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Features in 0.3z R2 Release

Started by StriKe, December 26, 2009, 08:12:06 AM

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I have a question:

Will VC:MP have some of the features that SA:MP can do, by this I mean changing clothes on a menu or by typing out a command, so say if someone wanted to go on police officer duty, they would type something like !duty for example and their clothes would change.

I would also like to know if things like adding interiors and entering houses will be available in the future for VC:MP 0.4.

With these new additions, VC:MP 0.4's features will certaintly be a tasty treat.


changing clothes are possible, No menu's though


Changing clothes? Maybe he mean like in SA SP, that u go to a shop and buy clothes for the ped.


How about chatboard and team colours? Is it bugged or a wierd "feature"? Try to change your team (without spawning) and you'll have still your old colour in a chatboard. 0.3z > 0.3z R2

Anyway, nice list StriKe :).


I think it could be possible, if everyobody colaborate x).
And I think would be cool if devlopers add a pickup to change clothes. But I think it'll be possible in Just tommy vercetti skin.
You'll be forever, a pielover.


how i can enable rcon commands in squirrel?
i personaly interesed in "shot in air mod"


Quote from: capitanazo on December 29, 2009, 12:09:39 AM
how i can enable rcon commands in squirrel?
i personaly interesed in "shot in air mod"

still not squirrel server for r2 but juppi is working on it! someone poke him :PPPPPPPPPP


.S but i download a squirrel server from vrocker wiki and i can use script and all.


Quote from: capitanazo on December 29, 2009, 02:59:39 PM
.S but i download a squirrel server from vrocker wiki and i can use script and all.

well it didnt work for me in R2 and i asked for and he said there is not sq for r2 /me pokes juppi!!!!!!!



Quote from: Jc18 on December 29, 2009, 05:13:45 PM
Quote from: capitanazo on December 29, 2009, 02:59:39 PM
.S but i download a squirrel server from vrocker wiki and i can use script and all.

well it didnt work for me in R2 and i asked for and he said there is not sq for r2 /me pokes juppi!!!!!!!
* Forze pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi
Quote from: ULK.akiharu on January 04, 2010, 09:42:43 AM
Quote from: StriKe on December 26, 2009, 08:12:06 AM
  • Disable/Enable Driveby

Hey, how does this work?


@akiharu: when i was testing it worked like this:
You go to a car, and at this moment, the wep is changed to uzi, and u can shoot. When disabled, the wep is not changed to uzi, and even pressing look + shoot dont work. But anyway it has a little bug, posted somewhere a screenie in this topic.

* Forze pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi
* [AoD]NC pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi /me pokes Juppi


hello, as active the taxi jump?

;TaxiBoostJump = true
Record Server!!!


Quote from: Forge on January 06, 2010, 02:24:30 AM
hello, as active the taxi jump?

;TaxiBoostJump = true

Remove the ;

btw why the devs added the ; ? :|