As requested by 'punjabi_goli' i made 2 commands for him. !plantbomb and !defusebomb. He said that he will get the skin commands done himself and restart round commands heres the script with 2 cmds. note: not tested. based on general use scripts by tommis. I have made this type of script first time so maybe minor bugs in it.
elseif ($2 == !placebomb) {
if ($ != terrorist) vcmp.msg %id Error - Only terrorists can use this command
elseif (bombsite !isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Error - You are not at any bombsite
elseif ($vcmp.bomb(%name) != 1) vcmp.msg %id Error - You do not have the C4..
else {
vcmp.say %name has planted the bomb at $vcmp.area(%id)
!writeini -n vcmp.bomb.ini PLANTED check yes
.timer 1 1 /vcmp.bombplantannounce %id %name
.timer 1 120 /vcmp.blastit %id %name
elseif ($2 == !defusebomb) {
if ($ != counter-terrorist) vcmp.msg %id Error - Only CT can use this command
elseif ($readini(vcmp.bomb.ini,PLANTED,check) != yes) vcmp.msg %id Error - Bomb isnt planted!
elseif (bombsite !isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Error - you are not at bombsite!
elseif ($readini(vcmp.bomb.ini,DEFUSING,defusing) == yes) vcmp.msg %id Bomb is already being defused!
else {
.timer 1 1 !writeini -n vcmp.bomb.ini DEFUSING defusing yes
.timer 1 1 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 10 $+ %
.timer 1 3 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 20 $+ %
.timer 1 6 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 30 $+ %
.timer 1 9 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 40 $+ %
.timer 1 12 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 50 $+ %
.timer 1 15 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 60 $+ %
.timer 1 18 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 70 $+ %
.timer 1 21 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 80 $+ %
.timer 1 24 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 90 $+ %
.timer 1 27 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) !writeini -n vcmp.bomb.ini DEFUSE defused yes
.timer 1 27 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.msg %id Defusing 100 $+ %
.timer 1 27 $iif(bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%id)) vcmp.say Bomb has been defused!!
alias vcmp.bombplantannounce {
var %a = 0
while (%a <= 20) {
if ($readini(vcmp.bomb.ini,PLANTED,check) == yes) vcmp.announce %a BOMB HAS BEEN PLANTED
!inc %a
alias vcmp.blastit {
var %a = 0
while (%a <= 20) {
if ($readini(vcmp.bomb.ini,DEFUSE,defused) != yes) {
if (bombsite isin $vcmp.area(%a)) {
vcmp.sethp %a 0
vcmp.announce %a TERRORIST WIN
!inc %a
1] Rename the desired bombsite area in to bombsite
2] put the code in general use script, in proper places..
xD 2 cmd
Quote from: Cristian on October 14, 2008, 08:06:22 PM
xD 2 cmd
Punjabi only asked those -_- i said im making more but he declined the offer...
Harpreet Singh: what?
Omi The Great: u said rimal is going to script in forum
Harpreet Singh: no
Harpreet Singh: he is just config editor
Harpreet Singh: not scripter
Harpreet Singh: hey
Harpreet Singh: when u will complete the script
Harpreet Singh: sorry
Harpreet Singh: two commands
Omi The Great: well 2 cmds only for whole serv ? -.-
Harpreet Singh: no
Harpreet Singh: other i will make it myself
Omi The Great: !restartround
Harpreet Singh: i just want that two
kool :P
omg, omg, omg!!!! yee cs i love that game and now in vc! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thx!! omg this is the best script i have seen ever I could launch a sever with these 2 cmds onlyyy!!! yeeee
Lol chezor u make someone crazy.. ;D
yay! i am crazy 8) thx for the script
Maybe !buywep command will be usefully...
Also do a !teamchange, /c tt (Team Talk)
Quote from: j-king on October 27, 2008, 12:57:59 PM
Also do a !teamchange, /c tt (Team Talk)
\chat = team talk
Counter-Strike is Good :o
is this for gus10.0? please reply ;D