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Dribe By Auto Kick Problem

Started by TanaX01, July 22, 2008, 06:45:29 AM

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Hai please help me in auto-kick ( dribe by ) system

dribe by ingame

          ( Bot IRC )
Admin MarciSpeems kicked player:[ TanaX01] Reason:[ Dribe-By ]


    elseif ($2 == !kick) {
      if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ %id) < 2) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You Must Be Admin Level 2 Or Higher To Attempt This Command. }
      else {
        if ($vcmp.nameid($3) == $null) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error: Invalid ID.
        else {
          if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ %id) < $hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ $vcmp.nameid($3))) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You can't kick someone higher level admin than you... }
          else { vcmp.kick $3 | vcmp.adminchat ** Admin $vcmp.hgetname(%id) kicked player:[ $vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($3)) ] Reason:[ $4- ]

Alias :

alias vcmp.kick {
  vcmp.adminchat ** Admin $nick kicking player:[ $$vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($1)) ] $iif($2,Reason:[ $2- ],)
  .timer. $+ $$vcmp.nameid($1) $+ .kick -m 1 250 vcmp.command kick $$vcmp.nameid($1)

System Auto Kick Dribe By:

    vcmp.kick %idk
    vcmp.adminchat Admin-Auto-Kick Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) ] Reason:[ Drive-By ]

  if ($par($vcmp.deathreason($4)) = (Drive-By)) {
    vcmp.kick %idk
    vcmp.adminchat Admin-Auto-Kick Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) ] Reason:[ Drive-By ]

Please Help  :D 


Ok Tanax, Are we going to accept my advice this time or not?

Ok first of all simply use the vcmp.kick already

Then use the following code, this needs to go under vcmp.event.kill (the part which echoes when someone killed someone else)

if ($vcmp.deathreason($4) == Drive-By) {
vcmp.adminchat *** Admin Auto - Kick Player: $+ $chr(91) $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) $chr(93) Reason: $+ $chr(91) Drive - By $chr(93)
vcmp.kick %idk

And that should work fine



Quote from: [SDT]F_T_F0RC3 on July 22, 2008, 12:18:28 PM
Ok Tanax, Are we going to accept my advice this time or not?

Ok first of all simply use the vcmp.kick already

Then use the following code, this needs to go under vcmp.event.kill (the part which echoes when someone killed someone else)

if ($vcmp.deathreason($4) == Drive-By) {
vcmp.adminchat *** Admin Auto - Kick Player: $+ $chr(91) $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) $chr(93) Reason: $+ $chr(91) Drive - By $chr(93)
vcmp.kick %idk

And that should work fine


Lol Thank Frien. me test in my script error i post in forum  ;)


That's not the problem. The problem is in vcmp.kick alias ;)



Quote from: ReVilo on July 22, 2008, 06:03:08 PM
That's not the problem. The problem is in vcmp.kick alias ;)

Hey my Alias Is:

alias vcmp.kick {
  vcmp.adminchat ** Admin $nick kicking player:[ $$vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($1)) ] $iif($2,Reason:[ $2- ],)
  .timer. $+ $$vcmp.nameid($1) $+ .kick -m 1 250 vcmp.command kick $$vcmp.nameid($1)


See it says $nick, that means it'll register MarciSpeems as the one who kicked.
Maybe make a vcmp.kick2 and change $nick to $vcmp.hgetname(%id)
or something to tha effect :P


Quote from: ReVilo on July 23, 2008, 11:10:32 PM
See it says $nick, that means it'll register MarciSpeems as the one who kicked.
Maybe make a vcmp.kick2 and change $nick to $vcmp.hgetname(%id)
or something to tha effect :P

Lol i idiot :P ok thx revilo nice aport  :D  ;)


Its not work :(
My vcmp.event.kill section

Quoteon *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.kill:{
  if ($vcmp.deathreason($4) == Drive-By) {
  vcmp.adminchat ** Auto - Kick Player: $+ $chr(91) $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) $chr(93) Reason: $+ $chr(91) Drive - By $chr(93)
  vcmp.kick2 %idk
  vcmp.adminchat Admin-Auto-Kick Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) ] Reason:[ Drive-By ]
  var %namek = $strip($vcmp.nickcolor($1)), %named = $strip($vcmp.nickcolor($3)), %idk = $vcmp.nameid(%namek), %idd = $vcmp.nameid(%named), %spawnkill = $vcmp.config.checkforspawnkill(%idd,%idk)
  vcmp.validweapon %idk $4
  vcmp.killingspree.process %idk %idd
  if ($vcmp.acct.exists(%namek) != 0) { vcmp.addkill %namek | vcmp.addweaponstat %namek $4 }
  if ($vcmp.acct.exists(%named) != 0) vcmp.addkilled %named
  if (%echolevel > 1) vcmp.echo 04** $1 04killed $3 04 $par($vcmp.deathreason($4))
  if (($vcmp.isplayerspawned(%idk)) && (%spawnkill != $null)) vcmp.cmd.killplayer %idk Spawnkilling.
  .signal vcmp.event.handledeath %idd
The server show this message:
Quote** Auto - Kick Player:[ ] Reason:[ Drive - By ]

And its not showing the kicked player name, and not kick him.
What did i wrong?


var %namek = $strip($vcmp.nickcolor($1)), %named = $strip($vcmp.nickcolor($3)), %idk = $vcmp.nameid(%namek), %idd = $vcmp.nameid(%named), %spawnkill = $vcmp.config.checkforspawnkill(%idd,%idk)
Has to be above this:
if ($vcmp.deathreason($4) == Drive-By) {
  vcmp.adminchat ** Auto - Kick Player: $+ $chr(91) $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) $chr(93) Reason: $+ $chr(91) Drive - By $chr(93)
  vcmp.kick2 %idk
  vcmp.adminchat Admin-Auto-Kick Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname(%idk) ] Reason:[ Drive-By ]


Damn you ReVilo, You beat me to it, But yeah, your completely right there :)