 53
Vehicle = 198 150.8547 -1525.2775 10.5850 209.5386 3 3
Vehicle = 217 -71.3746 -1606.8180 12.1979 268.9019 1 42
Vehicle = 191 -242.6452 -1347.8843 7.6379 287.6805 2 2
Vehicle = 193 -254.7485 -1231.7388 7.6065 82.8703 84 84
Vehicle = 210 -150.9673 -1427.3008 3.7353 287.1888 12 12
Vehicle = 193 -159.8616 -1352.5422 9.9567 88.3373 84 84
Vehicle = 209 -107.2975 -1204.9932 10.2545 314.1096 15 32
Vehicle = 167 -5.2635 -1231.6711 10.5564 3.0305 75 79
Vehicle = 132 139.5816 -1104.4471 10.1935 87.3026 10 10
Vehicle = 191 125.3515 -1104.8690 9.9718 178.6016 3 3
Vehicle = 209 55.1483 -1077.7474 10.2544 179.0974 15 32
Vehicle = 191 -53.6150 -998.6633 9.9737 92.8012 48 48
Vehicle = 198 -38.4061 -1015.3550 10.0968 359.9808 6 6
Vehicle = 205 -9.5104 -992.9700 10.1978 354.5850 17 1
Vehicle = 230 37.5689 -1003.9778 10.5291 271.4819 48 65
Vehicle = 191 -7.6970 -951.4760 21.2936 2.1346 51 51
Vehicle = 193 -8.3562 -927.7123 21.2671 181.7117 7 7
Vehicle = 146 -118.7073 -922.1487 10.6754 102.6320 1 3
;Vehicle = 146 -117.4189 -931.8056 10.6752 98.3519 1 3
Vehicle = 205 273.2764 -873.0959 9.9347 62.8151 21 1
Vehicle = 132 532.1689 -156.9969 13.3790 97.7350 33 33
Vehicle = 145 475.0922 -42.7295 9.8901 357.9021 36 36
Vehicle = 191 455.0826 -3.7197 10.4825 81.7555 13 13
Vehicle = 174 525.0902 192.1835 14.3481 179.2360 11 0
Vehicle = 174 297.6835 460.3541 9.9776 249.5900 41 0
Vehicle = 136 329.6919 578.8196 6.6500 0.0177 1 1
Vehicle = 132 437.4555 539.0988 11.3912 347.3801 8 8
Vehicle = 146 456.3506 718.7170 11.6164 266.7214 1 3
Vehicle = 156 494.0573 503.6129 11.2556 182.5625 46 1
Vehicle = 156 520.5809 502.5757 10.8520 176.7665 46 1
Vehicle = 156 490.3658 521.4353 11.3487 89.2153 46 1
Vehicle = 132 144.5919 -1148.9771 17.5309 179.2223 6 6
Vehicle = 159 144.2603 -1230.6996 24.3226 0.7343 3 3
Vehicle = 205 128.0492 -1177.0865 31.0443 2.2424 33 0
Vehicle = 191 110.0135 -1148.5236 30.8348 359.9130 3 3
Vehicle = 191 128.8416 -1216.1100 30.8201 359.1587 48 48
Vehicle = 191 -1151.8125 -945.6403 14.3883 272.7182 38 38
Vehicle = 205 -1132.1305 -926.5008 14.6029 270.2141 37 0
Vehicle = 132 -1142.1732 -977.6573 14.6181 91.6233 10 10
Vehicle = 193 -1142.2985 -1027.4420 14.3610 85.6886 84 84
Vehicle = 145 -1152.0118 -1014.8665 14.6410 269.6242 36 36
Vehicle = 218 -1369.5146 -1255.6322 18.1927 36.6048 1 2
Vehicle = 145 -1681.8029 -645.2209 14.6583 359.9387 52 52
Vehicle = 191 -1627.2859 -623.5496 14.4104 171.6752 2 2
Vehicle = 191 -1579.2931 -613.0315 14.3933 359.9059 3 3
Vehicle = 200 -1747.2423 -269.6884 15.1117 267.0928 43 0
Vehicle = 200 -1746.7600 -225.4840 15.1116 267.6391 43 0
Vehicle = 163 -1745.6432 -212.0730 15.2650 269.7901 43 0
Vehicle = 163 -1704.9772 -215.9604 15.2650 179.8797 43 0
Vehicle = 224 -1661.2036 -225.9702 14.8505 83.3181 40 44 ;hunter at armyspawn
Vehicle = 153 -874.2407 -565.3093 11.1761 186.5672 1 56
Vehicle = 147 -758.9777 821.3871 10.9881 180.4261 71 73
Vehicle = 147 -800.3445 820.1251 10.9879 358.3366 71 73
Vehicle = 220 -829.3396 836.5057 11.1657 269.2282 6 6
;Vehicle = 191 -1012.0309 -859.2324 17.4762 182.3877 0 0 ; sunshinepcj
;Vehicle = 191 94.3235 -1475.3534 9.9540 124.7976 0 0 ; stripperpcj4
;Vehicle = 130 -598.6165 618.5028 11.7826 91.7853 18 74
Vehicle = 223 -605.8749 -1466.1476 5.9455 313.0891 36 13 ; dox5
Vehicle = 223 -600.9694 -1468.3768 5.9371 317.1415 36 13 ; dox6
;Vehicle = 223 -592.5016 -1471.7833 5.9794 328.8429 36 13 ; dox7
;Vehicle = 223 -584.8162 -1473.9656 5.9793 317.0912 36 13 ; dox8
;Vehicle = 223 -582.1281 -1478.2181 5.8616 300.1511 36 13 ; dox9
;Vehicle = 223 -585.1076 -1490.0439 5.8000 287.7980 36 13 ; dox10
