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I need an answer fast !

Started by Technohopper, March 07, 2010, 09:58:23 AM

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In my server I have GUPS 1.15, how do I put another mode like DM or something else?


Change your "gamemode0 gups" line in server.cfg to "gamemode0 mode".


In top of scripts are:
static szGameModeName[128] = "GUPS 1.15";

change that to:
static szGameModeName[128] = "Gamemode name";
Latvian Vice City server


I tried it it doesn't work mybe it needs the id like 128-...



Ok, repeating slower:
1) Navigate to your VC:MP server installation directory (e.g. C:\vcmp).
2) Locate server.cfg file and open it with notepad.
3) Find a gamemode0 line (e.g. "gamemode0 gups") and change it into "gamemode0 mode" (default mode).
4) Restart your VC:MP server (vcmp-svr.exe).
5) If it doesn't startup, ensure you have mode.amx file in your gamemodes folder.


I have tried EVERYTHING and it still doesn't work :( Thanks for helping anyways ...


What is not working?
Like Boss said, If the server doesn't start, make sure you have mode.amx in your gamemodes folder