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mIRC Tutorial No.1 by Windlord

Started by Windlord, September 25, 2008, 03:46:16 PM

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without * because if you put that piece with "hi" you answer the bot ...
in that case:

on *:TEXT:Hi:#: { msg $chan Hi $nick !!! }

the same with bye

on *:TEXT:Bye:#: { msg $chan Bye $nick }

never use  hi* and bye* happen because what i said...

if you want to use the single aop, sop and you, just got to put: if ($ nick isaop $ chan | | $ nick IsOP $ chan | | $ nick == "younickhere")
on *:TEXT:!hop*:#: if ($nick isaop $chan || $nick isop $chan || $nick == Cristian_08) { mode $chan +h $2 }

and if you want to use the vop, hop, sop, aop and you, just change the: ($nick is"mode" $chan) .

if you want to know a little more or if they did not understand either, just leave a post here or tell me in my mirc channel that is #cristian_08



omg wow, i finally understood something about scripting  ;D

Thnxs a uber lot windy, keep em coming 

Also just noticed your the most wanted scripter here, ever1 is like 'ZOMG Windlord halp me plx' 

* j-king thinks this should be pinned