It Mod Like samp Rumble
I create it for Trainig and Clan Wars for my clan [FeV]
It Have 3 arenas and 1 base , i so lazy to create other arenas and bases D:
I Add DisplayHits System in the Mode
But it working sometimes only...
/c text [green/pink] [text]
/c pack [Python/Shotgun/MP5/Ruger/SniperRifle/Grenade] [Python/Shotgun/MP5/Ruger/SniperRifle/Grenade]
/c arena [arenaid]
/c base [baseid]
/c view [a/b] [id] [spawn]
/c sarena [arenaid]
/c sbase [baseid]
/c swap (not working
(SetPlayerSkin Bug) )
/c aswap [playerid] (not working
(SetPlayerSkin Bug) )
/c switch (not working
(SetPlayerSkin Bug) )
/c team
/c end
Arena 0: Ammo-fight
Arena 1: Fire-Station
Arena 2: SkyScraperTDM
Arena 3: Golf-Lake
Base 0: CopsStation
#define DEFENDER_SKIN - Defender Skin
#define ATACKER_SKIN - Atacker Skin
#define COLOR_MAIN - Main Color For All Messages
#define DefaultTextBottom - Main Game Text In Lobby
#define MAX_ARENAS - Max Alowed Arenas
#define MAX_BASES Max Alowed Bases
new Float:MainSpawn[20][3] - Main Lobby spawns
SoldFiles Link
I want to see your arenas and bases for this mode
Sory For My Bad English
Please Rate And Comment this
I create it for Trainig and Clan Wars for my clan [FeV]
It Have 3 arenas and 1 base , i so lazy to create other arenas and bases D:
I Add DisplayHits System in the Mode

But it working sometimes only...
/c text [green/pink] [text]
/c pack [Python/Shotgun/MP5/Ruger/SniperRifle/Grenade] [Python/Shotgun/MP5/Ruger/SniperRifle/Grenade]
/c arena [arenaid]
/c base [baseid]
/c view [a/b] [id] [spawn]
/c sarena [arenaid]
/c sbase [baseid]
/c swap (not working

/c aswap [playerid] (not working

/c switch (not working

/c team
/c end
Arena 0: Ammo-fight
Arena 1: Fire-Station
Arena 2: SkyScraperTDM
Arena 3: Golf-Lake
Base 0: CopsStation
#define DEFENDER_SKIN - Defender Skin
#define ATACKER_SKIN - Atacker Skin
#define COLOR_MAIN - Main Color For All Messages
#define DefaultTextBottom - Main Game Text In Lobby
#define MAX_ARENAS - Max Alowed Arenas
#define MAX_BASES Max Alowed Bases
new Float:MainSpawn[20][3] - Main Lobby spawns
SoldFiles Link
I want to see your arenas and bases for this mode

Sory For My Bad English
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