Author Topic: UA | Underworld Adventures  (Read 4187 times)

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Offline Halchter

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UA | Underworld Adventures
« on: December 01, 2013, 07:53:40 pm »

UA Server

Underworld Adventures is a Vice City Multiplayer online server which was established with the main objective of enhancing the community and cordially giving players the special opportunity to truly define what real fun stands for. The server, along with its professional administrative team, offers people a calm and enjoyable atmosphere in their game-play to make sure they receive any support they need and make their moment jaw-dropping, thus provoking the players a sensation of coming back to the server anytime they feel like spending a pleasant time due to the notable wide variety and innovation of different features that are present in the server. Much effort has gone into finding the appropriate way to satisfy the community, as well as the whole time that was invested into keeping our server well-managed and administrated correctly.


Administrative Teams

- Management:  Coordinates the efforts of other people in order to accomplish goals and objectives. Managers organize, lead, direct and plan affairs that may improve the server and give an useful outcome.

- Administrators: Fulfills a role related to the care of the server, helps players and keep rule-breakers out from the community by the usage of staff commands which are available for people who belong to this group.

- Translators: Writes server messages in another language to make texts understandable for most guests who do not have any previous knowledge regarding English but still are interested in playing in the server. People who are part of this group work along with Scripters to ensure that future implementations will include more than one idiom in their messages.

- Scripters: Refers to the server programmers who have coding knowledge and are always looking for improvements to the server. When a suggestion is accepted, the programmers have to work as a team to get the code of that implementation written.

- Beta Testers: They are in charge of collaborating to future features by testing them several times until the stability of such implementation is proven to be positive and flawless.

- Designers: Creates intangible objects exclusively for server-related matters; most of the time their work is added to the forum of the community.

- Moderators: Users who have been given special authority to enforce the rules on the server and forum and help players as good as possible.

In-game commands:

Prefix: /c

register - Registers a player account in the server.
login - Gives you access to your existent account, correct password is required.
car - Can be used to check the details of the car you are currently driving.
wep - Delivers you a certain gun, obtaining weapons does not cost.
spree - Checks the players who are on a killing streak.
stats - Displays your in-game statistics; kills, deaths, joins and ratio.
ping - Displays the ping between the server and the player.
hp - Checks the amount of health a player has.
score - Displays the amount of people you have assassinated.
myspree - Displays your current killing streak and your top spree.
uptime - Analyzes how long the server has been online.
money - Shows the amount of money you have: cash and bank money.
war - Finds a warfare in the server and teleports you to it.
disarm - Removes all your in-hand weapons.
bomb - Can be used to either buy a bomb or plant one on a vehicle.
goto - Takes you to the location of another online player.
gotoloc - Teleports you to a certain zone, location name must be specified.
hide - Makes you invisible for other players on the radar map.
show - Disables hidden mode.
spawnwep - Sets guns for you, which will be delivered every time you spawn.
deposit - Deposits money in your bank account.
withdraw - Withdraws an amount of money from your bank account.
givecash - Gives some cash away to a player.
fight - Takes you to one of the three fight zones.
heal - Restores your health.
nogoto - Avoids other players to teleport to you through commands.
cd - Starts a countdown in the chatbox.
randomloc - Teleports you to a randomly selected zone.
eject - Ejects you from a vehicle, especially when you are stuck.
irc - Displays the IRC network and channel of the server.
forum - Displays the forum link of the community.
drunk - Increases your drunkenness.
undrunk - Removes your drunkenness.
wepstats - Checks your statistics per weapon.
bodystats - Checks your statistics per body parts.
clanchat - This command is used to communicate among members of a determined clan.
away - Sets your status to away.
afk - Displays the list of away players.
back - Toggles your away status off.
clanstats - Analyzes the statistics of a clan: kills, deaths, ratio.
team - Allows you to team up with a mate.
group - Can be used to create or delete a group, and contains some other parameters.
mygroup - Displays the group you belong to, if any.
groups - Displays the list of existent groups in the server.
buycar - Purchase a vehicle by using this command, as long as you have enough money.
mycars - Exhibits the cars you currently own.
sellcar - Sells your vehicle to Sunshine-Autos and gives you half of the car price.
sharecar - Shares your car with somebody, assigning him almost the same rights you have.
getcar - Brings your vehicle to your location.
gotocar - Takes you to your vehicle.
killengine - Turns off the engine of any of your vehicles.
lock - Locks the doors of your vehicle.
lights - Turns on/off the lights of your car.
parkcar - Permanently changes the spawn position of your vehicle. Can be used to park your vehicle in the garage of your house.
paint - Switches the color of your vehicle, more than five colors are available.
buyprop - Purchases a property.
sellprop - Sells your property to Vice City and gives you half of your house price.
myprops - Exhibits the list of the properties you currently own.
mysharedprops - Exhibits the list of the properties that have been shared with you.
home - Takes you to your property, house name must be specified.
unshareprop - Stops sharing your vehicle with a person.
rentheli - Rents a Hunter for 10 minutes, the cost of the rent is $20,000.00
lms - Activates the LastManStanding minigame, weapon name may be specified.
join - Joins a minigame.
admin - Displays a list of online staff members.
level - Checks your administrative level in game.
fix - Repairs a vehicle.
flip - Flips a vehicle.
newpass - Changes your password, you must be logged in to perform this operation.
stunt - Enables your stunt-mode, which will avoid you to fall down from your bikes.
addquote - Adds a quote to the server.
quote - Reads a quote already saved in the database.
report - Reports a rule-breaker and sends a notification to admins.
spawnloc - Sets your spawn position.
mysharedcars - Exhibits a list of the vehicles that have been shared with you.
unsharecar - Stops sharing your vehicle with a person.
getspike - Gives you the ability of using the command: /spike
forsale - Shows for-sale stuff in the server (properties, vehicles)
serverstats - Displays the main statistics of the server.
autofix - Enables your autofix mode, which automatically repairs your car every 5 seconds.
loc - Announces the name of the district of a player.
skin - Exhibits the skin name of a certain player.
shareprop - Shares a property with people.
country - Displays the country a player is connecting from.
cardive - Elevates your vehicle to the sky.
saveloc - Saves a location in game.
detonate - Detonates your vehicle.
setlang - Sets the language to your preferred one. English, Spanish and Portuguese are the official languages in this server.

