Author Topic: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 -  (Read 23560 times)

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Offline ulkaki

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2013, 03:09:53 pm »

It saddens me to announce one of the greatest changes in ULK history. Recent actions taken by certain members of the gang have completely violated our gang policies and severely tarnished the meaning and reputation of "ULK." What is truly disappointing about all of this is that many of these individuals acted while being fully aware of the potential negative effects that their actions could have on the gang.

Before I continue, on behalf of ULK, I would like to thank everyone in the VC:MP community for their ongoing support. We will continue to try our best to promote fun and fair gameplay in the community and please rest assured that we will do everything we can to ensure that our founding principles and friendship with the community are not compromised in the slightest. Our decision today has not only resolved all remaining internal issues within ULK, but also paved the way for our long term sustainability in the future.

Also, I would like to make it extremely clear that our decision was really a last resort amidst all the internal conflict and struggle within ULK which began almost five years ago. I am sure that many of you have already taken notice of some of our internal problems based on some of the illegitimate (I will explain later on) and rather controversial "public announcements" made by certain members of the gang.

What has happened?

To cut to the chase and be as accurate and specific as possible, ULK's membership has been significantly reduced reduced from a little over 50 members to 33. This may sound shocking to you and almost unbelievable, but it is exactly what happened over the past few days; some of our members are no longer a part of this organization.

These individuals (now removed from the member list) have not been kicked or were forced out of ULK. Rather, they have left on their own accord and created their own "gang," the same way some of our members have left in the past and formed the Da gang. The only difference is that their newly established illegitimate entity is also under the name "ULK." Their new website (hosted on FMJ site has even copied much of the content from our site. Moreover, under their new entity, they have made several outrageous decisions such as demoting myself to TLK or promoting ParadoX to ULK without the approval of most of our members. Their decisions are not legitimate and will never be recognized by ULK. As such, I implore the community to not give them any recognition whatsoever so that they will hopefully stop with their abusive behavior that is both embarrassing for ULK and confusing for the community.  

Now, what has lead to all of this? What role did we, the remaining and majority of members of ULK, play in all of this? Here is the honest truth which can be verified by any of our remaining members and by some individuals outside of the gang who have been consulted throughout the process. We also have plenty of evidence to back up our claims, and in an effort to address our public obligation to the community and to promote transparency within the gang, we will disclose many details which have been kept secret within ULK until now.

The Truth - No more secrets

Essentially, a certain group of members with considerable influence within ULK has been constantly undermining and looking down at the rest of the gang. They have not been involved at all in ULK's growth in VC:MP as well as XE's development, and yet they believe that they are entitled to some sort of "superiority" within the gang and in VC:MP. Even though they are relatively inactive, and do not contribute nearly as much to the gang as even our TLKs, they have completely manipulated and taken advantage of ULK's name and affiliations to serve their own interests. Specifically they have used ULK and XE's relative success to fuel their egos and convince themselves that they are better than others.

However, the key issue at hand is that even within ULK, they believe that they are "above" the rest of us. Right from the moment they came from MTA:VC and joined us, they have believed in a "council system," a system where there are supposedly "senior members" in the gang whose opinions and votes are worth much more than the rest of the gang. This is an extremely antediluvian and outdated system that is only necessary when the gang is as big as, for instance, 100 members. Their adamant belief in this system, that they ares "superior" to the rest of the members in the gang, is rude and unfair to everyone in the gang.

We are not supposed to follow strict rules of "council" or any of that bs that they have been trying to impose on us. I have worked my hardest from the first day to ensure that everyone's voice is equal (ULKs and TLKs alike) and that everything is decided based on majority rule. This is something that we can continue to try our best to promote and is the reason why ULK has been able to exist without official leaders and why ULK continues to be one of the strongest gangs in VC:MP. We are a family, a group of friends - we make decisions based on what the majority of members thinks and they keep forgetting that.

