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Messages - Dragan

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Re: How to add skins/vehicles into the configuration file
« on: August 10, 2008, 12:44:21 pm »
Well first of all, i'm new to this comunity i'm starting to work with VC:MP servers today. :o ;)
I have "little" expirience with SA:MP pawno scripting but i see here is difrent so i need help.I found YeTi's VC Coding Tutorial and i will use them.

Ok so my problem is that i downloaded those pdf files with skin ids,weapon ids and vehicle ids but when i open them in notepad i see just ..nothing only those freak letters all around and i can't use those files even with office.
So if someone have .txt versions (or any other that can be opened easily) of those ids (skin,weapon,vehicle,pickups).
Anyway i would like to say that i played a lot VC before but currently i don't remember a lot of things so do you guys have any pictures of weapons,cars,skins,pickups  with their names etc...

EDIT: I got now pictures of cars,weapons,but i still need their IDS + skin IDS and skin pictures.

EDIT2: I see i need reader to open those files.Ok nvm i got it now i will download acrobat reader sry.

Anyway does anyone have link to see skin names with pictures?

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