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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2008, 02:45:44 pm »
Name: [DS]StriKe
Age: 16

Time Playing VCMP: 1 Year

Average Hourly Play: 4 Hours (More than 8 hours on Weekends
Average Days Play: Mostly Every Day

Country: India
Timezone: IST +5 1/2 hrs  Between 4pm to 10pm on weekdays,Anytime on Weekends
Why:I Hate hacker and cheater while playing mostly when they have hp hackz and gliders hackz they make fun play into shit!Iam also admin in other server also and have my own server running!Bishop and Dead Also Knowz abt me..i know the differnce between hacker and lagger ;D

Other: Yeah i am active in Irc and have good knowledge about Ip,subnets...
i joined your channel when your first echo channel was made for the server  ;)

Offline PlayerX

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2008, 02:38:35 am »
Name: PlayerX
Age: 19

Time Playing VCMP: 3 years

Average Hourly Play: from 3 to 8 hours
Average Days Play: every day

Country: argentina
Timezone: GMT-3:00 (Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown)
Why: to control the server and that everything's fine... and for taking out the trash ... (Hp hack, armour hack multi-hack, etc...)

Other: I speak Spanish, but I connect to the channels (IRC) to see and control...
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 02:41:03 am by PlayerX »

Offline Punjabi

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2008, 10:35:24 am »
I am  Punjabi_goli
Age is 15

I have been playing vicecitymultiplayer for more than 2 years and i become much experienced by jumping ,defencing,shooting and excellent with spaz.........

I play for 2 hours daily bcoz i am studying in 10 class so studies are also important for me rather playing vcmp all the time like others....

Daily i play vicecitymultiplayer but not in exam days...

I am living in INDIA -->state (Punjab)and i really proud of myself to be born in the country of 10 sikh religion Gurus

Timezone: Dunno

Admin nice question -->i wanna be admin as i can keep an eye on hackers and and all the time fighting with them as a true soldier like INdian soldiers did.....

Other: I am truthful and never give u any excuse of leaving XE and i am true believer of GOD

My last few words-->>MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL
GOD BLESS ALL..<<Founder of PUN Clan.....Born to fight and Kill..>>

Offline [ph]rabbit

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2008, 12:04:51 am »
Name: [PH]RaBBiT  8)
Age: 15 :)

Time Playing VCMP:    
6 months in several days of (school)
Average Hourly Play:    
1 - 4 hours a day unless I have a reason
Average Days Play:
Every Day

Country: Poland

He wants to be an administrator. Because if I come to annoy me that there is no admin and players violate the rules of the server.
wants to help the players and wants to be admin Pole ktroy will also help the Poles whom I do not know English. very Lobi to the server, and he wanted me to assist him.

He wants to help the players and penalize violations of the Rules of Procedure.
So please for my administrator
[I use English to Polish translator exactly write post. We apologize for any errors. worse would be if he wrote in English, p (many mistakes)] ;D

Offline KiLL3r.420

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2008, 07:06:31 am »
Name: KiLL3r.420
Age: (16

Time Playing VCMP: 6-8 months i was banned once i dont know why

Average Hourly Play: 9 to 12 hours daily
Average Days Play: every single day

Country: United States
Timezone: central

Why: i want to help the vice city community and remove  all hackers.

Other:  im tired of hackers i speak two languages (English and Spanish
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 10:32:07 pm by KiLL3r.420 »

Offline evil_night13

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2008, 11:49:31 am »
Name: [DS]KilleR
Age: 20

Time Playing VCMP: 5 months

Average Hourly Play: 2-3
Average Days Play: almost everyday

Country: India
Timezone: GMT +5:30, 1800hrs - 2200hrs

Why: Well i dont want to say the usual story "i wanna remove hackers", no! i want to protect the innocents or fair playing members from the unscrupulous cheaters, they deserve the best(Fair members), and they deserve the worst(Cheaters)

Other: i know the internet terms (internet geek), will be able to identify laggers / cheaters. Mostly 24X7 will be online in all the xe channels

P.S:  I apologize, if there are any grammatical error in the above! :D

Offline Legolas

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2008, 02:57:19 am »
Name: (VK)Legolas
Age: 13

Time Playing VCMP: i've been playing for 6-8 months (quite new)

Average Hourly Play: 6 hours - working days (unless there's a test or project or homework im working on) and on weekends i can play the whole day.

