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Messages - YaceQ

General Discussion / Re: Bringing New Life Back To VC:MP
December 30, 2010, 03:55:22 PM
Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 30, 2010, 01:32:38 AM
Don't agree with you Jacek. If there won't be a new release, players will simply leave this MP. Even if there will be a new version, every day passed meanwhile means that some players will leave this MP.
Lolz i've just said it? We need a new version.
People needs changes. Again, 0.1d version. There was a time when only few players played VC-MP, it was June 2006. Littlewhitey was going to close server because almost nobody played, not only in this server, but all VC-MP. Public beta tests of 0.2 have brought new live to all servers. The same was now, with R2. Normal 0.3z, x wasn't so popular.

Quote from: Klaus_Meine on December 30, 2010, 01:41:33 AM
Quote from: YaceQ on December 29, 2010, 10:12:36 PM
Could be, of course. But there is more players playing in servers like XE or UMS than in servers with great scripts.
Well Argonath has some pretty neat scripts and is as well quite populated
Argonath is totally different than all other servers. And ok, its quite popular, but its not as popular as XE or other servers with almost no scripts (comparing to Argonath, A/D etc).

Quote from: Call_me_Dad on December 30, 2010, 03:11:59 PM
I dont think a new version will help much.
When a new player joins VCMP, he doesnt know anything about 0.4, PAWN vs mIRC , new scriptable features etc etc.
He just: either likes it, or does not like it....
So, new version or not....the rate of new players coming to VCMP will be the same.
Im not discouraging the release of 0.4 , it will bring some regulars back. :)
Quote from: Charleyutton on December 30, 2010, 01:50:51 PM
@NC: Can't you see that players aren't leaving, they are coming and coming. The playercount is higher than it's been for over 3 years and it's still growing.

Players have been coming to VC-MP since R2 version was released. Rocket launchers, snipers, headshoots and other new features encourages people to play VC-MP. Before it wasn't so funny as it is now. Be honest, majority of new players wants to fight with these weapons, have fun with headshoots. They dont know glitch, FS. The most powerful weapons (for players who have played SP only) were added in R2 version. Who is fighting with stubby in single player? Almost nobody.
General Discussion / Re: Bringing New Life Back To VC:MP
December 29, 2010, 10:12:36 PM
Quote from: Charleyutton on December 29, 2010, 12:00:11 AM
Quote from: YaceQ on December 28, 2010, 11:06:31 PM
One problem is, that we have nothing to test now :(
Again, I disagree. There are many ways in which VC:MP could be manipulated but isn't.
Could be, of course. But there is more players playing in servers like XE or UMS than in servers with great scripts. Dunno if u remember 0.2 version and this town in sky. There were hundreds of players on this tests. It was smth different than 0.1d. Scripts are ok, its not possible to do everything with them. New versions, progress in VC-MP, it will encourage more players to play this game. Scripts aren't for all server, new version is.
General Discussion / Re: Bringing New Life Back To VC:MP
December 28, 2010, 11:06:31 PM
Its not so easy unfortunatelly... But Charleyutton is right, we've got more players than ever. Now ther is over 80 players playing. Earlier (0.1d, 0.3) almost everybody played on LW, now its different. ~15 players on one server, ~20 on second, ~15 on third, etc. It's not so bad as it seems ;) One problem is, that we have nothing to test now :( I think if players knew that devs are coding and new version will be out sonner or later, there would be more active players. And this forum would be alive.
Support / Re: Can't start Vice City
December 28, 2010, 11:02:26 AM
Hm, do u have ticked option 'Run this with admin rights' (or smth like this, down of the window) in Properties of gta-vc.exe? Right click on gta-vc.exe (do it for this .exe and icon on desktop if u have it) -> Properties -> 3rd tab and last option. Make sure its NOT ticked.
Support / Re: gta-vc.exe crash when I run it with VCMP
December 26, 2010, 11:50:36 PM
Tools -> Settings -> Vice City Installation Location. Try to set your VC dir again.
Support / Re: Where is the vcmp original linux server
December 25, 2010, 11:01:49 PM
Why did u slap me NC? ;((

Lucky_Killer, it shouldn't be a problem to run IRC scripts on this VC-MP Linux server. IRC scripts are not disabled, just pawn is added. And read it http://forum.vicecitymultiplayer.com/index.php?topic=2330.0
Support / Re: Can't start Vice City
November 28, 2010, 03:34:28 PM
On the blue screen there is always error code and name of the file that caused error. Try to get this code/file.
Vice City / Re: Your favorite vice city radio station.
November 28, 2010, 03:31:50 PM
VRock only ;)
or MP3 player.
General Discussion / Re: CREATED NEW SERVER
November 28, 2010, 03:30:59 PM is IP in your home network. 192.168.*.* are reserved for such networks.
You need to get your real IP, try whatismyip.com.
General Discussion / Re: It's back!
November 26, 2010, 04:11:35 PM
Finally ;)
VC:MP Clans / LW Team Tournament
September 02, 2010, 03:25:56 PM
Wanna join team tournament? Just take 3 of your clan mates and sign up on LW Forums http://forum.littlewhiteys.co.uk/index.php/topic,13837.0.html . You don't have much time, till 4 September - Saturday. Hurry UP! $$ for best 3 teams  :D
Public Beta / Re: [Updated] New 0.3z R2 Public Beta
November 20, 2009, 11:43:50 PM
@NC, it is still working for me. No problems with original and VR.

And don't worry about logs. They don't collect them 'for fun'. I'm sure they can read them or have a program for it.
Public Beta / Re: New 0.3z R2 Public Beta
November 20, 2009, 04:36:00 PM
Quote from: [AoD]NC on November 15, 2009, 10:42:15 AM
//Now working. But please patch the Server Browser to work without these thousands errors after closing it :@.
Public Beta / Re: Publicbeta (0.3z)
July 13, 2007, 11:31:03 PM
Ahhh, sorry my mistake. I tried with 0.3x ;)
Public Beta / Re: Publicbeta (0.3z)
July 13, 2007, 09:07:34 PM
No you can't. Frame limiter has to be ON.