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Topics - Falcon

News / Pawn Server Patch && Client Released[Latest]
January 17, 2010, 10:05:46 AM
Updated Pawn server with some bug fixes.

Client:Click here
WinServer: Click here
LinuxServer: Click here





Note patched server requires patch no:2 client for DeleteVehicle() to work.
Sp make sure you check version before using the command.
ShowRoom (pawn) / Location code for pawn
January 12, 2010, 07:52:42 AM
Made location script for pawn.


Hope it helps you guys out.
News / 0.3zr2 Server release
January 11, 2010, 09:44:19 AM
Due to some people wanting there server to have current patch i've made another server

LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=12
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=10

new rcon outputs

[joinpatch] playerid version

So you can decide if you want to make players update or adjust your scripts arround unpatched clients.
News / Pawn Server released for 0.3zr2
January 10, 2010, 11:34:27 AM
Pawn Server released for 0.3zr2

Client(patched): http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=5
LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=6
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=7
Pawno: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=8

Patched client is not required for pawn server but is recommended so all features are available.

LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=9
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=11

Updated server with new call


Now server owners and admin can decide if they want people to update to lastest patch to allow them to play or not.

News / Latest Update: 0.3z R2 Server and Client
December 29, 2009, 06:24:02 AM
Critical Update: New 0.3z Server And Client are required.

Client:Click here
WinServer: Click here
LinuxServer: Click here
Linux server now has bind feature also.

Links Updated
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Location Script
September 30, 2007, 01:40:39 PM
Location script using hash table instead of ini file.

Create and load hash table

!hmake -s area 2000
if ($exists(vcmp.area.txt)) { !hload area vcmp.area.txt }

Set max locations

var %a = 1
while ($hget(area,%a) != $null) {
   !inc %a
set %max_loc %a

Get Players Locations

alias vcmp.area {   
var %a = 1,%b = $hget(vcmp,pos.x. $+ $1),%c = $hget(vcmp,pos.y. $+ $1),%d
while (%a < %max_loc) {
    %d = $hget(area,%a)
    if ($inpoly(%b,%c, [ %d ] )) !return $hget(area,%a $+ .)
    !inc %a

Convert old ini to hash

alias convert {
  !hmake -s area 2000
  var %a,%b = 1,%c
  %a = AREA2
  while (%b <= $ini(vcmp.data.ini,%a,0)) {
    %c = $ini(vcmp.data.ini,%a,%b)
    !hadd area %b %c
    !hadd area %b $+ . $readini(vcmp.data.ini,%a,%c)
    !inc %b
  !hsave area vcmp.area.txt

Hope this is useful for some of you guys.

Script Showroom / RPG Script
July 27, 2007, 05:46:07 AM
Thats right the RPG script used in betatest's


This is a good base to build on or get ideas for all you rpg lovers.

Note must use admin panel for this to work.
Script Showroom / Manhunt Mode
July 27, 2007, 05:44:06 AM
Good old manhunt mode with a twist.


Note this script needs admin panel to work correctly

Enjoy Enjoy
Script Showroom / Basic Admin Panel
July 27, 2007, 05:42:19 AM
Heres a basic Admin Panel.

Main base for scripts saves all info required for complex scripts.


Hope you all enjoy.
mIRC/pawn Scripting / 0.3z rcon Commands
July 22, 2007, 01:59:27 PM
Hope this helps you scripters out there.

Full list of rcon commands.

kick <id> (explains itself)
ban <id> (explains itself)
banip <ip> (explains itself)
unban <ip> (explains itself)
password <newpassword> (sets password)
maxplayers <newmaxplayers> (sets max player limit)
gethp <id> (outputs players health to [gethp] <id> <health>)
getarmour <id> (outputs players armour to [getarmour] <id> <armour>)
getmoney <id> (outputs players money to [getmoney] <id> <money>)
getloc <id> (outputs players health to [getloc] <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
gethr (outputs current hr to [gethr] <currenthour>)
getmin (outputs current minute to [getmin] <currentminute>)
getweather (outputs current weather to [getweather] <currentweathervalve>)
getspectators (outputs current amount of people in spectator mode to [getspectators] <amount>)

adminchat <text> (Display text in server)
adminmsg <id> <text> (Sends text to id only)
sethr <newhour> (explains itself)
setmin <newminute> (explains itself)
setweather <valve> (Changes weather to new valve)
settimerate <rate> (changes rate time counts)

set 1 <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> <interourid> (sets players position and interour)
set 2 <carid> <health> (sets vehicle health)
set 3 <carid> <status> (sets car door status etc 4 = locked)
set 4 <id> <money> (sets players money)
set 5 <id> <weaponid> (sets players weapons .. note 0 will remove all weapons)
set 6 <id> <state> (sets players control state)
set 7 <id> (removes marker from player)
set 8 <carid> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (sets car location)
set 9 <id> <carid> (put player into car)
set 10 <id> <health> (sets player health)
set 11 <id> <colour> (show player marker and change colour)
set 12 <id> <armour> (set players armour)
set 13 <id> <text> (display text centre .. note this uses std gxt)
set 14 <id> (set player non imune to other players)
set 15 <id> (set player imune to other players)
set 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (set icon and posation)
set 18 <carid> (kils car engine)

newpickup <type> <pos.x> <pos.x> <pos.y> (creates pickup at position and outputs too [newpickup] <pickupid> <type> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
deletepickup <pickupid> (explains itself)
spawnpickup <pickupid> (respawns pickup)
spickupplayer <playerid> <pickupid> (spawns pickup for player only)
do <playerid> <anim> (set players animation)

players (returns this info in order - id,playername,ip,port,playerhealth,playerarmour,coord-x,coord-y,coord-y,carid,currentweapon,currentcarhp,players,currentmoney)