Unban!!!!!!Please :-*
dont u think u should say who banned u and why?
it's sure nobody unban u for no reason :P
he was banned because admins saw multiple hacks on the server,i saw him too using speed hacks...
promise to be a good boy!
rule is rule devian hackers wont get unbanned.
lol thanks for the consolation!
I will not have to use hack!
I hope it is soon unbaned me: P I love UltraMegaServer and promise to have more respect for it! Thanks
Quote from: Devian on March 02, 2009, 06:45:01 PM
I hope it is soon unbaned me
Like Pluisje said: They don't unban hackers like you.
:-[ :-X :-\ :'(
lol Unban this guy? He never more goes to use cheats Right, Devian? :P
TLK.TyranT ;)
Thanks TyranT 8)
if u constand begg for about asking, to get unbanned then the official word is: hackers/cheaters wont get unbanned if they are banned. rule is rule
Quote from: Devian on March 02, 2009, 06:45:01 PM
lol thanks for the consolation!
I will not have to use hack!
I hope it is soon unbaned me: P I love UltraMegaServer and promise to have more respect for it! Thanks
Dont write in yellow please :P
Quote(I am admin too in one old game),but I found a modification which is as good as the whole game! In it you can fly in a car and do many other things,I cheat only for flying - it is very exciting for me
well if u haven't posted those ;D, at least your ban would be considered(well its not possible here) , you gonna stay banned i guess
wow Devian plays in lw now on but he dosen't hack there. im still suspicious that he might hack in lw
Quote from: UJIbU4 on March 22, 2009, 03:55:16 PM
Hello all. I was banned by admin kenwood (maybe not him, I don't remember) 3-5 months ago for one cheat ( I didn't cheat before ). I used only flying in a car and didn't kill anybody... I know the rules, but admins have not even warned me. Those who cheat with serious hacks (which are changing the whole playability of the game and team balance) were not banned when I played just several minutes before I've get my ban. Maybe banning me was from personal hostility for me by admins ( I respect admins (I am admin too in one old game), but maybe I was not quite tolerant to them sometimes (My another nickname - Xavier)). So, I am sorry for my behaviour with admins and other players. I like Vice City, it is a great game, and VC-MP project should be developed for it's end and official release. Unfortunately, not many people plays in VC-MP. I know I wasn't right about these cheats, but I found a modification which is as good as the whole game! In it you can fly in a car and do many other things (VC-MP admins know this Mod and are working with this mod's team :)). I cheat only for flying - it is very exciting for me. But when I found this mod I knew that I don't need cheats to fly further. Please, reconsider my ban or wrote me a PM (also please don't delete this message, as it was before). Thank you for your understanding.
Create your own topic -.-"
People don't even change...