Properties System

A system of purchasing and selling properties is available, which was mainly designed for those guests who are interested in gamemode combinations; the idea of adding homes is based off of role-play communities. Properties are optionally used to have a decent place to occupy and live in, as well as you are permitted to park your vehicles in the garage or parking of your home and develop an easy way of accessing your items by setting your spawn-position right at the door of the house. Aside from the prestige that your property provides, you receive money from National Bank for having a property every certain time. The server currently has more than one-hundred fifty available houses. There is nothing to wait for, go ahead and buy your first house!

Vehicles System

The involvement of vehicles in a community is always effective and efficient as it shares the ability of purchasing a car and enjoying the offered features. When you buy an automobile, you obtain the right to paint your car, park it on any zone you choose and share your vehicle privileges with one of your friends. Apart from that, people can use vehicles for racing, speeding up through Vice City streets and highways, cutting others off for pleasure, giving your friends a ride and showing off the car. Each person has different ways of spending money, however the best option is to buy a for-sale vehicle before somebody else decides to purchase it; by the pass of the time, all cars have an owner and the only way to purchase a car is persuading the vehicle's pattern or participating in an auction, which is not truly convenient since there are people who are rich due to their advanced effort in the server.

Special Dates

The community tends to celebrate special dates that are recognized by most countries and are generally known to be worth. We celebrate those dates by adding a banner in our forum containing effects or pictures related to the day. Furthermore, at times, a certain amount of money is delivered to people in order to make them more familiar with celebrities.

IRC: Internet Relay Chat @ #ua-server

Forum Address

Our community forum makes it possible to have online discussions among server followers and players. They have an additional place to hold conversations and organize events; for the administration team, it is the appropriate area to have important debates and share points of view regarding the betterment of the community and the quality of our services.

The forum address is:

Staff Organization

The staff team usually looks forward to imposing a fine atmosphere and image within the server and ensuring the fact that every situation turns out right by performing the right actions with the appropriate resources when needed. Administrative people are sufficiently mature, experienced, talented, skilled and phlegmatic to enforce the rules and turn the game-play into a delightful paradise which ranges from peacefulness to high entertainment as a consequence of the well-structured server whose purpose is to provide pleasing adventures to the guests and have them spend unforgettable times.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 08:59:08 am by Halchter »

Offline maxxotsvice

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Re: UA | Underworld Adventures
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 06:21:35 pm »
its Off Only PakistaniZZ

Offline DRagaNow

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Re: UA | Underworld Adventures
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 08:40:13 am »
ok i bump again >.>

The server got a lot of features that will attract you towards it!
i will Give it 5 Stars :D