General Discussion > Vice City

[REALEASE] Close VC:MP in windows 7 without multiple errors

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Hey guys,

I've been working on a program to not have to go to task management, select VCMP, go to processes, and having to close VCMP this way.

Well I made this program in a notepad, this will VCMP closes when trying to open the program without errors.

if you want a better option, anchored the program to taskbar, so only have to click and the program will close and VCMP alone.

Credits: Dilson_Peralta

Doesn't work on Vista 32 bit.

Here is a much easier program, created in notepad:
1. Create a new text file.
2. Copy paste:

--- Code: ---C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im vc-mp.exe
--- End code ---
3. Save and rename file to kill_vcmp.bat.
4. Run.

Info: should work properly on Vista and 7 (32 bits), unsure about XP. Locate "taskkill.exe" on your hard drive, and put the right path to it into kill_vcmp.bat file.

I am using this program, but with gta-vc.exe parameter, useful when game freezes or when I want to quit game, while it's minimized in the taskbar.

Well, i dont thought about vista, cuz vista isnt used in this moments.. But a .Bat cant be pinned to task bar,
It isnt for XP cuz in XP your vcmp closes normally without error, So:

THIS PROGRAM IS JUST FOR WIN 7 as i said in title.

Vista and 7 are similar systems  ::) and both have the multiple errors bug

i dont knew that some one of us uses windows vista, and also, i just made this program to be used in Windows 7 and to pin it to the taskbar.
But thanks NC :D


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