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Suggestions for Version 0.4

Started by matthiasvegh, July 25, 2007, 03:14:14 PM

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Neat ideas, and your english isn't bad at all ;)


Quote from: Knucis on August 29, 2008, 12:16:22 AM
- Add some new things in the RPG scripts, like: eating and when some food are bad you get sick and need to go to the HOSPITAL and if you dont get there on time you die... etc... ;

That can be scripted :x


True, but with more identifiers, and some more animations, that could make the scripts better. I think that's what he meant. But yea it can currently be scripted xd


Quote from: ReVilo on August 29, 2008, 04:21:34 AM
True, but with more identifiers, and some more animations, that could make the scripts better. I think that's what he meant. But yea it can currently be scripted xd

I don't worry about that :p


Ohhh man im so Embarrassed :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ I doesn't know that it can be scripts... Im not so good scripting...

Cya, Knucis


I would like a signal for Teamchat, 'cause when I mute people now they go spam on teamchat, so we can't see it on mIRC.

And I would like to set a ping kicker @ the config :P


Hmm, ping kicker?
And what about if someones connection down for a little (1 sec) maybe? He will get kicked also.


They get kicked and rejoin, simple  :)


Would be nice if U can put that sign on, that light on a taxi cab.
Nice for RPG-gamemodes.


Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on August 29, 2008, 08:22:57 PM
Hmm, ping kicker?
And what about if someones connection down for a little (1 sec) maybe? He will get kicked also.

Thats a good idea,
Theres already a way to check if a player is idle using VRockers DLL, so if they dont add it to vc:mp 0.4 we could always ask VRocker nicely and see if he will implement it into his DLL.


Yeah that sign thing is good idea. And also more announce style like in single player taxi missions.


When 0.4 will see the sun light?i mean when will be relased?
Keep it up...you are all doing a great job


I have other suggestion...

- Try to sync the RC cars, Planes and Helicopters... It was cool that in 4.0 we could use the RC toys...
- Fix Build mode... :P

And thats all...

Cya, Knucis


Quote from: Knucis on September 02, 2008, 02:14:55 PM
- Try to sync the RC cars, Planes and Helicopters... It was cool that in 4.0 we could use the RC toys...

We can already, only enter and leaving will crash, so u need to do it with 'vcmp.setvehicle'


Yeah and you has to lock the car totally  :)