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Messages - ULK.HeAD

eh these polls are bullshit anyways. none of these nubs have any idea what they just voted on
General Discussion / Re: Isn't it about time?
July 08, 2010, 11:15:19 PM
lol... you might like rainbows rimming a unicorn, but that's just not very realistic.
I'd imagine VCMP would fall to bugs if releases were monthly, considering maxorator just pretty much picked VCMP up from dead forums/MSL, old client link etc.. you're asking for alot after he's already delivered this month's (and the last few months') update

Quote from: Charleyutton on July 07, 2010, 11:58:20 AM
Well what about a board saying 'Unofficial scripting support,' then have squirrel in there. Surely you guys want people to be able to utilise your mod to its full extent, so surely holding back an alternative way of doing this is counter-productive.

I'm not suggesting for a second that the VC:MP devs should work on integrating Squirrel into the official server, or putting any work into it at all. I'm just saying that an 'unofficial alternative' would be and has been helpful to those who can't do what they want to do with Pawn.

Whether it's a priority or not, it would be a 2 minute job tops just to create the new Unofficial category and then add the Squirrel board. 2 minutes that could seriously benefit VC:MP. There are quite a few people with extensive knowledge of Squirrel scripting now, it seems an ignorant waste to not allow them to share their knowledge.

Quote from: maxorator on July 06, 2010, 06:54:43 PM

crystal clear statement, but since we're all still here buggin' let me throw my hat into the "can we get some sorta easy-to-see link to the unofficial squirrel forums here at the VCMP forums if there isn't already?" pool.
General Discussion / Re: Isn't it about time?
July 06, 2010, 06:47:43 PM
yeah, whether or not it is "officially supported" or whatever, I don't see how a forums section for squirrel placed here at a central communication point for the VCMP community can hurt anything... there's quite a few squirrel guys around, and this is really the only forums I see any of them alongside eachother.
on that list, TLN.
VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
July 05, 2010, 10:46:34 PM
lol... should someone work on mirroring ULK-gang.com newspost updates here at this thread? anyone wanna take the time for it?
General Discussion / Re: Forum is back online !
July 05, 2010, 10:40:22 PM
nice work. thanks for doing the job, I'm sure the whole community appreciates everything...
UltraMegaServer / Re: server closing :(
April 28, 2010, 09:28:41 PM
Quote from: Boss on April 28, 2010, 05:01:10 PM
I sure will.

LOL... I forgot you're that guy who spent all of MTAVC on your own clan's server doing nothing but robber spawn wars... so I guess my point about you playing on an empty/inactive server after trying to mock me for doing so isn't gonna hit home...

so you appointed admins after I asked huh? you wouldn't know from all the comments I got from people saying shit along the lines of "UMS has admins already, you're just mad because XE is empty now" crap...
..and 3 admins? is that all? I seem to remember 2 of those 3 telling me they had admin before anyone could have 'responded' to anything I said...

what about the people saying things along the lines of "nobody cares about UMS, let the cheaters have it" ?? I guess that doesn't apply to tical allegedly cheating LW's since nobody cares about it anymore either, right?

Quote from: Boss on April 28, 2010, 05:01:10 PM
...because of it being down for many days. Nobody ever visited XE before that.

hmmm.. I seem to remember that being how UMS took over from XE during the new years holiday, we had some hosting trouble, UMS got a short run, now its over, and...? oh thats right, LW's empty, UMS gets 10 players when its up, it can barely hang with the lebowski server...

anyway keep responding, it's good entertainment value for me here at work, and I'm sure it makes you and all the LW's guys who have no active server left to play on that you didn't talk shit about feel better about it all, before I go home to play the #1 server in VCMP, complete with active administration that doesn't respond to reasonable public requests or comments like assholes.  ::)
UltraMegaServer / Re: server closing :(
April 28, 2010, 04:48:47 PM
Quote from: Boss on April 28, 2010, 05:01:32 AM
with at least one of them regularly checking and banning all the cheaters. So, yeah, in terms of gratefulness you do suck.

hmm I wonder who that was...
...and grateful for what, the empty server?

anyway you can say whatever you want, just like you guys did a few months back... have fun at LW's, bro  ;)
VC:MP Clans / Re: Alliance Of Light - AoL
April 28, 2010, 01:06:57 AM

someone has to name themself [AoL]Steve.Case
UltraMegaServer / Re: server closing :(
April 28, 2010, 01:05:28 AM
hey, I tried to ask people to care about UMS, all I got was snide remarks and BS about how much myself and XE suck.  ::)

I guess now is a good time for this, all you fuckers who talked down on me and XE a few months back, you know who you are:

VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
April 02, 2010, 07:05:50 PM
lol  ;D
VC:MP Clans / Re: [LDB] .:::LideRes DeL BaRRiO:::.
March 30, 2010, 07:23:31 PM
Quote from: j-king on March 30, 2010, 06:08:28 PM
Quote from: [LDBAndreX link=topic=1931.msg14596#msg14596

good luck with your clan, only_a_dude you arse stop trying to get your post count up
yeah! and good luck with the clan  ;)
yeah, but if you can't put 5 guys together from a timezone, you can barely fill a car when you need to, let alone call yourself a VC gang(clan if you're a fairy or dwarf or KKK or whatever the fuck)
General Discussion / Re: VC:MP losing easy players
March 30, 2010, 06:59:24 PM
Quote from: j-king on March 30, 2010, 06:05:35 PM
boss you troll.

seriously, dude. you're letting your argumentative tendencies go a little too far here, are you really going to argue or whatever over the fact that download.com is or is not a popular, trusted site for random noobs looking to download something, using google as their search reference?

he is raising a real issue here, and his worries are sound. there's no need to pick it apart and single out a meaningless detail. the fact is 800+ people downloaded the old version in a week, and while some of them may have intentionally made that choice, any percentage of that group looking for the up-to-date version noobish enough to get it from cnet first, probably denied VCMP it's attainable playercount.

* ULK.HeAD = trolled