would it be possible to allow the <enbed> tags and other youtube like tags? or maybe BBCode?
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Show posts Menuelseif ($2 == !hello) || ($2 == !pmhello) {
vcmp.msg $2 %id Hello World!
elseif ($2 == !hello) || ($2 == !pmhello) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!hello,%id) == fail) !halt
else vcmp.msg $2 %id Hello World!
elseif ($2 = !yourcommandhere) || ($2 = !pmyourcommandhere) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!heal,%id) == fail) !halt ;<<< admin check weather player has enough rights
elseif ($vcmp.setting.heal != on) vcmp.msg %id Error - $2 is Currently Set Off ;<<< specify conditions for command (ie.:IF sky is green THEN Error. ELSE what to do if sky is not green)
elseif ($vcmp.cost(%b) > $vcmp.cash(%b)) vcmp.msg %id Error - You need atleast $ $+ $bytes($vcmp.cost(%b),b) to use this command
else { ;<<< What happens when all conditions are met.
vcmp.cmdsay $2 %id >> Healed - Name: %name $+ , Cost: $ $+ $bytes($vcmp.cost(%b),b)
vcmp.cash- %b $vcmp.cost(%b)
vcmp.sethp $vcmp.getid(%name) 100
alias vcmp.hp !return $iif($hget(VCMPhp,$vcmp.name($1)) != $null,$hget(VCMPhp,$vcmp.name($1)),Unknown)
alias vcmp.armour !return $iif($hget(VCMPArmour,$vcmp.name($1)) != $null,$hget(VCMPArmour,$vcmp.name($1)),Unknown)
alias vcmp.gethp !return $iif($hget(VCMPhp,$1) == $null,0,$v1)
alias vcmp.getarmour !return $iif($hget(VCMPArmour,$1) == $null,0,$v1)
alias vcmp.money dll rcondll.dll RconCommand GetMoney $1-
alias vcmp.say dll rcondll.dll RconCommand AdminChat $1-
alias vcmp.msg dll rcondll.dll RconCommand AdminChat $1-
alias vcmp.ban dll rcondll.dll RconCommand Ban $1-
alias vcmp.kick dll rcondll.dll RconCommand Kick $1-
alias vcmp.coords dll rcondll.dll RconCommand GetLoc $1
alias vcmp.armour1 dll rcondll.dll RconCommand GetArmour $1
alias vcmp.health dll rcondll.dll RconCommand GetHp $1
alias vcmp.sethp dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 10 $1-
alias vcmp.setweapon dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 5 $1-
alias vcmp.setvehicle dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 9 $1-
alias vcmp.setlocation dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 1 $1-
alias vcmp.setarmour dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 12 $1-
alias vcmp.players {
!hadd -m VCMPPlayers Blanking Plate
!hadd -m VCMPIPs Blanking Plate
!hfree VCMPPlayers
!hfree VCMPIPs
!return $dll(rcondll.dll,RconCommand,players)
alias vcmp.connect dll rcondll.dll RconConnect $1-
alias vcmp.disconnect dll rcondll.dll RconDisconnect
alias vcmp.status !return $dll(rcondll.dll,RconIsConnected,)
alias vcmp.name !return $iif($hget(VCMPPlayers,$1),$v1,Unknown)
alias vcmp.ip !return $iif($hget(VCMPIPs,$remove($1,$chr(36))) == $null,Unknown,$v1)
not just ansi characters
Vcmp able to identify country of player
more menus, like cs
Stability (obviously)
Custom Maps
Clans get there own skin
Radio stations able to use an url playlist, so 4 example, vcpr will play a web playlist specified by admins
a central registration/stats server
more to come...
alias vcmp.boom {
vcmp.say Target Succesfully Bombed!
vcmp.say Terrorists Win!
alias bomb.status !return $iif($readini(vcmp.bomb.ini,STATUS,Ticking),$v1,0)
elseif (!plant* iswm $2) || (!pmplant* iswm $2) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!plant,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (Bombsite !isin $vcmp.area(%b)) vcmp.msg %id Error - You must be at the Bombsite (Hyman Stadium) to use this command
else {
!writeini -n vcmp.bomb.ini STATUS Ticking=1
.timer.ticking 8 1 vcmp.say The Bomb has been Planted!
.timer.ticking 8 2 vcmp.say 29 seconds until explosion!
.timer.ticking 8 3 vcmp.say Message to all Counter Terrorists: Go to the bombsite (Hyman Stadium) and !defuse the bomb!
.timer.ticking 8 30 vcmp.boom