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Messages - SugarD

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General Discussion / Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« on: April 18, 2013, 02:20:47 am »
1. If you don't know this, you're stuck. And many people are too lazy to search the answer.
3. That was for Stormeus, but while I was writing, you posted ;).
In fact there are some interesting mods for VC created in the last time like the "moving camera around car with mouse" mod. For 9 years no one made it. And there are still some nice mods to do in VC.

4. Not many, I may agree. But it's a representative form of the whole community. XFire incompatible with many games? This made me laugh. Maybe I don't use it, but it would be pointless to create a program that doesn't work, right?

5. And I'm not talking about myself. I look at all my friends who played VCMP with me. Many of them already retired, while the rest is... Yes, you guess it. Busy with real life problems. Only a few of them play VCMP regularly. I'm talking shit? No, that's just what will sooner or later happen, when people lose interest in it. And I just noticed that most of you think this will never happen.
I'm supporting this mod however I can with my experience I collected for many years. If you have another opinion, then have it :).

6. Spending thousands of hours to work on something that is played by 2 players? Then you must been a lunatic :D.

7. About what path are you thinking? I think about adding as much possibilities as possible. For now we have mostly DM/fighting servers in VCMP, which not everyone likes. Role play, racing, zombie, ufo searching etc. Give the people material and they will work on it.

8. I don't follow the IV:MP, but for a long time they didn't have some basic weapon (?) sync and released a beta version. LU had everything when it was released.

9. Hmm, I understand, that I said the developers made shit? Sorry, I didn't say that and won't say. They are pro hackers of VC, which is already a big advantage for them and get respect.

@Stormeus: you like to point things recently, so I point much. The community will be stable and get a slight increase if we make some good decision.
1. You get that no matter how successful your mod is. It's not an excuse.

2. Stormeus released a mod for VC two days ago. Your argument against him about there not being one in the last month is, again, null and void.

3. XFire uses an overlay that causes issues with many games, so yes, it is a known issue. So what if it represents many from a community? It is still not accurate data because it does not represent the entire, (nor the majority of), the community. Using it as a reference for statistical data would be using false information.

4. People grow up. So what? There are kids who play GTA:VC too. Blaming it on your age makes no sense, because people are saying that players are playing IV:MP. If them leaving VC:MP was because of their age, how would they get the time to play IV:MP? Again, that argument does not work here.

5. Loony or not, it's how the GTA modding community works. If you don't like it, you are welcome to leave.

6. I'm saying copying someone else just because they are successful won't make you successful. Yes, using them as an example is fine, but you basically said VC:MP needs to "become" what MTA:SA is. That won't get you anywhere. Feeding off someone else's success never works. Using their success as an example can, though.

7. LU did not have everything when it was released. It was in testing and development for about 4-5 years before it even came out as a first release version. IV:MP has not had a single release version yet. They are still in Beta/Release Candidate stages. That argument makes no sense because you're comparing a fully-completed mod with one that is still developing it's basic parts, and the one that is in development had people playing before it was even stable. The released one did not. There is no comparison there because they share nothing alike in the way they were made public.

8. You have said it every single time you have talked **** about VC:MP. Either quit moaning and search for solutions to the problems, or leave. Sitting around complaining about how "VC is dead" and other similar BS is not going to help VC:MP get anywhere, and it is not appreciated by any of us.

9. If that is true, then help it. Being negative only contradicts your own reply to him.

General Discussion / Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« on: April 18, 2013, 01:14:49 am »
Steam version - VC v2.0 doesn't allow to play VCMP
Mobile - no

Wow, what an unbelievable news! Let's refer to gtaf one more time. Compare the amount of posts at the VC board and GTA SA or GTA4 posted recently, the difference is huge. Now let's check the recently submitted mods on for example, probably the biggest site with GTA mods. Not even one VC mod was submitted in this month so far, while for SA or 4... As you see. Another fact: the xfire statistics. Sure, not everyone uses xfire, but the statistics found on and shows one more time the interest of the community into both games.

One fact, which you can't argue about, at least I hope so :). WE (= players, who are playing VCMP for over a year) are the main force, power etc. of VCMP. But unfortunately WE are getting older, we have more troubles, issues and work than we had when we started playing VCMP for example. And WE will have less time for playing games (or? :) ). And so, the main force will be weaker, if there won't be many new players around, who want to stick with this game for a longer time. And as you clearly see from the examples I posted above, our chances to get new players are not big.

Of course there is a point of everything (what have I wrote rofl :D ). We just need to make VCMP more like MTASA. I heard one time a nice quote, it gone like this: "GTA SA is a game. MTASA changed a game (SA) to a (gaming) engine". I messed it, but doesn't matter. This is what VCMP needs to do. Use VC as an engine, hack the game as much as possible. Then we can create any "game" we want, based on VC. I see that we could do it. First step should be to include Maxo's VL to VCMP :).

