Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => mIRC/pawn Scripting => Topic started by: BCKLUP on March 12, 2010, 11:52:15 AM

Title: Pawn RemovePickup, DestroyCar?
Post by: BCKLUP on March 12, 2010, 11:52:15 AM
Isn't There any of the RemovePickup(removes pickups) function in the VC:MP pawno server?
I need it , i am making a "Lost Pizzabox" mini-game that makes and REMOVES Pickups, please make those functions PLS...  :(
Title: Re: Pawn RemovePickup, DestroyCar?
Post by: thijn on March 12, 2010, 01:53:05 PM
I think it's called DeletePickup

Also, In your title it says Destroy Car too, You can set the vehicles health very low.
Title: Re: Pawn RemovePickup, DestroyCar?
Post by: BCKLUP on March 13, 2010, 01:45:26 AM
I forgot to remove DestroyCar in the title, a friend already told me to just set its health lol(but that works BADLY :P)

EDIT: I had a temporary way of removing them(setting the id to 3 so they will disapear after u picked them.

But i got another problem, Here is the script i made(pizzaboxhunt)
it compiles without errors/warnings but does not make any pickups

On Very Top:
new pizzabox;

On OnPlayerText:

if(strcmp(cmd, "!pizzaboxhunt", true) == 0) {
       new thing = random(15);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW,"A PizzaBox Hunt Mini-Game Started");
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"384.5143, 256.4719 ,19.3605");
if(thing == 1) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,384.5143, 256.4719 ,19.3605);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]The pizza is at a window on a Apartment with a open window");
if(thing == 2) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,419.2660 ,93.2078 ,11.3063);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]The pizza Was reported Left From where it was before");
if(thing == 3) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,414.9581, 1085.3802 ,18.7859);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]The pizza is Lost at the mall!");
if(thing == 4) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,-553.8390, -402.8251, 11.3168);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]A game producer Claims he left it at his pool shaped like his Game corp. Trademark");
if(thing == 5) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,-1309.0585, 165.6544 ,11.5256);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]The rich Entrepenuerer Tommy V. Claims he left it at the junkyard while saving a friend");
if(thing == 6) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,-484.7639 ,1135.8655 ,65.4701);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]A Rabit Claims he put it near his EGG");
if(thing == 7) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,-29.8756 ,1012.3131 ,12.8006);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Candy Suxx Says she left it where he was shooting her movie called Appollo Suxx");
if(thing == 8) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,85.7579 ,1122.6744 ,17.6771);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Mr.Victor V. Claims his brother left it at Prawn Island");
if(thing == 9) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,428.4260, 606.2814 ,12.7099);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Witnesses claim it was Spotted on a Mansion near North Point Mall");
if(thing == 10) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,516.1821, 505.2309 ,11.1907);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Local Cops reported a Criminal Left it before getting jailed");
if(thing == 11) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,-1293.9908, -1289.1542, 21.3892);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]A Stunter Claims he lost it while Airport Stunting");
if(thing == 12) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,320.7324, 23.2309, 10.8043);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]A Construction worker claims he saw it on a Village near the building he was working on");
if(thing == 13) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,70.0546, -501.4800, 13.6888);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Sir.[MSc]SysRq claims he say someone ate it while he was PEEING");
if(thing == 14) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,71.0228, -1443.3428, 10.5656);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Local Stripper says she saw a Costumer Eating it");
if(thing == 15) {
  pizzabox = AddStaticPickup(1,510,36.8530, -1088.4978, 10.4633);
  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"[Hint]Gas Station owner claims someone reported him a Pizzabox Dropped");

I have set the ID to 1 because 3 doesn't work But 1 doesn't work too, I'm pretty sure the Pickup model is correct so as the ID, but it doesn't work even if i switch their places, The coordinates work but no pickups spawn

Thank you if you ever solved it,
BTW, DON'T steal the script :P
Title: Re: Pawn RemovePickup, DestroyCar?
Post by: Jancis_LV on March 13, 2010, 08:41:06 AM
AddStaticPickup can't be used to add pickups except OnGameModeInit
Title: Re: Pawn RemovePickup, DestroyCar?
Post by: BCKLUP on March 13, 2010, 10:10:12 AM
Quote from: Jancis_LV on March 13, 2010, 08:41:06 AM
AddStaticPickup can't be used to add pickups except OnGameModeInit

Ohh.. That explains it :P, now i need CreatePickup for the job? :(
Title: Re: Pawn RemovePickup, DestroyCar?
Post by: thijn on March 13, 2010, 12:54:26 PM
I think you do yes.