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0.3z rcon Commands

Started by Falcon, July 22, 2007, 02:59:27 PM

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Hope this helps you scripters out there.

Full list of rcon commands.

kick <id> (explains itself)
ban <id> (explains itself)
banip <ip> (explains itself)
unban <ip> (explains itself)
password <newpassword> (sets password)
maxplayers <newmaxplayers> (sets max player limit)
gethp <id> (outputs players health to [gethp] <id> <health>)
getarmour <id> (outputs players armour to [getarmour] <id> <armour>)
getmoney <id> (outputs players money to [getmoney] <id> <money>)
getloc <id> (outputs players health to [getloc] <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
gethr (outputs current hr to [gethr] <currenthour>)
getmin (outputs current minute to [getmin] <currentminute>)
getweather (outputs current weather to [getweather] <currentweathervalve>)
getspectators (outputs current amount of people in spectator mode to [getspectators] <amount>)

adminchat <text> (Display text in server)
adminmsg <id> <text> (Sends text to id only)
sethr <newhour> (explains itself)
setmin <newminute> (explains itself)
setweather <valve> (Changes weather to new valve)
settimerate <rate> (changes rate time counts)

set 1 <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> <interourid> (sets players position and interour)
set 2 <carid> <health> (sets vehicle health)
set 3 <carid> <status> (sets car door status etc 4 = locked)
set 4 <id> <money> (sets players money)
set 5 <id> <weaponid> (sets players weapons .. note 0 will remove all weapons)
set 6 <id> <state> (sets players control state)
set 7 <id> (removes marker from player)
set 8 <carid> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (sets car location)
set 9 <id> <carid> (put player into car)
set 10 <id> <health> (sets player health)
set 11 <id> <colour> (show player marker and change colour)
set 12 <id> <armour> (set players armour)
set 13 <id> <text> (display text centre .. note this uses std gxt)
set 14 <id> (set player non imune to other players)
set 15 <id> (set player imune to other players)
set 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (set icon and posation)
set 18 <carid> (kils car engine)

newpickup <type> <pos.x> <pos.x> <pos.y> (creates pickup at position and outputs too [newpickup] <pickupid> <type> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
deletepickup <pickupid> (explains itself)
spawnpickup <pickupid> (respawns pickup)
spickupplayer <playerid> <pickupid> (spawns pickup for player only)
do <playerid> <anim> (set players animation)

players (returns this info in order - id,playername,ip,port,playerhealth,playerarmour,coord-x,coord-y,coord-y,carid,currentweapon,currentcarhp,players,currentmoney)



WOW just what i needed thank you falcon! ;D

just a quick question :P

Quoteset 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (set icon and posation)
set 18 <carid> (kils car engine)

is there a set 17? and if so what is it?

Thanks again



Thanks, dude! This'll help us scripters a lot :)


Oh Thanks =D
how to use this in mirc script?


Look into Tommis GUS. You need to understand how it works. It's really hard to exlpain it to someone who doesn't speak english...


Quote from: AdTec_224 on July 22, 2007, 07:18:14 PM
WOW just what i needed thank you falcon! ;D

just a quick question :P

Quoteset 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (set icon and posation)
set 18 <carid> (kils car engine)

is there a set 17? and if so what is it?

Thanks again


set 17 is another marker/icon w/o sphere how ever is alittle buggy so don't recommend you use it.


ok i wont bother using it ;) thanks again for the info



loly finaly ll the commands thnx falcon..




set 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> sets a new icon to the map. Is there any command to delete the icon? I have noticed that rejoining the server deleted it, but if you want to remove the marker while being in the server?

And set 2 <carid> <health>, what are the values for car hp? I have tried almost everything, but all i get is that either the car explodes or hp gets very high (for example 5 674 136 % :( )


Ye i got that also on set car health  :o


Does anyone know that set 2 <carid> <health> thing? I would need that in my script project


Hmm, there lots of rcon commands not working.. like

setcarhp, password, imune, nonimune, icons on map are buggy, remove player marker, show player marker and color, spawn pickup for player only, etc :S


yup, u got to have the cmds in order for them to work  :)
