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mIRC/pawn Scripting / !hosttime for squirrel !!! (cr...
Last post by Castagna96 - April 26, 2011, 09:33:51 PM
 Hi guys , well today I will share this useful comand for squirrel by me  :) .This command give you the total time(expresed in minutes) , that your server has been hosted , or turned on...

very simple  ;D

    if ( cmd == "host" )
         MessagePlayer( "The server has been online for" + floor( GetTickCount() / 60000 ) + " minutes.", player );

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: How!!!
Last post by Castagna96 - April 26, 2011, 09:11:44 PM
 Any function in pwn to lock server already  :-\ ust in mirc and squirrel
General Discussion / Re: Breaking New's :*(
Last post by [MKs]WiLsON - April 26, 2011, 08:33:47 PM
Quote from: BIG[H] on April 26, 2011, 07:14:40 PM
@ WaLtEr U suck
suck auck buck ______FuCk YOu small H

your storie same like kingarslan !

go kiss his ass small H now u gone now we really enjoy u saying that we call u a hacker yeah its true u hacked RPG SERVER! OPEN YOUR LITTE MOUTH NOW! NOOB h!
Support / Re: Help!!
Last post by [AoD]NC - April 26, 2011, 07:45:15 PM
Be more specific men v_v

General Discussion / Re: Breaking New's :*(
Last post by thijn - April 26, 2011, 07:33:19 PM
Quote from: BIG[H] on April 26, 2011, 09:20:41 AM
Very Socking new's
Reason: People Don't like me
What's so shocking about that lol?

Also, Be a man and don't leave just because some nabs think you're a noob.
Script Showroom / MOVED: Help!!
Last post by StriKe - April 26, 2011, 07:17:27 PM
General Discussion / Re: Breaking New's :*(
Last post by BIG[H] - April 26, 2011, 07:14:40 PM
@ WaLtEr U suck
Support / Help!!
Last post by AcTiOnLiFe - April 26, 2011, 06:57:04 PM
vcmp  Link!! Client 0.3zr2 mirc  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Random Spawn [Pawno]
Last post by AcTiOnLiFe - April 26, 2011, 06:44:00 PM
Random Spawn [Pawno]

Esay xD

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid,classid,teamid)
PlayerInfo[playerid][Spawned] = 1;
format(file, sizeof(file), USERS_FILE, gPlayers[playerid]);
//===========================Random Spawn===================

switch(random(23)) {
 case 1: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -874.2833,-572.9792,11.1963,0,0);}
 case 2: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -0.5099,966.1412,10.9402,0,0);}
 case 3: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 100.2213,252.8940,21.7719,0,0);}
 case 4: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 480.7910,-1737.1931,9.7549,0,0);}
 case 5: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -912.3077,52.8533, 10.5454,0,0);}
 case 6: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -19.1970,-1016.3509, 10.4633,0,0);}
 case 7: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -74.26731872,-1532.67358398,12.80998134,0,0);}
 case 8: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 509.110840,513.077393, 12.105222,0,0);}
 case 9: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -375.595856,-1328.728638, 13.993320,0,0);}
 case 10: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -76.297394,82.727058, 9.683201,0,0);}
 case 11: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 7.289513,964.033752, 10.940242,0,0);}
 case 12: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 465.400146,-56.354183, 15.703786,0,0);}
 case 13: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -707.816711,1261.134277, 11.767310,0,0);}
 case 14: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -405.183014,1114.830811, 11.070875,0,0);}
 case 15: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 230.459778,-1265.295288, 20.112789,0,0);}
 case 16: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -994.863342,200.776215, 15.221324,0,0);}
 case 17: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -597.805725,654.243958, 11.072048,0,0);}
 case 18: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1078.070679,1330.905151, 13.918839,0,0);}
 case 19: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1463.359497,-858.807983, 14.878179,0,0);}
 case 20: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1719.690552,-156.657364, 14.868327,0,0);}
 case 21: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -630.643433,-1489.826538,13.024486,0,0);}
 case 22: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, 79.292534,-1453.817383,11.606825,0,0);}
 case 23: {SetPlayerPos(playerid, -869.81256103,-473.63110351,11.10341167,0,0);}
//==========================No Errores=======================================

        if(dini_Exists(file)) {
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Logged] != 1) {
new string[256];
format(string,256,"Auto_Kick:[ %s ] Reason:[ Failed to login ]",gPlayers[playerid]);
else { // player spawned and logged in so we need to set the money
new cash = dini_Int(file, "Cash");
else SetPlayerMoney(playerid,0);
return 1;