Average Days Play: everyday (unless there is something to do with school)

Country: Canada
Timezone: EST

Why: im quite new so i would like to experience how it's like to be an admin and i never break a single rules or get kicked (only Mattz kicked me for Reason: STFU)
i will make sure that everyone follows the rules during the time i am playing.

Other: Want to gain some experience as an admin, and making XE server a friendly and hackers free place to play.

Offline cola

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2008, 03:01:54 pm »
Name: [DU]_CoLa_Sky
Age: 15

Time Playing VCMP: Played 10 months, with no breaks, and will be playing more.

Average Hourly Play: 5 ~ 7 hours a day max, only 12 hours on saturdays.
Average Days Play: Everyday, except if there is any school events going on.

Country: Singapore
Timezone: Close to India meh so same timezone or a little faster :P Don't really know.
               Oh i think it's GMT + 8 :D

Why: I am a good admin. I'm fair and friendly, and know if its hacks or lag that i'm seeing. I like helping out new people. I mostly play in Littlewhitey server, since it's the most active server, and many people knows me as a friendly kind nice friend xD

Other: I live in Singapore, so i lag. But lag is not really what decides someone to become an admin right? I hope I get in. I'm merciless for hackers, but i have a procedure of myself. I warn, even the hackers before banning them. But if you don't find it right, i am willing to follow the rules :)
I found out that XE had alot of changes since a few months ago, and found it fun, and want it to be a great server. I am online on mIRC for 6 hours straight everyday except for somedays which i have school events. But im always on alert of what is happening to the server. Of course I have my own clan, which is most active in Littlewhitey server, so i will be playing there as well. But i want to become an admin, test my self how fair i am, and see if i can be a good admin. Like Legolas said, I want to have some experience of being an admin.
I've been an admin on some of the servers, but most of them were my friend's, and closed early so i couldn't really administrate it, but while i was an admin, i think i was a good admin.
As you may have seen, I'm good at english :P
To be honest, I'm not really intelligent about SUBNET bans, and internets stuffs, but i am willing to learn how if i become an admin.

Adding: I've seen loads of hackers ingame. I contacted the admins that were available at that time, like Kenwood, Chucky, Pluisje, and even to you Tommis, but all of you weren't there and we lost the cheater. I think i can fill that space when all the other admins are away from the channel.

CoLaz0r :D
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 06:04:50 pm by cola »

Offline Greg

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2008, 01:14:07 am »
Dear XE Server Admins!

Time Playing VCMP:
I play vcmp more than 1 and a half year without any break
Average Hourly Play:
It's very different because of my job, but i play usually 2-4 hours in a day
Average Days Play:
I used to play usually 4-5 days in a week for reason of my job
The timezone of Hungary is: GMT +2 hours ; my playing period as i wrote is very different, therefore i never cannot determine it
As i said to Pluisje, my favourite server is XE European Server (excepted my own server), but in my opinion there are cheaters many times, who used to annoy in addition the regular players often...
Therefore i mean they ruins the carefree playing of normal players, so i hate cheaters and according to my principals i never use any of cheats, but as i have a server too (called HEF Clan Server), i have a little expertise in this. For example i can make difference naturally between cheating/hacking and lagging.
Moreover you can be sure, i always give the respect everybody, who does so likewise and i used to be helpfully and friendly with everybody, who behave so with me.
Naturally not my competence to deside, that you give me a chance to be an XE Server Admin, but i mean i would be a friendly, helpfully and fair admin on your server too.
My job is IT professional and programmer and i speak 3 different languages. These are: english, german, hungarian and a few words in portuguese.

Thanks and kind regards,

P.S.: Thanks for wasting your time with reading my application


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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2008, 06:11:08 pm »
Age: 14

Time Playing VCMP: i am playing VCMP only 3 months but got 2 years in SA-MP :)
i've been admin on Andre9977's hYdra DM Server and some other LS:RP servers...

Average Hourly Play: 2-3 or could be even 5
Average Days Play: 3-4 or when i get a chance to play when i got free time...

Country: Greece
Timezone: GMT:+2

Why: I wont allow people who cheat or don't know to play VCMP to Break the Rules,Spamm,Flood,Flame and advertise... or kill team mate...

