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Started by thebest12, October 20, 2008, 12:15:21 AM

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I am making a server but I want to change the thing where you choose the skin is in sonny forelli office but I want to change that to other place how I change it can someone tell me?

PlayerPos = -489.6113 818.2624 97.5104 ; Where the local player model is initially placed
CamPos = -491.4260 821.2193 97.3004; Where the camera is situated for class selection
CamLook = -487.6113 816.2624 97.8104 ; Where the camera is looking for class selection

I am talking about that can someone explained me?


When you enter the server look for a location you want to save and type /s or /save <locationname> to save the coordinates for PlayerPos, ComPos, Camlook etc.
To get you saved coords, open your GTA Vice City folder and look for a file txt called "vcmp_saved_coords.txt"

NOTE: PlayerPosition always face north in vc-mp atm.


ohh thx :) going to try it right now