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But in R2 the only time when there is a fade on screen is when you enter an interior. Changing the interior by a script changes it immediately, without a fade.


--- Quote from: NE.Restricted on September 12, 2014, 11:03:42 am ---Teleporting to the malibu causes an automatic interior change.

--- End quote ---

There are other standard teleports that actually doesn't change the interior id of a player.
(like the one I used in my video)


--- Quote from: [AoD]NC on September 12, 2014, 12:20:37 pm ---But in R2 the only time when there is a fade on screen is when you enter an interior. Changing the interior by a script changes it immediately, without a fade.

--- End quote ---
I set the interior through scripts and it faded.

Since 0.4 beta server was released, I will post only tricks/discoveries from it !
I'm happy to present you 2 new tricks:

1. See RC Vehicles as normal !
Before & After

--- Code: ---Set Player's alpha to 0 when enters a RC Vehicle, and that's it.
--- End code ---

2. No more boxes for vehicles' lights !
Before & After

You can do it for front lights too. I suggest you to create a new function like "CreateVehicle" that implements this feature too.

--- Code: ---vehicle.SetHandlingData(29,10)
--- End code ---


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