Still talking about LU? Okay, so why is LU not as popular as VCMP?
1. GTA3, really. I played GTA3 after VC & SA, which was a terrible mistake. People who started with III loved this game, while it was for me a simpler version of VC (amount of weapons, cars, no bikes, helicopters).
2. The release date. Maybe if LU would have been released by the same time when VCMP, the community size of both game had been similar.


There is a difference between SP and MP. I know several persons who love SP, but they don't even think of playing this game with other players. However, I don't know the reason, so we can just guess.
1. Replace the .exe and it works fine.

2. No mobile MP has been made for any GTA yet due to limitations of the OS'es.

3. I never once referenced GTAF, but go ahead.

No one has made mods in the past month because nearly everything has been thought of. Can you come up with a decent, fun mod that you know how to make that hasn't been created already? Really, go ahead and try. I dare you.

4. Not many people use XFire. It isn't compatible with MTA:SA, and it has conflicts with many other games. It has many less users than Steam does, so it's not a reliable source of information.

5. If you have less time for playing games, then you should only be complaining about your personal situation. Not everyone else is you, so if you don't like this mod, quit. Simple as that. You are a VC:MP Beta Tester. It sickens me that you would sit here talking **** about a mod you are supposed to be supporting when you are the last person who has the right to. Get your own crap straight before you come to us preaching about how you think this mod needs to die.

6. So what if our chances of getting players aren't big? Who ever said this was about getting players? These mods are not made for profit, they are made for fans to enjoy. It doesn't matter if you have 2 players or 20,000. As long as there is interest, it should be continued. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else and create a for-profit GTA multiplayer mod. We saw when Rockstar Games tried that, and look where it ended up. That system obviously doesn't work in this community.

7. VC:MP shouldn't be like MTA:SA just because it's successful. VC:MP should follow it's own path and make itself successful based on how it wants to be. VC:MP could easily pull off all the VC-based features that SA:MP did, and be just as successful in terms of development. Copying MTA:SA's design to do so would be copying MTA:VC's plans for Blue, and copying another mod creates confusion, not the friendly competition that instead drives fanboys to pick sides and makes the mods strong.

8. LU is not as popular yet because many people are still in the process of making very large servers that take an incredible amount of time to create from scratch. There are also updates to some basic features waiting to be released in the next few versions. You can't argue that it has anything to do with the game engine, because LU has more players than IV:MP does, and IV:MP is built for the latest GTA out there. Again, null and void argument.

9. Why are you constantly ****ting on VC and VC:MP? So what if there is a difference between single-player and multi-player? Since when has that ever mattered? Support the mod you were recruited to test or get the hell out. Fans don't want people like you taking a dump all over something the Developers worked very hard to create for everyone to enjoy.

General Discussion / Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« on: April 18, 2013, 12:47:25 am »
Probably because people think VC is somehow more advanced that GTA III when it barely is. Maybe because the GTA III graphics are slightly worse.
I beg to differ on that. Each one has it's own advantages. The misconception that GTA III is ugly is purely because of it's dark, NYC-style atmosphere, which was part of the game on purpose. Given that VC is using an upgraded version of the engine, and was made bright and colorful on purpose, comparing them is null and void.

I myself had a hard time finding out where to find a GTA III multiplayer and I was actually looking and searching around for it. Also I believe VCMP is older than it, much older.
VC:MP is not older than any of them, except *maybe* LU by a few years. GTA3:AM, aka GTA3:MTA, was the first GTA multiplayer mod to ever exist. You obviously don't know your history, otherwise you'd be thanking that mod for allowing any of your fancy modern ones to come to light. Without it, none of them would exist.

Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it's not there. Several people have tried to make competing GTA III multiplayer mods. GTA3:MTA and LU just happened to be the only ones that succeeded because of GTA III's lack of documentation, which was purely because that information was barely available during it's strong era. People didn't discover the true abilities of modifying GTA until the end of VC's era, and the start of SA's. Claiming that no one has made GTA III multiplayer mods because of the game engine being old is also a ridiculous argument, because it has absolutely nothing to do with game engine age. Hell, GTA3:MTA was so big when it first came out that it was even on TV. It still didn't have many players, but it made it onto national television, and into online newspapers. Even Rockstar Games gave it support because the Developers never gave up despite the obstacles they had faced.

If you want VC:MP to become popular again, you need to support it. Moaning about how "crappy" it is, and how it will "never get any players" is the exact reason why it's having trouble. How would you like to be a Developer for a mod that gets **** on daily? I am one. Trust me, it's not fun. It makes you want to give up and ignore it because you feel like no one appreciates your work...and those that do suffer as a result.

