First a bit of information about my computer
Pentium 4 1.6ghz
1gb of RAM
Nvidia FX5200
Windows Server 2003 SP1
I am running VCMP 0.3z
While playing on a server, it would be allright for a while then the picture will freeze, the desktop appears and I have error codes displayed by VCMP.
After Vice city crashes, I am unable to launch vice city again, not any other game also. Also I am not able to change my resolution on the desktop, even though its currently at 1024 x 768 it says 640 x 480 and I am unable to move the slider. I have tried later drivers but with the new drivers I cant play gta vice city, I get an bluescreen, with an error with nv4_mini.sys
I began instaling earlier versions until I found one that works. The latest driver that I can play vice city with is 81.95, it launches and plays but in VCMP I get that crash, I am not able to launch vice city or any games until i restart my computer.
I dont know if its a probem with my computer or with VCMP as it always happens.
Here is the error code I got last time it crashed :
Exception At Address: 0x0067C8FB
EAX: 0x0449029C EBX: 0x00000000 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x0449101C
ESI: 0x01687DFC EDI: 0x04490290 EBP: 0x00000000 ESP: 0x0012FBCC
EFLAGS: 0x00210206
Note:Please correct me if im wrong,as im not a vcmp developer or havent been in vcmp enough time.
We all get that error while playing,although it seems easyer for ones to "close it".In my case,when screen freezes,i press "Space" and my desktop pops up,and that error report comes up,i press "Ok" and after few seconds another screen pops up,"Vice city crash message",i click on "close" and thatss it for me,i can rejoin.
In your case if you cant,Try Control + Alt + Del,go to process and "kill" gta-vc.exe and/or vc-mp.exe
the vcmp and gta-vc proccesses are allready ended after the crash. At this point I cannot open vice city or any game.
Makes me think its something related to my drivers, or maybe its just a bug in vcmp I'm not sure thats what I'm confused about.
Well i dont know what to tell you,see if anybody else replies,i havent been round vcmp for that long so i dont know many many things.good luck mate.
Not sure if your the Dairyman i know from Australia or not either way i'll help :P.
Sounds like one of two things
1: Direct X has bug (I'd do a scan on it)
2: Video drivers as you suspected ..
Question,,, does it only happen with vc or other games also ???
Yes Falcon thats me Dairyman back from the old times when MTA was around ;)
Nice to see your still around man.
Fixed the problem with the NV4_Mini.sys. It seems that Terminal Server had a conflict with the newer nvidia drivers. Only solution was to uninstall Terminal Server.
But I still get the crashes in VCMP now. I dont know if VCMP crashes that much or if its my computer. I get a crash every 15 minutes into gameplay around about.
Thing is after vice city crashes and error codes are given by VCMP, Afer I close the error window I get another window saying "refferenced memory could not be read"
Now im not sure if its a problem with VCMP or my computer. I get those refferenced memory errors with other programs too. I get it everytime after vice city crashes when playing online. Like I said after Vice City crashes I close the error window from VCMP and then I get a window saying "refferenced memory could not be read"
Its not a problem with my RAM i've tried many different sticks and ran Memtest.
I've tried replacing IDE Cables and Cleaning dust from CPU heatsink.
Dont think its a problem with my video card overheating as it never happens when I play Vice city single player.
So now im not sure if VCMP is crashing because it has a bug or a problem with my computer.
UPDATE : It seems that everytime I exit Vice City when playing online I get the "refferenced memory could not be read/written" error, not only when VCMP crashes But I get it even if VCMP does not crash, I get that error everytime I manually exit Vice City.
As for the VCMP Crashes I get I'm still not sure if its a problem with VCMP or my Computer, as it happens very often, everytime I play.
Should always use /q to exit vcmp :).
vcmp still does have some crashes :(, but every 15min would be rare.
0.4 isn't to far away hope it works better for you.......