I have recently started to try scripting in pawn and i failed already on the beginning :/. I dont know why, but the camera for looking on spawn and after spawning is simple not working.
I have in the onGameModeInit the functions: SetCameraPos, SetCameraLookAt, SetPlayerPos. The same functions were in the ini and they worked there. Now im stuck on Kaufman Cabs. Even if i spawn, the camera is moving somewhere the spawn pos, but i cant move my ped [i see on the radar that only when im moving my mouse is the angle changing ;c ] and i dont see him even. So whats wrong? I have seen the example script and there are the 3 functions in onGameModeInit too so i guess that i must forgot something in another part of the script. Am i right?
SetPlayerPos doesn't work for spawn screens. Use SetPlayerStartPos instead.
Oh sorry 1 mistake: it is already SetPlayerStartPos.
/me slaps me
So is there any reason why it doesnt work? When compiling there are no errors so syntax must be right...
Server problem/bug. Nothing scripting related.
I have tried the "stunt map" and there the camera was working properly. So why do you think its a server bug? My script is based on a new file, but as i said there are no pawn errors when compiling.
Screen when i spawn. Cant either move, shoot, kill.
Btw. can i use the SetCamera functions when the ped is spawned?