Either get your facts and attitude straight, and help out this mod, or get the hell off it's forum. We don't need people ****ting on it left and right so they can promote what they prefer instead.

General Discussion / Re: a question plz
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:26:09 am »
No, because VCMP has maybe 100 functions if not less (wild guess), while SAMP has many more.

If you convert it to VC:MP's functions, events, and information, and remove anything that VC:MP doesn't have, you could theoretically get it working.

General Discussion / Re: Forum Needs Updating
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:25:27 am »
OT: I personally prefer mybb. It's a nice forum scripts and got everything what I needed so far.
And again, it has absolutely nothing to do with a topic about the forum being updated.

If you want that to happen, create your own topic.

General Discussion / Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:24:46 am »
@SugarD: no hyperlink to THIS forum on the main website I got lost :)
Indeed, you did. I said there didn't used to be one prior to the website being updated, which I nagged at everyone about, by the way.

General Discussion / Re: Get more people in the VC:MP Developers Team
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:43:56 pm »
VCMP... even if they got the best coders working on it non-stop, it's just not going anywhere. It's fine for now with it's current players but people don't really join it anymore.
How do you know that people don't join VC-MP anymore? You have no real evidence for this. Everyday we see new nicks on VC-MP servers that proves people still join VC-MP.
Exactly! Even MTA 0.5r2, (in it's painful state due to Game-Monitor's issues and ASE's death), is still getting new players all the time...and we all know how much that mod is suffering in comparison to VC:MP, so to say VC:MP is dead is just ridiculous.

As for IV:MP, I never said it was dead or dying. I said it needs help. You were the one that continued to compare them after I said I wasn't.

General Discussion / Re: help guys
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:41:07 pm »
There are some good ones out there, but none of them are publicly-shared.

If you're looking for a place to get ideas from with script examples, I would check in this board first:

General Discussion / Re: a question plz
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:38:34 pm »
That actually depends on how basic of a gamemode you are talking. If you convert it to VC:MP's functions, events, and information, and remove anything that VC:MP doesn't have, you could theoretically get it working.

Generally with most gamemodes though, the answer is no. You would be better off rewriting it to be compatible.

General Discussion / Re: Forum Needs Updating
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:37:11 pm »
As I've said before, I've used both extensively. I have a web development background, and I have over 20 years experience and multiple certifications in computer security. I am telling you right now that security has absolutely nothing to do with this. Both forum softwares are equally secure, and you've yet to show any proof of anything otherwise. I have a very long history of using PHPBB2, PHPBB3, SMF 1, and SMF 2, and I'm aware of both forum softwares' groups currently working on new major versions, as well as planning major versions for after that. My knowledge and experience in their usage alone proves that you are wrong. Until you come up with something that says otherwise, keep your personal fanboy crap out of my topic. As I've said before, that has absolutely nothing to do with a topic about a SMF update that takes a few seconds to apply, and you are only derailing it further by trying to argue that VC:MP Forums should switch. If you want that to happen, create your own topic.

Don't believe me about my experience? Let me know. I'll even link you to two sites I am currently administrating that each use SMF and PHPBB respectively.

General Discussion / Re: Get more people in the VC:MP Developers Team
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:52:52 pm »
Um yeah they have, there are a few communities on IVMP like NGRP that have a bunch of people from SAMP planning to move over as soon as IVMP is stable. People probably would have before if IVMP was stable.
You obviously have no idea what the playerbase and fanbases are.

If you don't like VC:MP, that is your own personal opinion, but keep your shitting on it out of this forum.

General Discussion / Re: Forum Needs Updating
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:51:56 pm »
There's no fanboy crap, phpBB is much more secure.
No, it's not. Both forum softwares are equally secure. For the last time, get the fanboy shit the fuck out of my topic.

General Discussion / Re: Forum Needs Updating
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:40:28 pm »
phpBB is secure
So is SMF. Comparing the two is a ridiculous argument that has nothing to do with my topic. I use both of them, so keep that fanboy crap out of here please.

General Discussion / Re: Get more people in the VC:MP Developers Team
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:39:59 pm »
That's because IVMP is currently unplayable. As soon as it's stable it will pick up members, a stable version of the latest GTA multiplayer is bound to pick people up, people who want to upgrade from SAMP for example.
Very few have expressed interest in upgrading from MTA:SA and SA:MP to IV:MP. Claiming that they will do so purely based on the age of the games is a null argument. Comparing it to VC:MP is an even worse argument, because the mods aren't even comparable in terms of current development status.

General Discussion / Re: Forum Needs Updating
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:38:20 pm »
Why don't you use phpBB.
Because they chose to use SMF instead. This has nothing to do with their choice of software, nor does it matter.

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