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Messages - venkatreading

Support / Re: Unhandled Exeption
September 29, 2009, 06:45:36 AM
hi guys i lately discovered that this crash could happen due to weapons. i tried to find out how this was causing an exception, i spawned as tommy and the gun you get is m4 or m60? i am not that sure which gun it is , but try to fire all the bullets and until it's 0-1 ,. you'll crash to desktop. it happens with almost all the guns at the reload time.
Vice City / Re: The Best Server of VC:MP
September 24, 2009, 04:51:42 AM
XE always XE[/font]
Vice City / Re: Another annoying thing
September 24, 2009, 04:50:45 AM
yup, it occurs somrtimes while playing.it gets annoying when it crashes for every two minutes though.
Support / Re: 0065f30 Error.
September 24, 2009, 04:44:04 AM
i dont think it's about a clean copy of vice city . it happens to almost all the users/players using VC:MP. try to re-install VC ,is of no use! . what to do is tyo wait for the 0.4 version so that these bugs are rectified and add some new features.
Support / Re: How put mi server in the internet tag
September 24, 2009, 04:41:25 AM
try to use this site www.portforward.com , to forward your ports . try to edit the config file wisely, do not go deep into it if you dont undertand that. then announce the server . it is not that easy as it seems though.
Support / Re: Unhandled Exeption
September 24, 2009, 04:26:55 AM
ahhhh!!!! guys , this happens to every body playing the multiplayer version of the game , even me! >:( . it's still in beta ,so this can happen.there is nothing to do excpt to wait for the 0.4 client  ::) :o
Support / Re: please help
September 22, 2009, 05:07:19 PM
OH! thanks greg!  ;D ;D ;D ;Dcheers just enjoying the game . but i find that there are not that many players palying. i dont know what's the matter but i guess time could be the problem i live in india.( +5:30 GMT)
Support / please help
September 22, 2009, 09:00:31 AM
okay,i know this has come to lime light before but i cant resist asking you all again. i cannot find servers on my client. i now the team has released a patch containg some announce files but when i tried to click the link it says 404 ( no page on that server). when i click the internet tab  on the client it says upgrading master server or something of taht sort. please help em ! is there anyway to get srevers on the list?
Tutorials / Re: How to install & play VC:MP
September 22, 2009, 08:03:20 AM
neox this could be a firewall problem try reinstalling the app. with your firewall turned on or off, respectively.
Support / Re: Hello, I need help in my VC:MP server.
September 22, 2009, 08:01:17 AM
what you are doing could be you have an activ notepad session editing the config INI , save and close the notepad and then try again
Vice City / Re: [VCMP]RAMB0
September 22, 2009, 04:11:14 AM
yeah! try to visit a psychic to loose that language of yours :D
Vice City / Re: I Cant Play :( !!
September 22, 2009, 04:09:35 AM
try to use photo bucket or tiny pic.
Vice City / Re: HELP VC-MP!
September 22, 2009, 04:01:25 AM
okay, i guess i know what to do in this case! (ariel) . this could be the problem of a firewall you are using such as avast ,AVG,Mc affe and many more. there have been couple of cases, where avast shows there is a virus and avg blocking the application unless it is turned on( to prevent the access of inter net to the application).

things you got to make sure whether they are enabled or disabled:-

*just try ro remember whether the firewall or anti-virus was turned on during the initial installation.
*did it show any malware/virus/spyware/trojen?

things you got to do

*try to add an exception to the windows firewall( hope you know how to do this).run the app and see whether it's working .if it doesn't skip to the next point.
*if your firewall was active at the time of initial installation (first installation) uninstall VC:MP and turn the firewall down( stop it) and then re-intall VC:MP
*if your firewall was not active at the time of initial installation (first installation) uninstall VC:MP and turn the firewall up( start it) and then re-intall VC:MP
*if all these do not work ! just try to make a fresh copy of vice city( re-intall ) and do not MOD the game. install the client and run the application then.

hope your problem will get rectified! .post your experience here