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Messages - Rami

Support / Re: vc:mp in wine emulated desktop
November 29, 2009, 09:43:31 PM

I didin't undertstanded your question verygood, but the file that VC:MP Program use it when you click play is "gta-vc.exe" its inside the main folder of GTA:VC, i hope that i helped you.

My Regards, Rami ..
Script Showroom / Re: RPG Script
November 29, 2009, 07:29:29 PM
Ok thx Froze for ur explain and for keeping help me in my topics, im gona to try what u told me, when i comeback to my home, im in my home right now ^_^, cya .

After trying: i have problem with connecting to mIRC  :-\, i know i have many questions but please, try to help me  :-\
Script Showroom / Re: RPG Script
November 29, 2009, 03:04:30 PM
Thx again Froze, but i hope u explain for me, how i can use it to run it with my server, cuz its only have 2 files, inside the file (vcmp.rpg) .. like that :-

My Regards, Rami
Thx Froze  ;D, im gonna to try it  ::), i hope its working  :-\

After opening the file: its have only 2 files, like that, how i can run it to my server  :-\ ?
Can u please explain for me, where i can put my password, my port & my ip, and how i can use it, to run the RPG script to my server, (the file like that) :-

My Regards, Rami
 :'(, ok do u know any another link for it ? because im gonna make my server type, RPG  :(
Script Showroom / Re: RPG Script
November 28, 2009, 11:06:26 PM
Good jop Falcon, but the link doesn't work :S
Thx, but RPG link doesn't work, can u upload it for me please  ;D
"/build" command, doesn't work with 0.3x  ???

EDIT : u didin't answered me about, how to make my server a (RPG, Deathmatch, FFA, Gangwar, ...etc)  ::)
Do not be surprised, but i don't know how i can use Build Mode, please tell me how i can use it ?
Support / Re: How to use !addcmd command?
November 28, 2009, 10:27:06 AM
Do u mean :-

*Want to give (for example) $1000, for many players (more than 1 player), and every player get $1000 ?

 *Or u mean give $1000 for 10 players, to be $100 for every player? wich one does u  mean ?

Thank you, really thanks  :-*, cuz thats what i was exactly looking for 8), i really don't know how i can thank you for thats explanation  :D, u r the best, belive me  ;D

EDIT:How i can select cars spawn locations, and like this stuff? and how i can make my server a (RPG, Gangwar, FFA) server, like that,  :-\
Ooh, so i have to open a port with the values that u gave it to me, then the server ip will be same my PC. ip, following (:xxxx) xxxx = port value ?
Hey guys, wasup

I'm playing VC:MP since 3 months, and im so excited to do my own server, i asked some players, and they told me its for free (anyone can make VC:MP server), so i really need an explanation how i can make my own VC:MP server 8), i checked out the internet (google, yahoo, msn ..etc) but there is not good result, but on youtube, gave me a video explain how to do a server, but a local one, not internet .

If someone wanna to help me, or can help, please post an explanation and please i need it with links, i mean don't tell me u'll find it here or there  ;D .

sorry for my bad english  :-\
Thx alot, Rami