Also, what they are deceiving the public about is that ULK was not always the way it is now. Back in around 2007-2008 when I joined VC:MP, ULK was pretty much just one guy - ULK.HeAD. I know some of them may have "checked out" VC:MP, but the truth is only HeAD was actively playing VC:MP. Certain members of the gang like to show off and say that "ULK was founded in 2003" or that "they have been playing for 10 years" but the truth is both are lies. It is only correct to say that ULK was founded 10 years ago, or that some of them played multiplayer Vice City 10 years ago, but it is wrong and inaccurate to say or imply that ULK or they have been alive and pwning since 2003. What I can tell you is that when I joined ULK around 2007-2008, ULK did not even exist in VC:MP. Did you know what "ULK" was like in 2007-2008? It was essentially just ULK.HeAD playing alone in XE. All the other "MTA ULKs" were simply idling on ulk.servebeer IRC (not even GTANet) and they did not play VC:MP at all. So was ULK even a clan in VC:MP? No. Do you know which clans actually existed? KFJ, DnA, etc. ULK essentially had one member who was playing by himself. A "clan" did not exist in VC:MP; instead, it was just an extremely skilled player who happened to wear the ULK tag in front of his nick. When I joined ULK, I was essentially the second member in VC:MP. HeAD was my first friend in VC:MP; he taught me everything, from fighting knowledge to even how to manage a server. For a while, we were essentially the only two people in ULK who played this game. But then, one day, I asked HeAD. "So you keep telling me all these great stories about what 'ULK' was so where is ULK? What happened to ULK in VC:MP?" The reality was that ULK may have had a great early history and may have pwned in MTA:VC, but at the time, in VC:MP, ULK was nothing. It didn't have members, it didn't have rules, it didn't recruit anyone, it didn't have a website - it didn't have anything.

But I wasn't okay with that. I watched how all these other gangs had 20+ members and how each of them had their individual identities and reputations within VC:MP. I absolutely hated hated the idea that my tag meant absolutely nothing. But no, no, it actually meant everything to me. ULK marked my beginning in VC:MP. ULK was a testament to my friendship with HeAD. ULK was my personal identity and my pride in this world we call VC:MP. I wanted more and I just couldn't accept what it was. So I started recruiting all my friends (some were the best players in VC:MP - i.e. Kong who I had to essentially beg and beg to join). I also set up a website for ULK (this site), hosted a "ULK Public Server" and "Psycho Empire" (they were quite popular actually) to further promote the "ULK name." I had to beg and persuade most of the recruits to join and within about a year, ULK had 30+ members and we were clearly one of the leading gangs in VC:MP. At this point, we essentially made it. We were unified. There was absolutely no drama whatsoever. None of this internal conflict existed.

I actually created the #ULK channel on GTANet and I find it extremely sad and ironic that they have banned me from there. The new channel has been temporarily relocated to #ULK (LUNet) and in the meantime, I will try to get in touch with the IRCops on GTANet. HeAD and I actually begged each of these people to leave their private IRC server and join us on #ULK (GTANet) so again I find it to make no sense that they hate LUNet so much and are so adamant about staying in GTANet. When HeAD told me about all these old players from MTA, I thought it would be a great idea for him to ask them to come back. Even though most of our clan base had no idea who they were, we welcome each and every one of them as they joined with open arms. Little did I know, and soon did I find out that they did not give care at all about any of us - any of us members who did not play MTA but was nevertheless extremely instrumental in building ULK in VC:MP. In fact, back in 2009, they tried to hold private discussions without the rest of the gang (I was the only one who was "invited") and this outrages numerous members of the gang. Everything I worked so hard for, the very essence of unity, of how everyone was equal, THEY tried to eliminate. They were back to claim the fruits of OUR hard work. Even today, they still don't realize that it is the "VC:MP ULKs" or the TLKs who help us dominate in clan rankings, fight in VC:MP events, and represent ULK on a day-to-day basis.

From the first day that they joined, they have tried to oppress the rest of the members, they have tried to impose their old MTA systems and they believed they should control ULK as they see it. They have been doing this knowing that they are clearly in the minority within ULK. The landscape was different, this was VC:MP and HeAD and I always agreed in the system of fair votes for everyone in the gang, not some "council system" where certain members were considered to be "senior" or "elite" members of the gang.

