Hello,I normally dont have my pc on 24/7 does anybody know where i can host VCMP mIRC Scripts?
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Show posts Menuelseif ($2 == !time) vcmp.adminchat $currenttime
alias currenttime vcmp.adminchat $asctime(HH:mm)
elseif ($2 == !getcar) {
if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ %id) < 10) vcmp.adminmsg %id You must be Admin Level 10 or higher to attempt this command.
else {
if ($vcmp.hgetcarid(%id) != 0) vcmp.adminmsg %id You must not be in a vehicle to use !getcar.
else {
if ((!$3) || ($3 > 200) || ($3 < 0)) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error: Invalid Car ID.
else {
vcmp.setloc %id $vcmp.hgetpos.x(%id) $vcmp.hgetpos.y(%id) $vcmp.hgetpos.z(%id) 0
vcmp.setcarloc $3 $vcmp.hgetpos.x(%id) $vcmp.hgetpos.y(%id) $vcmp.hgetpos.z(%id)
[b];[/b] vcmp.setcar %id $3
vcmp.adminmsg %id Got car $3 $+ !