How to add skins/vehicles into the configuration file
Here's a little tutorial on editing or adding skins and vehicles to your configuration file. This is the configuration file every server uses for their gamemodes.
In this tutorial, we will be talking about the "config.vcmp.ini" file, that can be found inside the "VCMP" folder in the archive.
You can find it here:
Windows Server:
Linux Server:
Anyway, let's get started...
Skin setup:
Try to open the "config" file in notepad, and go down to the place saying:
Code Select
<<<<< START OF CLASSES >>>>>
This is where player skins are identified and set.
If you go down a bit, you'll see a text saying:
Code Select
ClassDescription = Working_Class
Class = -1 61 335.5701 -233.9047 29.6466 164.1848 1 1 17 250 21 100; constructionworker1
This is the first skin of the server. It defines where the player is located when spawning, it defines the players weapons, and it defines the skin of the player.
This is how the syntax works:
Code Select
Class = (0 = team / -1 = independent) (skin id) (x spawn) (y spawn) (z spawn) (z angle) (weapon 1 ID) (weapon 1 ammo) (weapon 2 ID) (weapon 2 ammo) (weapon 3 ID) (weapon 3 ammo)
How do I insert a vehicle on my server?
It's pretty much the same thing for vehicles. You just don't need the weapon syntax!
I have edited my config file and would like to run it. How?
Be sure to rename your file to "config". The server will be looking for a file with that name. Also be sure you have set an admin password inside the config file!
How do I get coordinates?
QuoteWhat is ?build mode? and how does it work?
Build mode is a part of VC-MP where you can get coords for specific vehicles and skins.
It comes with VC-MP, so you do not need to download it from anywhere.
To activate build mode: Rename your ?gta-vc? file into ?gta-vc -d?.
Double click it (like single player) and wait till you get through the loading screen.
When that's done, simply open the chat (by clicking T), and type: /build
This will activate build mode, and your camera will not be stuck anymore.
To spawn a vehicle in build mode, do: /vehicle <VehicleIDGoesHere>
Note: Do not use < and > in the syntax! This is just for demonstration usage.
When your vehicle has been spawned, please go into it and drive it to the place desired.
To select another skin (pedestrian), do: /skin <SkinIDGoesHere>
Note: Do not use < and > in the syntax! This is just for demonstration usage.
When found the desired skin, please go to the location you'd like to get coords from.
Saving vehicle and skin coordinates:
To get your coordinates, do: /save
This will save the coordinates for your vehicles and skins. They will be saved into a newly created file in your VC-MP directory (Usually Vice City directory).
The newly created file should be having the following name: ?savedpositions?
Ignore all the zeroes in the file. Just copy the coordinates and put them into the server configuration file, ?config?. Ofcourse you should know where to place them exactly, as vehicles and skins both have a specific syntax in the file.
Attention: After editing your ?gta-vc? file into ?gta-vc -d?, VC-MP will be unable to run. In order to make it run, change it back to default. ?gta-vc?, that is.
Where do I get the skin IDs and vehicle IDs?
Skin IDs:
Vehicle IDs:
Weapon IDs:
If you have any further questions, then please ask me! I'll be more than happy to answer them!

Good luck!