The truth is back then in 2009, we almost had a similar situation to the one we had now. As a result, HeAD and I agreed to propose a new official leadership structure so that every single decision that anyone made had to be accounted for and so that it would promote responsibility within everyone for everything said and done. People like Bishop or Vinny would not be able to ruin ULK's reputation ever again. We essentially had an election to vote for 3 leaders since these members were clearly against equal votes for everyone, and for everything to be decided based on majority. I was clearly leading this poll in terms of votes, but in the end, HeAD and I decided that we had proven enough of a point. Moreover, this system was a complete outcry from the system of equal votes and democracy that was working so well so far. There was even a point when a big fraction of the members were even willing to leave with me and create our own "ULK" but I thought to myself - it makes absolutely no sense to leave. ULK is ours. We are the one who built ULK in VC:MP so why are we leaving? The MTA players are part of our clan's founding history so we have done everything we can to welcome them into our gang. Our priority was UNITY. It made no sense for us to leave our own gang, especially given that we were the majority. We did not need an official leadership structure because after all, we were a group of friends. BUT the keyword is "friends." Many of these MTA ULKs never saw us as "friends" or "equals," but rather, as inferior members of the gang.

Offline ulkaki

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2013, 03:10:06 pm »
Quote from: Vinny
I wanna know whose idea this vote was. I've heard a couple different things about it now and all I can say is it's just MORE BULLSHIT!

The CORE of ULK is and always will be the Old School Members.

You new faggots are aight but Head, Bishop, Prontera, SGB, Phuk, D, and I, (if i missed anyone i'm sorry) are the deciding factors in ANYTHING clan related. If any of you little bitchez have a problem with that then you're in the wrong place.

Voting for a leader is something we've never had to do and it will not stand.

I'm done ranting but if you motherfuckers don't grow the fuck up I will personally travel to your house and STAB YOU IN THE FUCKING FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: hazzvinder singh
Well, I didn't make it to the discussion. I did vote, just in case, but I don't like this idea one bit. Things worked well as they were.

Besides I always figured the leadership derived from as it was back in old days. I mean there's no deathB but there were co-leaders (sorry, I don't remember the exact title), who were Bishop, Head, SGB, Zircon and someone else (Tim and/or Element perhaps?). So out of those, we have Head, SGB and Bishop still playing.

Hold it right there! Now just what do you think you're doing, "ulkaki"?

Allow me to dust off the old rules and regulations regarding our great leadership system!

How the Leadership System Works
The council is currently comprised of: Bishop, Element, n4sr, SGB, Tim, and Zircon.


The council can:
Kick members (requires consent or four out of six of the members' approval)

Bishop, SGB, and I being the sole surviving council members (and, later, leaders once DeathB left), we unanimously vote to retain Tical.

Also, being the second-most senior member of ULK, I am, as of this moment, suggesting a formal reprimand against "ulkaki" for his numerous transgressions. Should he make any more egregious errors and/or lapses in sanity, we (the surviving leaders) shall vote for his demotion—or, dare I say, even dismissal—per standard procedures. Our judgment shall be swift, and it shall be fair, or so help me God.

Thank you for your time and hard work, fellow ULK members. You may now go about your business.

Founding Father

[03:11am] ^aki: I'm willing to go all out against bishop, zircon and whoever thinks they have any stake in something they did nothing to help build
[03:11am] {ULK}D: argh
[03:12am] {ULK}D: this is why i warned you that we should treat the tical thing carefully
[03:12am] ^aki: I hate to put you on the spot, but you are really the only one who can acknowledge the anachronistic nature of zircon's point
[03:12am] {ULK}D: i know you did a lot aki
[03:12am] ^aki: if you do not aknowledge that, then I also understand it's okay
[03:13am] ^aki: things are cool between us
[03:13am] {ULK}D: why do you think i am defending you, but also defending bishop i like both of you
[03:13am] ^aki: but you've know these guys for over a decade
[03:13am] ^aki: it's only fair
[03:13am] ^aki: I'm the only one who's putting any effort into reasoning with bishop
[03:13am] ^aki: zircon's post is completely uncalled for and wrong
[03:14am] ^aki: do you agree or disagree?
[03:14am] {ULK}D: let me go read what zircon posted
[03:16am] ^aki: you've read it
[03:17am] {ULK}D: reading now
[03:17am] {ULK}D: 1 sec
[03:18am] ^aki: so?

