Official Servers > Racing server

Miami-Dade: Racing :: Release Trailer

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Miami-Dade: Racing :: Release Trailer

Yes folks, you read that right, Project Apollo have uploaded the release trailer for MDR, the date of release can be found in the video. We hope to see everyone there, racing (and not tammering!) when the server opens up to the public. Hopefully it's been worth the wait for you guys. :)

Here is the trailer:

Look for the script changelog and information about a few other things, (such as our secret weapon), in the coming days.

Stop asking about the damn chatbox!


Good Job !

This weekend? Shit I have many exams next week, will be hard, but I want to see the new racing script.

Anyway am I blind or what, because I haven't seen in this trailer anything new, comparing to v3 (maybe just more tammering)?


--- Quote from: [AoD]NC on January 13, 2012, 01:44:13 am ---This weekend? Shit I have many exams next week, will be hard, but I want to see the new racing script.

Anyway am I blind or what, because I haven't seen in this trailer anything new, comparing to v3 (maybe just more tammering)?

--- End quote ---

It's hard to tell without actually playing on the server, it's more back end stuff and our secret weapon. But v3 was a buggy piece of shit, from what we've tested of v4, it no longer is.


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