I have LMS script but as Force said it is Complicated ..so i cant give u ..u have to make urself..and yes have a look on sansan LMS script..
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Show posts Menuelseif (!stat* iswm $2) || (!pmstat* iswm $2) {
var %ratio = $round($calc($vcmp.kills(%a) / $vcmp.deaths(%a)),2)
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!stats,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (%a == -1) vcmp.msg %id Error - Absent ID/Name
else vcmp.say $vcmp.name(%a) $+ 's Stats - Kills: $vcmp.kills(%a) $+ , Deaths: $vcmp.deaths(%a) $+ , Ratio: %ratio
elseif ($2 == !burn) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!burn,%id) == fail) !halt
if ($3 == $vcmp.vehicle(%id,name))
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <car id>
vcmp.setvehiclehp $vcmp.vehicle(%id,name) 0
vcmp.msg %id Your car is burning..
elseif ($2 == !burn) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!burn,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <car id>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.msg %id Error - Invalid Vehicle ID, $2 <car id>
vcmp.setvehiclehp $vcmp.vehicle(%id,name) 0
vcmp.msg %id Your car is burning..
elseif ($2 == !airport) {
vcmp.msg %id Taking you to the International Airport..
.timer 1 2 vcmp.setlocation %id -1463.359497 -858.807983 14.878179 0
Quote[cg]clan carbongear clan
leader --- [CG]Indian
script ---- WSV
COUNTRy --- international