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Topics - donttoucht

ShowRoom (pawn) / IRC echo
July 06, 2010, 07:09:05 PM
Quote from: Boss on March 03, 2010, 07:50:44 AMYou are free to code your echo in one of those "allmighty" low-level languages too.
There you go.

This isn't much like a release but a way to show that you can make echo a way easier. Feel free to do w/e with this, but keep credits, that's all i ask.

Currently running for about 2 weeks - #npt @ irc.gtanet.com

How it works like:
Redirects stdout of vcmp, fools crt to get it in real time.

What can it do:
Send w/e is printed in vcmp's console to irc.

What it can't do:
Send stuff to vcmp, THIS WAY you could have irc cmd for each rcon cmd if vcmp supported cmds from stdin of console (for example samp does). Mostly any way you'd try to connect gamemode with echo will be gay without devs making some kind of plugins support, pipes are slow and need much resources, so if you want just echo there you have it.

Why all this?
The Boss dude will soon open a slave rental shop called "PSA" offering people who'd retype messages coming from vcmp to irc and recompile script each time event from irc should affect gamemode. If you don't get the hint - he uses a waaaay too much resources.

How to run?
You'll have to recompile it and specify your own config in defines, i might understand that people would want some "config.ini" to specify all that, but i don't need that for my a/d's echo (and you need it only once too, unless you switching channel + bot names everyday), sounds dicky, but again, here i'm more like showing a way to do echo.

So to run it, after you compile it, just open rptecho.exe instead of vcmp's. Read manifest for libs dependencies. Done in VS2005.

Most don't need any explanations, only one i'd like to say are "EXTRA_FAST", "DISALLOW_FIRST". First one will set priority to critical for a milisecs, that's done if you have something what's written in stdout VERY fast and you need to echo all that, that's pretty much useless for vcmp, disabled by default. Second is for skipping amount of first messages coming from vcmp, EVERYTHING from console is echoed so you'd want to skip server's load, you got rcon password printed at start too.

download (no mirrors please): http://rapidshare.com/files/405344700/rtpecho.rar.html