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VC-MP World Fighters Union

Started by Only a Dude, March 05, 2010, 09:02:23 PM

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Don't see why thats related?
Anyways, This topic is just plain stupid.


Also, you should credit Thijn for the VCDC S2 text, or link to this site somewhere:
http://vu.vrocker-hosting.eu/index.php?topic=603.0 - Just where you got the text from.


some kind of clan union isn't needed, unbalanced & ridiculous as boss has stated. at that, most clans seem to be bed-buddies anyways, teaming up to hold hands against tagless players etc... VCMP needs something to get the clans fighting and competing, not sucking eachother's dicks some more or teaming on poor nubs / weaker gangs.

I do like the idea and presentation as a "portal" or sorts for competitive VCMP. if someone was to manage a clean and respectable site linking to all the gang forums, and cataloging all major events and happenings, with a few community members able to write news posts and editorials... it would really help things take form... basically all the stuff a community needs that this site/forums doesn't handle...

as it is, these community duties seem to be split between 2 or 3 gangs for their own reasons, it would be nice to actually have a few people dedicated to this sorta thing just to better the community.