Author Topic: [0.4] Test Server - Starfish Gangwar  (Read 2862 times)

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Offline heekz.shadow

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[0.4] Test Server - Starfish Gangwar
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:04:47 pm »
Greetings, this is a test server which relies on a custom map and an endless war between two teams!
Each class has it's own custom weapons set and can acquire the 'tactical' set by entering the skeleton pickup.

This server is quite unique because it allows you to deploy 'sentries', I won't spoil the fun, go and check for yourself.

In order to deploy sentries, you have to press PAGE UP. To remove them, press PAGE DOWN.

Due to script limitations they can shoot through walls and from undesired angles, but if you are a man you can tough that out!

The info system will guide you out once you start playing, remember, this is a test server and it's purpose is gathering as much info needed for fixing bugs, errors displayed by the game or by the echo should be reported to me via private message.

I hope you enjoy, there are other features aswell but I'll let you check them out, I limited the battle to the custom island even though there are some ways out of it, if you get me ;)

The IRC Echo is a personal script ported from LU to 0.4.

The custom map is in a .xml and the custom weapons are in their archives. It took me some hours to search for the sounds and they are sadly, stored on your PC, but please don't be a jerk and use them without my permission because it will be considered stealing and you will only tarnish your reputation. Thanks. You can always search on the internet and find better ones.

Question: What are sentries, really ?
That. A very basic m60 model which 'shoots' at your enemies.

Question: What custom island are you talking about?
Something like that

Gamemode: StarfishTDM
IRC Server: LUNet
Echo: #starfish.gangwar

Changelog 2:

  • Fixed login
  • Fixed several bugs and errors, sentries are now rotating smoothly and players have a 14.28% chance of not getting hit by the sentry
  • Added new objects to the map, mainly for stealthy attacks.

Changelog 1:

  • Added account system which stores weapons, positon, health and armour (thus adding /register and /login)
  • Implemented stats (/stats command is also available)
  • Added /admins command (can also be used under '/admin' or '/staff' form)
  • Fixed errors
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[20:23] <habi> later only i heard that lu chatbox is customizable. On my first visit, it appeared ugly.
[20:23] <habi> May be that also be the reason why lu has no players