[03:19am] {ULK}D: ok i do not agree with the second part of what zircon said.  I just agree with the council system is still in place
[03:19am] {ULK}D: so yea i am on your side to a point
[03:19am] ^aki: D
[03:19am] {ULK}D: just not in the political system we use
[03:19am] ^aki: no such council exists anymore

[03:19am] ^aki: it's okay
[03:19am] {ULK}D: argh
[03:19am] ^aki: I'm going to say this very carefully and to you only because there's no point with others
[03:20am] ^aki: carefully and clearly*
[03:20am] {ULK}D: look me up the thread we voted on changing to every vote counts from council
[03:20am] {ULK}D: mind you i have no issue with every full ulk member votes
[03:20am] ^aki: from this moment on I'm going to do things my way. Some things you may not approve, others you will find to be completely against
[03:21am] {ULK}D: but we have not voted for having a single leader either aki
[03:21am] {ULK}D: like i said i am fine with every member having a vote
[03:21am] ^aki: every decision we have made so far has been based on majority
[03:21am] {ULK}D: ok
[03:21am] ^aki: there are 2 options here
[03:21am] {ULK}D: just checking
[03:21am] ^aki: majority or council
[03:22am] ^aki: single leader isn't even on the table lol
[03:22am] ^aki: if you realized

[03:22am] {ULK}D: ok

The above conversation is from very recently. I had thought that I had convinced and hopefully reminded D that we make decisions in ULK based on everyone's votes. I also thought that D was someone we could all trust and was a reasonable guy despite being a part of this "MTA clique." Yet, he manipulated certain things I said in our private conversation, took everything out of context, and used it to try - I repeat TRY - to convince people to kick me.

Some more quotes:
[06:11] <&{ULK}D> yea just need to get together this week for another vote
[06:12] <&{ULK}D> so we can vote tical back in if that is what happens
[06:12] <&SGB> fack votes, you're too used to XE now

[06:43] <&Zircon> it's not called the council anymore Sephiroth
[06:43] <&Zircon> wep prefer "the inner circle"
[06:43] <&Zircon> we*
[06:50] <@Sephiroth> idk zircon
[06:51] <@Sephiroth> I don't really like
[06:51] <@Sephiroth> not having a voice
[06:51] <@Sephiroth> that's what separated ULK from any other clan/gang in vcmp
[06:52] <@Sephiroth> Really hoping you reconsider bringing this system back
[06:52] <@Sephiroth> and just allow the ULK tag to vote on matters
[06:52] <@Sephiroth> as it has been for 5-6 years now
[06:52] <@Sephiroth> :/
[06:52] <&Zircon> the inner circle has just voted no on your proposal
[06:53] <&Zircon> have a good day

I think it's time to let everyone know the truth about their "vote."

Quote from: N1lz69
After extensive discussion among our members, we have decided to demote aki to TLK. We are reprimanding him for his comments and actions, and directly addressing the fact that he is not any better than anyone else who is in ULK. A lot of us have spent time over the past decade towards the betterment of this clan and built a comraderie with open arms to new members and people, many of whom are loyal.

Note: Out of 23 members who voted, 6 voted for kicking aki entirely, 15 voted for a demotion to TLK, 2 abstained, and 0 voted for no change.

Deleted from the front page by aki.

Please see above the post that they have been spamming on numerous forums using Nilz's name. I don't know how to exactly say this, but to put it frankly, this is the most rigged vote since the 2000 US presidential election.

The moment they tried to convince members of ULK to kick me out of the gang, I knew about it. Our members clearly knew the difference between what is right and wrong and realized that they did not want to participate in it. 23 members voted? Without an official poll, without a private meeting with everyone present, and keeping in mind that the votes were tallied by each of these certain members asking people for their votes one by one and then letting ParadoX to tally the votes - this is by far the most inaccurate and fake vote in history.
[05:09am] Zero: ethan said I had 2 options
[05:10am] Zero: 1.- TLK.aki
[05:10am] Zero: 2
[05:10am] Zero: kick to aki
[05:10am] Zero: i voted 1
[05:10am] Zero: :P
But the main thing - the key thing that they did not expect at all - was that the majority of their votes were fake. The majority of the active members in ULK actually do not agree with them. They are still here with us and are on the member list below.

