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Topics - dave5

Today, 12/7/07, at around 1900 Hours Eastern we had a huge party at UMS. I might be lying and some of you guys might complain, but I would say I remember Strider and I had some "idea." We would invite friends (mostly people we knew) to a Malibu party. That was it, just us 2 or 4 guys in the Malibu, nothing special, just a get together.

We screwed up.

It turns out the other players that were listening in on our "party." So instead, half the server, about 6-8 showed up at the Malibu for the party. We ended up having to hire swatt911 as security with his M60 just to make sure everything went well. It did, then Stylianou decided to mess around and M60 some the guys. "I'm the party pooper," he says. Well that costed him about 6 minutes of dodging retaliation M60 shots until he finally decided, "I'm a changed man."

Nothing much happened in the Malibu, we "bought" drinks and jubileu2 and I gave out !medicine. Finally I got bored and declared the cops came so I told everyone to /handsup. After that we all /aim at the door, in case the "cops" came in.

If you are used to the general fighting outside the hotel, it won't be much different, some guys including logiteck, forgot who and didn't take pics, came and war broke out between EVERYONE. Strider declared PIZZA PLACE and we all started over from there.

Didn't even last 5 minutes. The guys came again and more war broke out. Once More.

Strider called for a mall orgy so we all "raced" to mall and I "won."
We sold coffee, Lovefist T-Shirts, rode escalators, played tag for one minute, then the good part, we had a LMAOROFL chainsaw orgy. Imagine 6 dudes, trying to chainsaw each other like a bunch of idiots. Then I declared war and we all started shooting each other, til the newbs died and decided spawn was too far. Friggin Tommys.

Strider wanted to RPG a bank rob which didn't go so well. I ended up crashing in between so nothing else to add. We decided to drop soap and chainsaw fight in the Washington Police Station's showers. Unfortunately swatt911 went insane and started shooting EVERYONE. So the party went to a bomb drop afterwards, it was reduced to me, strider, Pluisje, and jubileu2 to keep it alive. I came up with a plan...

We would chainsaw fight again, but this time, in front of the hotel!! This was the end of the party. swatt911 was still war frenzy so we started to chainsaw him, all of us. Then we manhunted him and during that, we realized the fun was over.

Boohoo, good things always come to an end, but the good thing is that we had fun and we could look back on it.

I'd like to thank...
Strider2, for his cooperation through this entire event, and keeping his cool even though everyone kept shooting. "ZOMG"
Pluisje, he helped keep the party alive silently, during Malibu, but he helped ALOT during the chainsaw chase.
jubileu2, for giving all the medicine (trying to keep the party alive at the end)
Stylianou, for keeping his cool while everyone tried to kill him, and helping clean up the bad guys.
vice, I don't even know why, but I'm sure the party was 1 person funner with him
and jchu, funny guy lol

Files, about 5MB at

Note, no deleted scenes, so some useless pictures may lie around them.

Edit: It's in 7zip format for a reason, 7zip is free, so no "PLEASE REGISTER" crap, it also says it has good compression

Edit 2: Link is dead
Videos and Screenshots / XE's Screenies
September 15, 2007, 08:13:46 AM
The other topic said VIDEOS, this is a picture, or pictures.

Nice range with my shotgun, also, when tommis still had the !test public, lololol.
Got bored, too many servers running the default 0.3z FFA config.ini, so heres a couple of configs to mess around with if you get bored, ideal use is LAN/friends party because I never had the chance to test them because I don't know if anyone sees my server, I have no clue what happens with mass official server settings. Don't forget to change the server name and maybe passwords. I plan on making more though.

Chainsaw arena at Starfish!

  • No radar for paranoia
  • 2 teams, FF is on
  • Chainsaws only of course
  • A heck of alot of health pickups and some armor, hidden a bit into the ground
  • Cars to duck and hide under, or ram others!
  • Nighttime fog for lower visibility

Minigun War at Golf Bridge!

