VC:MP 0.4 (Beta) > Script Discussion

Cannot Create a Symbolic Link

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I am facing a problem while symlimking my DataBase.db.The problem is that the file is not symlinked correctly therefore leaving my webstats page with a line "Database doesn't exist."When i create a symbolic link the file appears like this :

This is the image of the console :

The Line I am using to Create a Symlink : ln -s /root/efe/efe/Files/DataBase.db /var/www/html/stats/DataBase.db

My webstats Page :


First of all. Don't ever run the server as root. For fucks sake people. This is common sense.
Second, that should work fine. As you can see from the ls command it is symlinked, and should have the correct permissions. Make sure you have the name right in your config file, it is case sensitive.

I think that my config file is okay.You can check it yourself :

--- Code: ---<?php
         config.php | Holds all the necessary information
 MaDKiLLeR's Online Stats v1.0.
     Copyright (c) MaDKiLLeR 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
     You cannot remove this message and my name from the footer as the "creater" of this webstats script.


     This is the path to your Online Stats.

          $stats_url = "http://";
  //Add you server's name here
  $servername = "Extreme Fighting Era 2015";
  //If you've a logo, specify it here. i.e replace the empty string with
  //Logo.png and place the image within images/ directory.
  $serverlogo = "";
  //Sepcify the path to the database.
  $databasepath = "DataBase.db";
  //Declare the main fields.
          $mainfields = array (
 //Replace "Stats" with the name of your stats table.
         'stats_table' => "Account",
 //Replace "User" with the name of the column which holds the player's name in the stats table.
         'nick_name' => "Name",
 //Replace "Kills" with column's name which holds the kills.
 'stats_kills' => "Kills,,",
 //Replace "Deaths" with the column's name which holds the deaths.
 'stats_deaths' => "Deaths",
 //Replace "Joins" with the column's name which holds the joins.
 'stats_joins' => "Joins",
           Weapon's Statistics part.
  //You've wep stats? Change this to true.
  $wep_stats_enabled = true;
  //If wepstats is enabled, specify the name of the table holding wepstats.
  $wep_stats_table = "Wstats";
  //Sepcify the column's name in bstats table which consists of nicknames.
  $wep_stats_nickname = "User";
  //You must edit these fields with the name of columns holding the data for associated weapon.
  $wep_stats_fields = array ( 
'stats_m60' => "M60",
'stats_flames' => "FlameThrower",
'stats_laser_sniper' => "LaserScope",
'stats_sniper_rifle' => "SniperRifle",
'stats_ruger' => "Ruger",
'stats_mp5' => "MP5",
'stats_m4' => "M4",
'stats_ingram' => "Ingrams",
'stats_uzi' => "Uzi",
'stats_tec9' => "Tec9",
'stats_stubby' => "Stubby",
'stats_spaz' => "Spaz",
'stats_shotgun' => "Shotgun",
'stats_python' => "Python",
'stats_fist'  => "Fist",
'stats_screwdriver'  => "ScrewDriver",
'stats_golf_club'  => "GolfClub",
'stats_nightstick' => "NightStick",
'stats_knife'  => "Knife",
'stats_baseball_bat'  => "BaseballBat",
'stats_hammer' => "Hammer",
'stats_cleaver'  => "Cleaver",
'stats_machete'  => "Machete",
'stats_katana'  => "Katana",
'stats_chainsaw'  => "Chainsaw",
'stats_colt45'  => "Colt45"
  //Weapons you would like to see on Wep Stats page. Please limit these to a reasonable number.
  //Before adding any weapon, check the correct name for it!
      For Example, if you want to show Heli Blades, then in the array,
  add heli_blades.
  Select the weapon correct name for the weapon according to this:
  heli_blades = HeliBaldes
explosion = Explosion
driveby = Driveby
vehicle = Vehicle
heli_canon = HeliCanon
m60 = M60
flames = FlameThrower
laser_sniper = LaserScope
sniper_rifle = SniperRifle
ruger = Ruger
mp5 = MP5
m4 = M4
ingram = Ingrams
uzi = Uzi
tec9 = Tec9
stubby = Stubby
spaz = Spaz
shotgun = Shotgun
python = Python
fist  = Fist
screwdriver  = ScrewDriver
golf_club  = GolfClub
nightstick = NightStick
knife  = Knife
baseball_bat  = BaseballBat
hammer = Hammer
cleaver  = Cleaver
machete  = Machete
katana  = Katana
chainsaw  = Chainsaw
colt45  = Colt45
  $wep_show = array (
        Body Parts Statistics
  //You've Body Parts stats? Set this to true then.
  $bp_stats_enabled = true;
  //Sepcify the name of the table which holds the bstats.
  $bp_stats_table = "Bstats";
  //Sepcify the column's name in bstats table which consists of nicknames.
  $bp_stats_nickname = "User";
  //Edit these fields with the name of columns in your bstats table, holding stats for the respective bodypart.
  $bp_stats_fields = array (
      'stats_left_arm' => "LeftArm",
   'stats_right_arm' => "RightArm",
   'stats_left_leg' => "LeftLeg",
   'stats_right_leg' => "RightLeg",
   'stats_body' => "Body",
   'stats_torso' => "Torso",
   'stats_head' => "Head"
  //Don't edit this array, move on.
  $bp_show = array (
       Live Map
  //You've live map? If so, set this to true.
  $live_map_enabled = false;
  //Set the path to your live map. i.e
  //If on the same server, then specify the directory containing live map.
  //Just for example, using EA's Live Map. Follow the same pattern:
  $live_map_path = "";
       Clan Stats
  //Have clans stats? Set this to true
  $clan_stats_enabled = false;
  //The name of your table consisting clanstats
  $clan_stats_table = "";
  //Column in the clanstats table which holds the clan's name.
  $clan_stats_field = "";
  //Edit these fields with the name of the columns holding kills & deaths.
  $clan_stats_fields = array (
      'stats_kills' => "Kills",
  'stats_deaths' => "Deaths",


--- End code ---

I don't know where MadKiller's script wants the database, but I see your stats_url is wrongly copied.

If you're okay with permissions, you can just put /root/efe/efe/Files/DataBase.db in that variable. It should work atleast, I don't know how his script works.


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