What I mean is that most of us played along and pretended that aki* should be kicked/demoted. We made sure to make it look like aki* had nobody to defend him. Although it was difficult, we even had to pretend that we hesitantly agreed with their "inner circle" or "council" system. 95% of the members on this updated roster have been secretly undercover and have knew from the beginning that their actions were wrong and dangerous. Perhaps, there are those such as HeAD who nobody has been able to get in contact with, but we truly believe that he will come around and will be able to tell the difference between right and wrong despite his roots in MTA. (We will also use this opportunity to announce that if we have mistakenly removed your name from the list - very likely - please let us know and we are more than welcome to add you back to the roster; similarly, if you believe that we have wrongly included your name in this roster, please also let us know and we will remove you immediately.)

This announcement today marks the day that we take a stand and say we've had enough. We refuse to continue to be bullied and we reject such a "council system" that is completely out of sync with ULK ideals of unity and equality. These members have disgraced the original founding philosophy of ULK. They have used the ULK name and XE name so frivolously to serve as mere tools to to feed their egos and impose what they believe is their "superiority" in the community.

Finally, it is important to note that these members in have formed their own clique within ULK and have thus exited the same way Da members did. We did not expect this nor did we want this. Despite their constant bullying and attempts to undermine us, we have tried our best to make peace with them throughout the years.

I would also like to formally request that Morphine stops using Sudarshan's (TLK) forum account here. We know that you are their spy here and this is your final warning.

What does this mean for ULK and for everyone in the community?

ULK will still operate under the same policies and same founding principle of unity and equality. But more importantly, we will do everything we can to improve our relations with certain clans and other parties in the community.

We are sorry.

We would like to take the opportunity to apologize for what some people believed were our "arrogance" and "ego" and for giving some people the impression that we were simply unfriendly. I want to personally make it very clear that with these "clique members" gone, this will not be an issue again in the future.

In addition, I would like to personally apologize for what the community has believed to be "ULK favoritism" in XE. Starting with Bishop's demotion from the staff yesterday, I am going to formally announce that XE and ULK will be managed completely separately.

I still stand by my former assertion that I have never given any ULK members "special protection," but I will admit to you that because of my former affiliation with some of these members, I had to essentially lower the bar in terms of enforcing rules among the staff. In other words, in order to protect admin abusers like Bishop while also being fair to the rest of the community, I had to essentially protect every admin and also every player by being more lenient than necessary with regards to our rules.

From this moment on, whether or not the admin is in ULK, there will be a 0 tolerance policy for admin abuse. Also, we encourage more active and vocal members of the community from other clans to apply for admin in XE and help us grow the largest sub-community in VC:MP. We would love your participation in the development and management of XE, and most importantly, we want your voices to be involved in the process because at the end, XE is a community server for everyone. Not a ULK server for ULK members to feed their egos. VC:MP is already in such a grim state, that we need everyone who can to help us preserve FUN and EXCITEMENT in this game.

Finally, I apologize for the long post, but I hope that this has at least cleared up one or two things for you. Thank you.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 03:11:49 pm by ulkaki »

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Pathetic. (I am talking about the fake ULKs on
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2013, 05:34:27 pm »
DDOS'ing our forums is one thing, but impersonating us too?

Please stop embarrassing yourselves.

I understand that your member list is a little lacking, but please...

Was impersonating me and Sephiroth and trying to deceive Izaki (a current applicant to ULK) into withdrawing his application really necessary?

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2013, 06:08:12 pm »
what do they intend to do lol ??? ???

and now look at this
<@Bishop> [03:34:17] now XE just has to die is why we ddos them regularly

anyways, I don't give a **** about them
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 06:13:32 pm by Blurry »

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2013, 07:32:58 pm »
Here's the shortened version again for everyone who doesn't want to read that emotional wall of text devoid of any fact whatsoever that "ulkaki" is now apparently spamming everywhere!

Edit: To everyone who is lost behind all the bullshit, I'l sum it up pretty quick: there is no ulk split but rather a mad web admin that couldn't handle a demotion that went about locking the forums, removing/kicking people claming the votes were fake/rigged then taking over the clan by using the same website and saying the members kicked had left and split the clan.


