Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP 0.3 => Servers => Topic started by: DilsonTB on March 31, 2013, 03:14:16 am

Title: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on March 31, 2013, 03:14:16 am
[R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Buenas, Vengo a presentarles un servidor que acaba de ser desarrollado por Dilson_Peralta, bajo la base de scripts: Squirrel, queremos que te unas a nosotros y puedas disfrutar del rol y la vida real misma, estamos cambiando todo el ritmo de VC:MP, ya que somos una organizacion de Rolers y cambiaremos el sentido junto ¡ Que esperas para entrar!?

Aqui en breve presentaremos algunas especialidades del servidor:

  • -*Comandos*-
Comandos de Policias

-> /c unirse
 -> /c duty
 -> /c esposar
 -> /c liberar
 -> /c encarcelar
 -> /c sus
 -> /c buscados
 -> /c descansar
 -> /c multar


Comandos de Mafiosos

-> /c unirse
 -> /c duty
 -> /c amarrar
 -> /c robar
 -> /c encarcelar
 -> /c robarbanco
 -> /c buscados
 -> /c f
 -> /c descansar


Comandos de Taxistas

-> /c unirse
 -> /c duty
 -> /c descansar
 -> /c f


Comandos del Gobierno

-> /c f
 -> /c duty
 -> /c impuestos
 -> /c ap
 -> /c descansar
 -> /c f
 -> /c desemplear


Comandos de Jugador

-> /c registrar
 -> /c conectar
 -> /c rentar
 -> /c desrentarveh
 -> /c arma
 -> /c l
 -> /c w
 -> /c llenar
 -> /c reparar
 -> /c irc
 -> /c comprar
 -> /c miscoches
 -> /c estado
 -> /c emplearme
 -> /c emplearmeoff
 -> /c entregar
 -> /c trabajar
 -> /c unirse
 -> /c comprarropa
 -> /c creditos
 -> /c time
 -> /c misprops
 -> /c ocupado
 -> /c devuelta
 -> /c car
 -> /c scripts
 -> /c serverstats
 -> /c reglas
 -> /c hp
 -> /c myping
 -> /c equipo
 -> /c auto
 -> /c jugadores
 -> /c negcmds
 -> /c movilcmds
 -> /c casacmds
 -> /c bancocmds
 -> /c ayuda
 -> /c jugadorcmds
 -> /c cochecmds
 -> /c chatcmds
 -> /c fcmds
 -> /c cuenta
 -> /c subirnivel
 -> /c stats
 -> /c mostrarlicencias
 -> /c admins
 -> /c mods
 -> /c millonarios
 -> /c sanar
 -> /c comprarlic
 -> /c subirnivel
 -> /c presos
 -> /c pagarm
 -> /c mercadonegro
 -> /c duda
 -> /c rduda
 -> /c amarrar


Comandos de Admins

-> /c adminduty
 -> /c duty
 -> /c gravedad
 -> /c aheal
 -> /c addtodb
 -> /c vprecio
 -> /c noprop
 -> /c ac
 -> /c slap
 -> /c encender
 -> /c addcar
 -> /c haceradmin
 -> /c addprop
 -> /c ac
 -> /c slap
 -> /c encender
 -> /c addcar
 -> /c haceradmin
 -> /c addprop
 -> /c addnegocio
 -> /c admincmds
 -> /c spawnveh
 -> /c seguir
 -> /c traer
 -> /c kick
 -> /c ban
 -> /c unban
 -> /c getip
 -> /c nublado
 -> /c tormenta
 -> /c soleado
 -> /c tarde
 -> /c noche
 -> /c voltear
 -> /c limpiarchat
 -> /c dcanal
 -> /c noduda
 -> /c ann
 -> /c congelar
 -> /c descongelar
 -> /c cambiarnivel
 -> /c darfaccion


Comandos del Banco

-> /c depositar
 -> /c sacar
 -> /c cuenta
 -> /c dar


Comandos de Casas

-> /c comprarcasa   
 -> /c vendercasa
 -> /c rentarcasa     
 -> /c rentaprecio
 -> /c desrentarcasa       
 -> /c borrarrenta
 -> /c retirarIngresos


Comandos de Negocios

-> /c comprarcasa   
 -> /c comprarnegocio
 -> /c vendernegocio
 -> /c ringresos


Comandos de Lideres

-> /c cambiarrango


Comandos de Mercado Negro

-> /c mercadonegro
1- Soga
2- Pistola
3- Mascara

Sistemade Nivel

Contamos con un sistema unico que marca en tu DeathMatch Score, en ves de las muertes, muestra tu nivel de jugador, el nivel de jugador esta basado en minutos, mientras mas minutos duras, mas minutos tendras para subir de nivel y asi poder comprar casas y negocios.


Sistemade Negocios
Contamos con un sistema de Negocios, como pizzerias, banco, armerias etc, que cuando cualquier jugador usa de el servicio que brinda dicho negocio, entonces un porciento de ese dinero se queda como ganancia para el dueño del negocio.

Sistemade Casas

Contamos con un sistema de Casas, en el cual un jugador puede rentarle su casa a otro, y en cierto tiempos el servidor ira cobrando esa renta y poniendolos en la casa como ganancia del dueño.

Sistemade Rentas de Vehiculos

Contamos con un sistema de rentas de vehiculos establecidos en el aeropuerto Internacional, con el que podras rentar uno de ellos y usarlos hasta que salgas del servidor.


HostName: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Players:  x / 20
Ping:       x
Mode:     |• Roleplay v1.0 •|
Map:      Vice-City

[Sorry for the spanish post, but if i put it in english, all who will see it will believe that the server is made in english lang and will be sad when join the server and see it in spanish, so i want to dedicate this post to the Spanish guys, Sorry.]
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on March 31, 2013, 03:18:50 am
mention server ip too.
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on March 31, 2013, 04:13:11 am
mention server ip too.

