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Topics - [R.D]BreaKing

first of all I leave two photos to see that wave with this and if they can help

Pic 1 : http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/2722/dibujoay.jpg
Pic 2 : http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/7964/dibujo1yve.jpg

ok go to my problem

hello good as they are .. I have problems with the new vice city server (server0.3zr2 (pawn) (win) (updated2) the next problem is that I run the commands you get bone I connect to the gus9. 0 is left on my connecting, connecting and never connects me not to wave and also sometimes also when I install the server command is now that I work when I get tells me that is not connected to wave and not see that the image they leave here in the forum when I turn on my server saying that there is a folder called scripts but can not find it and if I mistake not think ahy is that commands are not? would like help with this aver que onda I once had my normal server but with this version everything is a problem and also when yah teno also commands installed on some occasions to change the version and tells me when I enter the server that is not connected and do not know what's up with this and in addition also tells me to jump off switch with this I can not wave riding that wave jumping is not, I apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope to help me with this .. or not if it commands the server has built from yah thank you very much hope help me! Thank!