  • 2 sides once again
  • Everyone armed with 9949-500 loaded miniguns
  • Body armor at spawn, as if that makes a difference
  • A few near spawn PCJs to gun through the warzone
  • A bobcat for each team to emulate drive bys
  • A very slow securicar placed in the middle to drive to your team's side and hulimate with
Its be requested for over 3 weeks, cmon! You folks didn't even post the info! I understand no pictures, theres a kajillion pickup ids.
Some of the pickups will freeze/crash your game if you pick them up.
Heres a list of pickups worth looking at.
You know what some of them look like, I'm not going to waste time. Also, all FPS weapons (sniper, rocket launcher) don't work.


258 cellphone (Disappears when picked up, but looks nice)
259 brassknuckle
260 screwdriver
261 golfclub
262 nitestick
263 knife
264 bat
265 hammer
266 cleaver
267 machete
268 katana
269 chainsaw

270 grenade
271 teargas (VERY laggy and hasn't proved to kill anything)
272 molotov
273 missile (Useless running punch ANIM with rocket in hand)

274 colt45
275 python

276 ruger

277 shotgun
278 spaz (Please, don't use this)
279 stubby

280 m4

281 tec9
282 uzi
283 ingram
284 mp5

285 sniper rifle (Doesn't work, even if you get the scope view to work)
286 laser rifle (Same as above)

287 rocket launcher (Also same as above, except if you hit near you still get hurt, only you see the rockets)
288 flamethrower

289 M60
290 Minigun (Not recommended for ANY "Secret Admin Area")

291 bomb (Not C4 from CS)
292 camera (Might work)
293 fingers (?? I think its a small floating white box)
294 minigun2 (Also known as helicannon, think its just the barrel of the minigun)

Useful Stuff

366 health
367 adrenaline (Not what you think, it makes only your game slowed down, you are a easy target, useful for locking up certain areas like jail cells, if they run you can shoot them down easy)
368 body armor

Fun things and other user submitted stuff that might be of some use

375 bribe
337 money
365 info
336 fire hydrant
369 buoy (for marking off limits water areas)
380 Exploding Barrel (Can't be shot D:)
409 clothes icon
383 kill frenzy (Rampage icon)
408 bigdoller (Protection money icon?)
410 package1
508 keycard (The answer to ultramegaserver's madness, used to bust Cam)
510 pizzabox (So I don't die because I smoked weed)
526 keepy uppy ball
536 shark
582 dynamite
514 tar_civ1 (Not shootable)
391 billbd1 (Large billboard to mark areas, hard to miss.)

Any updates, bugs, fixes, or bad info, please tell me here.
Have a very safe day.
General Discussion / Is there a intro into VCMP?
August 19, 2007, 04:43:09 AM
Its not a disaster problem, it can't be a disaster problem, and it won't, but lets be honest for a second.
Most people who play VCMP are new right? Not a problem at all, VCMP is becoming popular, lets all celebrate, BUT WAIT. What if 80% percent of new VCMP players did the following.

1.Heard VCMP is GTAVC online, and that only.
1a."Obtained" GTAVC using certain "methods"
1b.Played the first 7 missions and thought "hey this is cool" while learning controls and other physics
2.Googled VCMP, dive bombed straight to a download link/files page.
3.At the installer, clicked every next in only 2 seconds.
4.Looked for the vcmp server browser.
5.Clicked Internet, then clicked on the server with the most players
6.Jumped right in the game without any understanding of VCMP

There we have it, that man (18+)* is most likely going to end up in XE's server or LW's. So what happens? He's going to waste half of his ammo on his teammates, a little curiosity wont hurt, after all default servers run the 0.3z FFA config. Until he Googles gtavc cheats and trys typing panzer or nuttertools on VCMP. Then he learns about the wonderful General Use Script, so after getting killed by random people typing !goto in front of his face, jumps and runs behinds him, and massacres him with a spaz loaded with 2000 ammo and a whooping M60 with whooping 5000 ammo, which they obtained using commands like !weapon, guess what our new fellow is going to try now? Hes spending 8 minutes trying to figure out why things like !weapon minigun 9999, !wep rocket launcher 5000, !we sniper 1000, and last but not least, !we teargas 500 doesn't work, and at this point of view, the learning curve for VCMP will most likely be extended to 1 day (literally.)

Ok basically, is there somewhere a person with absolutely no knowledge on VCMP can go read something, so he has atleast basic knowledge of what gos on and how?