;Vehicle = 166 -591.1216 654.3730 10.5643 336.9552 14 75
;Vehicle = 191 -525.3995 839.8240 11.1236 328.7421 38 38
;Vehicle = 191 -1116.4395 1265.5247 8.2544 53.1248 48 48
;Vehicle = 179 -25.5849 1120.4008 15.4932 194.3053 16 74
;Vehicle = 205 21.0393 1007.0276 10.6893 347.2635 21 1
;Vehicle = 144 -1057.2069 -278.5889 11.3860 272.6758 67 67
;Vehicle = 144 -869.4409 -119.3127 11.1574 243.6880 69 69
;Vehicle = 144 -963.9122 -373.6888 11.3396 180.9045 91 91
;Vehicle = 226 -712.8604 -1553.9656 12.2736 352.6542 12 1
;Vehicle = 197 490.6163 -465.6109 10.6015 356.1119 58 8
;Vehicle = 197 358.8789 -813.7148 10.6016 157.1385 60 1
;Vehicle = 197 297.8174 -1056.8947 10.6017 353.8745 68 8 ; beachoceanicDELETE
;Vehicle = 197 257.2870 -1189.7031 10.6013 162.0617 2 1 ; beachoceanic2DELETE
;Vehicle = 197 218.5081 -1389.0483 10.6014 166.3660 13 8 ; beachoceani3DELETE
;Vehicle = 197 219.0253 -1445.1526 10.6010 341.3580 22 1 ; beachoceanic4DELETE
;Vehicle = 197 5.8889 -1015.4189 10.1626 359.8840 36 8
;Vehicle = 197 14.8831 -951.4145 21.4730 359.3130 36 8
;Vehicle = 191 153.0231 -1209.5938 30.8359 165.0627 2 2
;Vehicle = 191 -1669.1388 -634.0207 14.4104 359.5978 38 38
;Vehicle = 200 -1746.7196 -240.2867 15.1116 272.7332 43 0
;Vehicle = 147 -770.6566 821.0764 10.9881 0.1415 71 73
;Vehicle = 147 -776.7801 820.0367 10.9877 359.1611 71 73
;Vehicle = 147 -788.3284 820.8813 10.9872 180.4359 71 73
;Vehicle = 220 -829.8462 830.3045 11.1665 271.9634 6 6
;Vehicle = 193 -800.0605 528.5693 10.4214 111.8338 84 84
;Vehicle = 191 -800.1152 523.4738 10.4470 108.7389 22 22
;Vehicle = 230 -824.5656 504.4783 10.9990 270.0162 48 65
;Vehicle = 207 -851.2013 552.4039 10.7816 1.1120 3 3
;Vehicle = 207 -869.1910 579.8416 10.7821 359.7266 2 2
;Vehicle = 145 -833.8428 565.5539 10.7017 178.9620 3 3
;Vehicle = 144 -840.0448 553.3810 10.9954 359.6424 67 67
;Vehicle = 187 97.7394 294.6339 19.0689 347.0227 2 1
;Vehicle = 187 102.0775 294.8427 19.2165 348.7923 5 1
;Vehicle = 187 106.5904 295.8557 19.3699 339.3151 18 1
Vehicle = 191 309.4189 -1691.0006 62.3503 145.5691 3 3
Vehicle = 191 310.2312 -1687.4832 60.7499 53.8976 3 3
Vehicle = 191 439.2719 -1685.1700 117.1364 81.7699 3 3
Vehicle = 191 442.3630 -1689.3522 117.7526 105.5913 3 3
Vehicle = 224 339.0607 -1214.1342 10.7721 297.8638 72 2
Vehicle = 224 338.7892 -1219.6970 10.7722 297.5646 58 80
Vehicle = 224 338.9911 -1224.2838 10.7721 288.2675 51 22
Vehicle = 141 338.6375 -1228.8163 10.6334 281.7996 12 12
Vehicle = 141 338.2385 -1233.9670 10.6333 283.3026 11 11
Vehicle = 141 337.5761 -1239.2332 10.6333 279.6273 2 2
Vehicle = 141 336.9036 -1245.2504 10.6331 284.8876 36 36
Vehicle = 191 334.9019 -1249.8167 10.5951 272.5177 35 35
Vehicle = 191 334.7443 -1251.7588 10.5888 272.9831 22 22
Vehicle = 191 334.5506 -1253.9960 10.5934 273.7272 2 2
Vehicle = 191 334.3735 -1256.6614 10.5934 268.8950 38 38

;Vehicle = 230 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 -1 -1

; -----------------------------------------------

chn batista

this is vars.ini
ummm THE FBS.vehicles 193 what is that??
if my bot name is bot it is wrong??
n1=%rconport 5315
n2=%pass jajaja
n3=%echochan 1
n4=%servername new Script
n5=%limit 30
n6=%botname BOT
n7=%makealias off
n8=%makecars 0
n9=%propcount 0
n10=%cd 0
n11=%FBS.vehicles 193

chn batista

i made it first problum you mirc location don't have any theother language if you have the mirc can't such your config file so say umknow car your mirc location must english or number! X:program fils\mirc (no theother language)
second is each channle problum you must type # then type your server name

thanks all people to help whit my problum thanks ;)