Thanks, EDITED
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on March 31, 2013, 12:55:32 pm
Server down at my terminal ...
was curious to see it :P
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: sseebbyy on March 31, 2013, 01:14:46 pm
Spanish server with english name :D

Anyway, good luck with your server !
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: Rathan_TZ on March 31, 2013, 02:03:30 pm
Good Luck
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on April 01, 2013, 06:52:13 pm
@ Seby:

Brother, " Roleplay " its an english word, and in samp latin rp games, you wont see the " Roleplay " in spanish, so i decided to put the whole name in english :D, it sounds better :D.

@ Rathan_TZ

Thanks brother :D.

@ hellboy_vkk

The fu**** hackers are taking it down, cuz they know that we are better than them, ¿Why are we better?, cuz with the simple reason that they cant see our servers rp opened the want to take it down, cuz our is better. :D.

Anyway, in case of i see it down, i will re-open it :D
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on April 01, 2013, 10:22:53 pm
If your hosting is windows based then use a shell code to restart it automatically on server shutdown (while in case of attack server do not close but its network dies , so that can't be helped in vcmp 0.3 r2) that will restart the server in case of any script error that may causing this shutdown.
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on April 04, 2013, 03:32:21 am
Thanks brother, i tried one before, but dont worked, can you post one plz?  :D

Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on April 04, 2013, 10:45:31 am
usually if its an attack the attacker send the null packets and coz of pawn's disability to block them it crash with just 1 packet , try some good firewall that can block a null packet .usually every good firewall can block null packets when configured properly.

for the shell code to restart the code on script error shutdown use this

Code: [Select]
@Echo Off
Start /W "" VCMPServer.exe
Goto _Start

note change the VCMPServer.exe to the path of the vcmpserver.exe

i hope this will help you.
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on April 05, 2013, 06:01:40 am
This just RE-OPEN your server if it crashed :(, i want one tha restart the server if it have been taken down. So any other source broo?
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on April 05, 2013, 12:25:33 pm
As i already told you that whether its sq or its pawn both disconnect the network when they receive certain packets (in most of the case its null packet) , so to stop them there is no code you have to put up a firewall that can block null packets to get to the server or you can buy a linux vps as in linux the packets are limited on its own and the SQ does not crash on linux , but yeah pawn servers do crash as they just need 1 single null packet to get down.

I think stromeus can help you more , better ask him :D
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on April 05, 2013, 09:38:53 pm
ok brother thanks :D
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: dynavolt71 on April 06, 2013, 06:05:08 am
As i already told you that whether its sq or its pawn both disconnect the network when they receive certain packets (in most of the case its null packet) , so to stop them there is no code you have to put up a firewall that can block null packets to get to the server or you can buy a linux vps as in linux the packets are limited on its own and the SQ does not crash on linux , but yeah pawn servers do crash as they just need 1 single null packet to get down.

I think stromeus can help you more , better ask him :D
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on April 06, 2013, 05:35:08 pm
As i already told you that whether its sq or its pawn both disconnect the network when they receive certain packets (in most of the case its null packet) , so to stop them there is no code you have to put up a firewall that can block null packets to get to the server or you can buy a linux vps as in linux the packets are limited on its own and the SQ does not crash on linux , but yeah pawn servers do crash as they just need 1 single null packet to get down.

I think stromeus can help you more , better ask him :D

he has more knowledge about this so he can suggest better :D
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on April 07, 2013, 04:29:58 am
Thank brother.

Hi Sr, Do you know anyway to make a auto restarter for the Squirrel/pawn server when the server has been attacked and taken down?, or know some firewall or software to configure the income packets and prevent the server would be OFF?
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: stormeus on April 07, 2013, 05:39:27 am
Do you know anyway to make a auto restarter for the Squirrel/pawn server when the server has been attacked and taken down?
Code: [Select]
@Echo Off
Start /W "" VCMPServer.exe
Goto _Start

This is a correct Windows batch (.bat) script for an auto-restarter. If you are running on Linux (.sh):
Code: [Select]
RC = 1
while [ $RC -ne 0 ]; do

, or know some firewall or software to configure the income packets and prevent the server would be OFF?[/size]

If you are on Windows, sorry, I have no idea how you can protect yourself from these packets. If you are on Linux, you could probably use iptables to filter packets by content, and drop any packets that match a malformed packet. However, that would require disclosing the malformed packets' data, which could be a security hazard to everyone else.

If you are using a Squirrel server, it's protected against all known crashes and exploits, including those that were posted (and removed) on the forum earlier as of April 1st. If your server is older than that, download the newest version. (
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on April 07, 2013, 07:03:21 am
Anyway Thanks a lot Stormeus  :), i decided to ask it to you, cause VRocker told that " If you have a correct firewall and properly configured it, your server wont be crashed, even in WINDOWS," So that open my mine to search somehow to set it. But i made that the hacker could crash it 1 time, just 1, them the firewall ban the ip, but in few mins the firewall alow the ip again, so the hackers take it down again :(.
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: hellboy_vkk on April 08, 2013, 12:13:07 am

If you are on Windows, sorry, I have no idea how you can protect yourself from these packets. If you are on Linux, you could probably use iptables to filter packets by content, and drop any packets that match a malformed packet. However, that would require disclosing the malformed packets' data, which could be a security hazard to everyone else.

Can you please tell me the command to block a packet on data match in iptables??
Title: Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Post by: DilsonTB on May 14, 2013, 10:27:10 pm
Sorry guys, i forgot to post this VIDEO AND TRAILER of this current RP server :D.