Hey Nice Work dude..
Amenine / HaLLoWeen
Amenine / HaLLoWeen
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Show posts Menuelseif ($2 == goto) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!goto,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Correct Syntax: $2 <name>
elseif (%a == -1) vcmp.msg %id Error - Absent ID/Name
elseif ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name(%a)) == off ) vcmp.say $vcmp.name(%a) $+ 's goto is currently disabled.
elseif ($vcmp.cost(%b) > $vcmp.cash(%b)) vcmp.msg %id Error - You need atleast $ $+ $bytes($vcmp.cost(%b),b) to use this command
else {
vcmp.cash- %b $vcmp.cost(%b)
vcmp.setcont %a 0
vcmp.msg %id [Transferring]: $chr(91) %name $chr(93) $+ , [To]: $chr(91) $vcmp.name(%a) $chr(93)
.timer 1 1 vcmp.announce %id Teleporting.
.timer 1 2 vcmp.announce %id Teleporting..
.timer 1 3 vcmp.goto %b %a
.timer 1 3 vcmp.setcont %a 1
elseif ($2 == nogoto) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!goto,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Correct Syntax: /c nogoto <on/off?
elseif ($3 == $chr(79)) vcmp.msg %id Absent parameter on/off
elseif ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name(%a)) == off ) vcmp.say $vcmp.name(%a) $+ 's has /c nogoto on.
elseif ($3 == on) {
if ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name(%id)) == off ) vcmp.msg $vcmp.name(%id) - your goto is already disabled.
else {
vcmp.msg %id NoGoto - Old Setting:Off , New Setting:On
vcmp.msg %id All players cannot teleport to you now
!hadd -m gotooff $vcmp.name(%id) off
elseif ($3 == off) {
if ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name(%id)) != off ) vcmp.msg %id your goto is already enabled.
else {
vcmp.msg %id NoGoto - Old Setting:On , New Setting:Off
vcmp.msg %id All players can teleport to you now
!hdel gotooff $vcmp.name(%id)
elseif ($3 == goto) {
if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must either register or be logged in as Admin Level 2.
elseif ($FBS.Level($1, $2) < 2) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You need to be at least level 2 to use this command.
elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - Correct Syntax: /c $3 <Nick/ ID>
elseif ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name( $1, $2 )) == off ) vcmp.say $1 $vcmp.name( $1, $2 ) $+ 's goto is currently disabled.
elseif ($vcmp.getid($1, $4) == 255) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error: Invalid Nick-Name
elseif ($FBS.rwarstatus($FBS.ID($4)) == 1) vcmp.msg $1 $2 This person is taking part in the roof fighters mingame, wait until the round is over.
else {
vcmp.say $1 ** Sending:[ $vcmp.name($1, $2) $chr(93) to:[ $vcmp.name($1, $FBS.ID($4)) $chr(93)
vcmp.msg $1 $2 District:[ $+ $vcmp.area($1, $FBS.ID($4)) $+ $chr(93)
vcmp.setlocation $1 $2 $calc($vcmp.location($1, $FBS.ID($4)).x + 2) $vcmp.location($1, $FBS.ID($4)).y $calc($vcmp.location($1, $FBS.ID($4)).z - 1.12)
elseif ($3 == nogoto) {
if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must either register or be logged in as Admin Level 2.
elseif ($FBS.Level($1, $2) < 2) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You need to be at least level 2 to use this command.
elseif ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name( $1, $2 )) == off ) vcmp.say $1 $vcmp.name( $1, $2 ) $+ 's has /c nogoto on.
elseif ($4 == on) {
if ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name( $1, $2 )) == off ) vcmp.msg $1 $vcmp.name( $1, $2 ) - your goto is already disabled.
else {
vcmp.msg $1 $2 NoGoto - Old Setting:Off , New Setting:On
vcmp.msg $1 $2 All players cannot teleport to you now
!hadd -m gotooff $vcmp.name( $1, $2 ) off
elseif ($4 == off) {
if ($hget(gotooff,$vcmp.name( $1, $2 )) != off ) vcmp.msg $1 your goto is already enabled.
else {
vcmp.msg $1 $2 NoGoto - Old Setting:On , New Setting:Off
vcmp.msg $1 $2 All players can teleport to you now
!hdel gotooff $vcmp.name( $1, $2 )
elseif (jail* iswm $3) {
if ($WSV.pconnected($4)) {
if ($5) {
if $WSV.levels($2) >= $WSV.levels($4) {
WSV.cmdlevelcheck3 $1-
WSV.say Admin $WSV.name($2) Jailed player: $chr(91) $WSV.name($4) $chr(93) For: $chr(91) $5- $chr(93) seconds.
WSV.setlocation $WSV.id($4) 381.6198 -504.7959 9.3956
WSV.setweapon $WSV.id($4) 0 1
WSV.announce $WSV.id($4) You are ~o~jailed! ~u~for $5- seconds
WSV.setcontrols $WSV.id($4) 0
!.timer 1 $5- /WSV.setcontrols $WSV.id($4) 1
!.timer 1 $5- /WSV.announce $WSV.id($4) Jailing over! you can go now
else WSV.msg $2 You can't jail someone who has higher level than you.
else WSV.msg $2 Please set the jailing time.
else WSV.msg $2 Player unavailable!
Quote from: thijn on March 02, 2009, 03:57:56 PMYup Thijn is right ,its $1...
If this is GUS with the old DLL, It's $1
if ($len($3) < 3) || ($left($3,1) isnum) || ($chr(35) isin $3) || ($chr(36) isin $3) || ($chr(37) isin $3) || ($3 == none) {
vcmp.say *** $3 has been auto-kicked. [Invalid Nick]
vcmp.announce %id ~y~Please change your nick-name..
.timer 1 2 /vcmp.kick %id
alias vcmp.before.findskin {
;$1 == ID
;$2 == NAME
timer -m 1 1000 vcmp.findskin $1-
alias vcmp.findskin {
;$1 == ID
;$2 == NAME
if (Biker1 isin $vcmp.area($1)) {
!writeini -n vcmp.skin.ini SKINS $1 Biker-Boy
vcmp.msg $1 You spawned as a Biker-Boy.
elseif (Biker2 isin $vcmp.area($1)) {
!writeini -n vcmp.skin.ini SKINS $1 Biker-Buddy
vcmp.msg $1 You spawned as a Biker-Buddy.
elseif (Biker isin $vcmp.area($1)) {
!writeini -n vcmp.skin.ini SKINS $1 Biker
vcmp.msg $1 You spawned as a Biker.
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.spawn:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
timer -m 1 500 vcmp.before.findskin %id %name