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Show posts Menu if ($len($3) < 3) || ($left($3,1) isnum) || ($chr(35) isin $3) || ($chr(36) isin $3) || ($chr(37) isin $3) || ($3 == none) {
vcmp.say *** $3 has been auto-kicked. [Invalid Nick]
vcmp.announce %id ~y~Please change your nick-name..
.timer 1 2 /vcmp.kick %id
elseif ($2 == !getlicense) {
if (Sunshine-Autos !isin $vcmp.area(%b)) vcmp.msg %id Error - You have to be at the Sunshine Autos!
elseif ($vcmp.cost(%b) > $ vcmp.msg %id Error - You need atleast $ $+ $bytes($vcmp.cost(%b),b) to use this command
else {
.timer 1 1 vcmp.setcont %id 0
.timer 1 1 vcmp.announce %id ~y~Please wait..
.timer 1 2 %b $vcmp.cost(%b)
!writeini -n vcmp.license.ini LICENSE %name yes
.timer 1 3 vcmp.msg $2 You can now drive vehicles...
.timer 1 3 vcmp.announce %id ~y~Got a License!
.timer 1 3 vcmp.setcont %id 1
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.enter:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
var %Entertype = $4
if ( %EnterType == 16) vcmp.msg %id Entered Vehicle as a driver..
if ($readini(vcmp.license.ini,LICENSE,%name) == yes) {
vcmp.msg %id You can drive vehicle,you have driving license..
else vcmp.msg %id You dont got driving license..
vcmp.setlocation %id $vcmp.location(%id)
elseif ($2 == !danger) {
var %a = 0,%c = -100
while (%aa <= %MaxPlayers) {
if ((%ratio > %c) var %b = $,%c = %ratio
elseif ((%ratio == %c) {
if ($vcmp.kills(%b) > $vcmp.kills(%a)) { }
elseif ($vcmp.kills(%b) < $vcmp.kills(%a)) var %b = $,%c = %ratio
!inc %aa
if (%b) vcmp.say == %b is the most dangerous player with a ratio of %c
else { }