Other: I am a WebMaster... i got some warez sites and 2 DDLs .... i've been using phpBB and Vbulletin Boards for 3 years... i can change my ip in just 5 seconds xD

I'm also a SA-MP pawner... i've been owning a server of 34.000 lines... half made by me.... half from people who create usefull mods/Filter Scripts..

I can give you some space on my server to create a forum (phpBB3 or SMF) only for XE Servers.... i own some domains... like (,, and some more....

I know English Language very well... i've been taking lessons for 8 Years... next year i'll take lower :P and at 3 years i'll give for proficiency...

also i can be in IRC Chat rooms when i'm in Internet but not playing any game....
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 07:28:36 pm by [DK]GHOST_DOG »

Offline leo

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2008, 01:48:06 pm »
Name: [CStym]leonard
Age: 17

Time Playing VCMP: 2 years + 3 years of MTA

Average Hourly Play: 5 hours or more
Average Days Play: every day

Country: USA

Timezone: Eastern time

Why: Based on my experience in playing in these XE servers, I have seen how these servers run and they are good servers except the people that play mostly I have seen are hackers and always killing and annoying players which obviossley makes them leave, also there are admins,but theres only one or 2 that actually do there part and staying in the server longer.

Other: I believe that I can help out my friend [XE]Tommis and my buddy Ulk.Head with the server and catching all the hackers and mod users and considering that I have been admin in 4 different servers also have been in 4 different clans. I have much experience in catching hackers and I usually spectate and kill people who are suspisouse.

Offline _Tommy

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2008, 05:41:39 pm »
Name: _Tommy
Age: 14

Time Playing VCMP: 2 Years , when i play for the first time i played 5 month and is topped to play because i being busy, i started play vc:mp again in november 2007.

Average Hourly Play: 5/6 hours per day
Average Days Play: every day

Country: Italy
Timezone: GMT + 1.00h

Why: Because i like to be admin, I hate rulebreakers and i don't want hackers/cheaters in any server, in the 2007 i always play in XE server.

Other: I want help everybody to make this server ANTI-HACKERS/Cheaters and rulebreackerz.

Offline PinBall

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2008, 04:08:21 am »
Name: [DnA]BugsySiegel (I also log in as [DnA]PinBall sometimes)
Age: 27
Real Name: Dominick

Time Playing VCMP: I've played VC-MP for almost two years now

Average Hourly Play: around 5 or so hours of play.
Average Days Play: mostly every day.

Country: Brazil (I know, worst country to have an admin of... but I'm different than the others.)
Timezone: GMT -3 time. I'm on randomly during the day so my time of play may vary. But I'm definitely on after 10 PM.

Why: Because I speak 3 languages and I would be on the lookout for those annoying hackers and cheaters that usually tend to crawl into the server during the night. And because I've been around and will be around. ;)

Other: Well, I haven't got much to say but what I can say is that I usually hang around on LW and I play mostly there. But now that there's a DDoS problem happening, I'm looking to improve my activity in XE and try to do the best as an admin there.

I'm extremely active on IRC, just not on the XE channels (because I havent found them out yet hehe).

I've had my bits and arguments with a few folks but we've to remember that nobody's perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

I'm familiar with [KFJ]Mattz alot, and he knows who I am and how I act.

So that's that, I hope to get a reply soon and my e-mail is [email protected] (it's also my MSN).

- Dom.

Offline [UB]sebasd21

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2008, 12:34:01 am »

Name: [UB]sebasd21
Time Playing VCMP: 8 months

Average Hourly Play: 4
Average Days Play: I mostly play in the weekends, and a good amount in the weekdays

Country: Colombia

Why: im  good player and i like to be a represent of latin america. [DnA]Dead, ULK.head can recomended me.i know all about the game on line, about hacks and reasons of ban.
the game is my life and i will be a honest supervisor.

Other: if you want a more information than me you can talk with ULK.head and dead. they will  recomended me. [/quote]

thanks a lot

Offline andres1234

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Re: Server Admin
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2008, 07:37:48 am »
Name: ErIcK102
Age: 15

Time Playing VCMP: 1 or 2 years
Average Hourly Play: 4 or 5 hours
Average Days Play: all the days in the night

Country: mexico

Why:im a good player i had never use hacks (i report all hackers) i gonna be a good admin not like admin controls abusers to kick hackers and rulebreakers
Other: i most like to ban an admin named [TLK]chucky beacause he is a very very admin controls abuser