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Messages - Ettans

We don't know that, we only know the license used for the open-sourced 0.1c, but not about any newer versions.
As of January 1, 1978, under U.S. copyright law, a work is automatically protected by copyright when it is created.

What makes you think that VC:MP is not copyright protected? Even the open-sourced 0.1c is copyrighted by GPL (General Public License).
He wasn't emotional, he explained everything in a calm, professional manner. Using someones work and re-releasing it as your own, is a copyright infringement and is appreciated nowhere. Crediting himself for an array is plain weird, since he only renamed the vehicles in it, arrays themselves are VERY old. I've used 90NINE's A/D Rumble myself and I can say that it crashed very often, at least in SA:MP, so if this is INDEED a copy of 90NINE's mode, expect it to crash a lot. I'm not saying Ym0n actually DID copy it, I'm just saying that it has a lot of similarities and credit should be given where due.
I'm sure there will be more active players once the PAWN server is fully integrated, as it'll open up a whole lot of new scripting possibilities. I guess only time will show. :)
The broken scripting functions are all known and dealt/being dealt with.
I can't remember exactly, but dini/dudb/dutils might not be fully compatible with VC:MP at this point, you need to check them and see if they're using any SA:MP dependencies. About the colors, it's a bug in 0.3. As for the "/c command" syntax, it just is, not for long though.
Actually bots are pretty easy to implement. I did it in 0.1c source.
General Discussion / Re: bug?
April 10, 2010, 10:11:16 PM
That's GTA: Vice City bug, as the water is a static-mesh, so it has gaps in the places where buildings are etc. byby

Edit: I meant GTA VC, not VC:MP. :P
You can't, for singleplayer you'd have to download the steed mod. Search around at gtagaming.com or gtaforums.com to find it.
Yes, a link is fine. What exactly seems to be the problem?
No, you add this:

if(strcmp("jail",cmdtext,true) == 0)
   SetPlayerPos(playerid,390.6279,-507.9221,9.3956,0); // playerid, x, y, z, interior
   SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You have been teleported to the jail!"); // playerid, color, message
   return 1;

To OnPlayerCommandText, anywhere in there. Then use /c jail in-game.
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: [CP] Vehicle array
March 15, 2010, 05:50:52 PM
Changed it around, as I scripted it in another version. Please post any bugs you may get, including the exact line (not the number of the line).  :)
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: [CP] Vehicle array
March 15, 2010, 02:59:16 PM
Please post the line that didn't work. By the way, you don't have to only use ID's, you can also just use !vehicle sanchez for example, that's the whole point, getting model ID from name.
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: [CP] Builder commands.
March 15, 2010, 11:02:29 AM
No, it doesn't accept additional comments, but you can easily change that and yes, you can modify it to make saveloc and gotoloc commands.
Learn PAWN language, it's very easy. Stop trying to copy&paste things and not doing anything yourself...