I think that all of us are thinking about 0.4V right ???
we think about WHAT will happen with the old scripts , set in v [0.3zr2] :-\
The new version is comming very soon .... so some script servers have to be re-build for adapting in v0.4 i think..
I have some info about scirpt that will support V. 0.4 . PAWNO AND SQUIRREL 8)
BUT! there's a rumor about mIRC will be "extinguished" on vcmp scripting...
Now i was adapting my server in psyQLitte , but when i listen that mirc will desapear , I didn't know what to do :-[
Please if we know what will happen share here :D THAKS :)
Quote from: StriKe on April 13, 2011, 04:59:47 PM
Future version will have support for mIRC/Squirrel/Pawno
Speaking of mIRC. Will new rcon functions be implemented in the server or will they need to be scripted with OnRconCommand()? And what about the dlls, will they be updated or will a source code be given to edit them?
Quote from: Skirmant on April 15, 2011, 06:16:29 AM
Speaking of mIRC. Will new rcon functions be implemented in the server or will they need to be scripted with OnRconCommand()? And what about the dlls, will they be updated or will a source code be given to edit them?
If you mean the mIRC dlls, I guess if they support mIRC they will update the DLL too :P
i don't know about mirc , that will desapear.. but WHEN will be this new version avaliable ?? and what about the new functions on pwn and squirrel ???????