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Topics - [AoD]NC

Last days I have uploaded new videos at youtube, showing that VC has still many things, that won't get boring so fast!

Here a few that might interest you.

Changing special car attributes like Voodoo hydraulics and binding it to another vehicle :o.

That's also nice. Every car can get a Taxi Boost bonus.

See more, much more... Increasing draw distance, even if VC doesn't allow more.

And a small bonus... The real kye-man form SAMP playing VCMP :D! Nothing interesting in the video, but it's some kind of a prove, that he didn't forgot about his old project ;).

Videos and Screenshots / Custom sounds in VCMP
February 21, 2011, 03:20:56 PM
Here is the surprise :).


No one discovered that for so many years? Huh, cool, I'm the first then :>.

In fact it is a bit difficult to make it, but if you want to have more fun while playing, you will do everyting ;).

Happy guessing how I made it :P.

The question is simple. There are so many servers on the "Internet" tab, many more are no longer online, but the question is, which Operating System was used to host them?

This poll is for everyone who hosted or bought a server! If you don't know which OS was used for hosting your server, please ask the server admin. EVERY VOTE is important!

Windows the server was 24/7 online and hosted on a Windows machine
Linux 24/7 online on a Linux system
I host games only over LAN/Hamachi/for short time/etc. if you hosted servers, but not 24/7, only for a short time, select this
Haven't hosted servers yet no experience with hosting

Please vote right now or ask the server hoster about the OS. The poll won't expire and you can change your vote.

Awesome NC

* [AoD]NC votes Linux because he has 3-4 times a server and every was hosted on a Linux

Feel free to comment.
Videos and Screenshots / Pay n Sprays in VCMP
February 10, 2011, 09:03:54 PM
My next movie after a long time, so you will note that it's not the best I have ever created :).

It shows, that Pay n Sprays are available in VCMP (leftover from 0.2?).



Watch also my other movies ;).
Vice City / VC hidden graphic function!
August 14, 2010, 10:03:38 PM
There is a hidden graphic function in VC. It is known for a few years for now... But I would like to know how many of you have heard about this or tried it even out?

Just compare the 2 screens:

You see this...

But you could see that!

The only what you need is to activate a hidden option in VC... How to do that?
Polish tutorial: http://murzyn.heliohost.org/blog/index.php?itemid=51
German tutorial: http://murzyn.heliohost.org/ghetto_mod/motionblur_vc.rar

The effect is called "Trails". It makes the game colors more lively and adds blur. Just something between VCS and SA :).

Btw. notice also the weather colors. It is not set by an id like in vcmp, but by a special code (called opcode), that was used in VC only in 2 missions ;o. But it looks awesome :).

Remember to vote!
Videos and Screenshots / Shooting RC Baron!
August 05, 2010, 10:26:49 PM
As we know (or not) there is a RC toy Baron, that can flies. In SA we can shoot with him (or at least in MTA:SA), but in VC not. I have made a small scm script that adds this feature to VC.

Here you can see the vid, better to watch in 480p:

For players from Germany: ihr muesst durch http://www.hidemyass.com/ das video ansehen, weil es in Deutschland geblockt is, keine Idee warum :(.

There are a few bugs with I can't fix:
-shoots a little bit too slow
-can be difficult to shoot other :p
-the "gun" that shoots is under the Baron, so if you don't fly, it won't shoot

Maybe maxorator could hax it :).

Btw. it does so much damage like a Sea Sparrow :).

My last uploaded videos posted at my blog:

My YT channel:
A silly video, but maybe some of you didnt know this :p


Also watch my other vidz :>
Videos and Screenshots / BOOMy vehicle HP bug
March 30, 2010, 12:36:21 PM

I was just testing an "old-new" command for SF Server [soon btw :p]. It blows every vehicle, that explodes and respawns. The same command worked perfectly on R1. But now its working very strange.

Watch the vid. I have just one time typed the command [first two mini-movies], the vehicles that were near me exploded, but others-not. Only if i was near them, then they explode. As i said, didnt happend on R1.

Well it looks funny [especially last scene], but IMO it can cause a big deeeeeeesync for players :<. And thats bad for VCMP.

A few minutes before i wanted to play again VCMP after a one-two weeks break. I have opened vcmp.exe, selected a server, "connect". At this moment, VCMP runs gta-vc.exe's engine and connects to a server. But not for me. Everything worked really good before, but now at gta-vc starts, the game is minimized. So okay, i click it to restore it. It looks like restoring, but hell its minimizing again. I click 10 times at it on the taskbar and finally its restoring back...

As i said this bug was not present before. Polonez said me that the same happens for him. I have tried to run only gta-vc.exe [singleplayer] and it works, so it must be a VCMP bug.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / PAWN: Camera problems
February 24, 2010, 03:41:11 PM
I have recently started to try scripting in pawn and i failed already on the beginning :/. I dont know why, but the camera for looking on spawn and after spawning is simple not working.

I have in the onGameModeInit the functions: SetCameraPos, SetCameraLookAt, SetPlayerPos. The same functions were in the ini and they worked there. Now im stuck on Kaufman Cabs. Even if i spawn, the camera is moving somewhere the spawn pos, but i cant move my ped [i see on the radar that only when im moving my mouse is the angle changing ;c ] and i dont see him even. So whats wrong? I have seen the example script and there are the 3 functions in onGameModeInit too so i guess that i must forgot something in another part of the script. Am i right?
Support / Server browser dont start
July 26, 2009, 09:37:04 PM
Well, i dont played VCMP for a week, now running vc-mp.exe. And... nothing happened. :O

Even no "where is LC mod" msg, that was every time before. Tried to reinstall vcmp, still the same. I have for test downloaded VCMP fixed [0.3x?] and the server browser started :O. But after installing the latest 0.3z again vcmp wont start... :(

Some ideas? Ah an dont say about "reinstalling vc", i dont have so much time :P.
Hi ;). Im ill, but i need to have information's about something :).

1. Ranks
I want to make something like this, if u type f.e. !top the script will show the 3 best players, that killed the most other players :P.
The numbers of killed players r written in the file vcmp.stats.ini and looks like this:

2. Recognizing TeamID
Every player is in a team, and every team has a color like red or yellow. But is it possible that the script will recognize the Player's TeamID and do actions?
Like if a players has spawned with Team Color ID f.e. 11, he will be killed, and if someone will spawn as Team Color ID 10, he will be teleported to a location. Would this be possible?

3. Flying in-game
I know, it's a vcmp bug. U are going and then u fly in the air and can't stop. But can scripts do this too? In the last time i saw, that on my test server, where are other players testing the scripts, most of them after some time are flying in the air. Im too, but not so often ;p.

Thxx for any post here  :P
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Makers...
March 04, 2009, 03:03:28 PM
Hi  ;)
Ok, here I gotta 3 questions about VCMP markers.

1. Deleting a marker
Let's say I've created a marker
vcmp.setmarker $1 9 361.73 -513.53 1.32
[it's bellow the terrain so ppl can't see it, but it's only for the icon on the hud ;) ]

And how to delete it now? I've tried with
vcmp.removemarker $1


vcmp.removemarker $1 9

And this...

vcmp.removemarker $1 9 361.73 -513.53 1.32

I dont know how to delete this marker now  ::) . No one of this works.

2. Action with markers
I want to do smthnig like, if u enter the marker, it will do an action f.e. display a text. How to do this?

3. Markers=crash, lag?
The markers are shown only if u are logged or u login. Let's say 20 ppl join the server. And if everyone log-in, the script will make 20 markers? And is it possible, that so many markers could crash players or the server?

Thx for help  :D
[my 1st post here  8) ]