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How to weather?...

Started by Dudu, October 07, 2009, 05:14:31 PM

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Need this script: random weather after 10 minutes.
Anything help me?


err. Which scripts are you using FBS, GUS or WSV?



Try this, I dont remember if 'timer 0' works in mirc Yea it does work

on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.connected:{

;This selects a random weather from 0 to 9
var %rweather = $rand(0,9)

 ;This sets a different weather every 10 mins
.timer 0 600 vcmp.setweather %rweather


on *:DIALOG:vcmp.dialog:sclick:2:{
   ;Kills all the timers
   .timers off


I'm using FBS...  ::) can anyone give me the weather cmd?



D: fbs has the weather cmd

/c sw
December 18, 2007
January 6, 2008


Here's the script I worked on. It's kind of XE's !gw, but for every level and using /c

Command: /c gw <Any number here>
Scripts: Requires FBSV0.2
elseif ($3 == gw) {
   if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must either register or be logged in.
   elseif ($FBS.Level($1, $2) < 1) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You must either register or be logged in.
   elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - Correct Syntax: /c $3
   else {
     vcmp.setweather $1 4
     vcmp.settime $1 12 00
     vcmp.say $1 ** $vcmp.name($1, $2) set good weather!

STATUS: Working


ty forze, but for weather changing every 10 mins? (FBS0.2)




on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.connected:{
 ;This sets a different weather every 10 mins
.timer 0 600 vcmp.chooseweather

alias vcmp.chooseweather
 var %weather = $rand(0,9)
 vcmp.setweather %weather


I haven't done mIRC for a long time so no idea if that works or not.


Here's my attempt  :P

  elseif ($3 == rw) {
    if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must either register or be logged in as Admin Level 5.
    elseif ($FBS.Level($1, $2) < 5) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You must be at least Admin Level 5.
    elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - Correct Syntax: /c $3
    else {
      var %rweather = $rand(0,9)
      set %rw on
      timer 1 1 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 1 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 600 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 600 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 1200 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 1200 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 1800 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 1800 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 2400 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 2400 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 3000 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 3000 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 3600 vcmp.setweather $1 %rweather
      timer 1 3600 vcmp.say $1 ** Weather changed automatically.
      timer 1 3600 vcmp.say $1 ** Random Weather has finished.
      timer 1 3600 set %rw off

This will set a random weather every 10 minutes, after an hour, it will stop.
If you want do activate it do: /c rw

Not tested


^^This will not set the weather randomly.
This will set the weather every 10 mins to thesame weather as it was 10 mins before.


Really?  :o

I thought the var:
      var %rweather = $rand(0,9)
Would set a variable that changes, from 1 to 9  ???


Forze, this will choose a weather id from 0 to 9. But this will choose only once.

It will chose the number 5. And every time the weather will be "changed" to 5 v_v.
Create a new function and then call it :0 [like Force]. Or do like Mattz [if this code isnt tammered ofc :D ].

And btw instead of creating hundreds of timers with message "weather changed" do a "repeat timer" Like timer 5 60 [calling 5 times every 60 secs].


Thank you for your help, I needed it.

Forze: Proud nab (very) scripter  :-[

BTW How is that of calling a variable ":O" ? LOL


good to see Mattz and Force active in the script section ;)