The official reclaimed ULK website (home to those who actually founded ULK in 2003) is, and will always be, at


Offline ulkaki

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2013, 08:18:22 pm »
The official reclaimed ULK website (home to those who actually founded ULK in 2003) is, and will always be, at


Please respect our topic, the same way we are respecting your fake-ULK topic.

I just want to get something straight though.

Essentially, you guys leave ULK, then get caught bribing our TLKs with ULK promotions, then DDOS (illegally attack) our forums/websites, then impersonate our members and you still try to tell everyone that your fake ULK site is real.

Since when did real ULKs bribe, DDOS, or impersonate people? As ex-ULKs, you guys are really an embarrassment to ULK.

And you were here since 2003? The forums on ( was just made a week ago. Zircon your forum account was made just yesterday.

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2013, 08:23:58 pm »
Oh and zircon, when I visited the forums, I thought you'd have given some explanation behind that impersonation. :P

You know what, this whole act seems to me like you all are just trying to draw attention. Nobody gives a damn about you guys and therefore you practice such foolish techniques like impersonating, ddosing etc.. just to seek Undivided Attention.

Also, If you all think that you can continue your ddosing or other bs without getting punished, then you're wrong. Do you really expect the vc-mp Staff to keep quiet if you destroy an official server ? huh. I'm pretty sure vcmp Staff will take an action soon if you continue with this as it'd affect the vc-mp player base.

There are many players who play vc-mp just because of XE. And what do you think, you will end XE and those players will forget their favorite server and start playing at your fag fest server ? lol

And Zircon, since you're the "Founding Father", "Mr. Council", I'd like you to give an explanation for those dirty acts. And If you don't have any, better not run your big fat mouth over here for god sake.

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2013, 08:24:10 pm »
I can understand both sides of the argument but in the end of the day the name/tag belongs to the founder(s) of the clan, unless they evidently left and gave the rights to someone else. It's common knowledge that if you create something you own it.

Offline ulkaki

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2013, 08:49:32 pm »
This has been thoroughly explained in my 4500 word post above, but I will try to elucidate the main points.

  • Zircon LEFT ULK and has not been a ULK member for the past 8 years. I have no idea why he's suddenly made an account here and has become such a vocal member of the hackers on
  • If was really the real ULK site, why has the old site been dead for 8 years?
  • MTA is not VC:MP.
  • Zircon, D and others - you guys had no part in building ULK in VC:MP. And j.king LOL - you weren't even in ULK till late last year.
  • ULK does not have an official leader. EVERYTHING is decided by majority rule, as each member's say and vote in the gang is EQUAL. Given this, the majority of ULK members have elected to stay on the official ULK forums - - and do not desire to leave to
  • Essentially, what's happening here is that a few select "council members" in ULK have suddenly decided to leave ULK and its official forums ( and create their new "ULK" gang on Whoever didn't leave with them (majority of members) - Zircon and others are saying that they aren't part of ULK anymore. How does this make any sense? Just because a minority group within the clan left, whoever didn't leave with them can't wear the ULK tag anymore/isn't part of ULK anymore? lol? Obviously, given the rule of majority vote and equal votes, ULK will remain on forever. The roster here is the most up-to-date list of current ULK members. Any other list is fake/illegitimate.

Thanks for everyone's time.

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2013, 09:27:55 pm »
Please stop ddos'ing us.

I am tired of the error messages on and

I am even more tired of the PM's from people telling me that they can't access the above forums.

XE forums is the most active online hotspot in the VC:MP community. It gets over 6,000 posts and half a million page views monthly. I beg of you to tell your members and friends to stop with such immaturity. It's really no fun for me or for every other user on these forums.

This is a very serious matter. We request that you cease and desist from this activity as soon as possible.

<&Bishop> [00:45:34] who do we have on the ddos night shift today ?

<@Bishop> [03:34:17] now XE just has to die is why we ddos them regularly

[13:42] <@Kevin> lol
[13:42] <@Kevin> anyway
[13:43] <@Kevin> lets do the illegal easy way
[13:43] <@Kevin> star>cmd>enter
[13:43] <@Kevin> get XE ip by requesting a ping
[13:43] <@Kevin> then
[13:43] <@Kevin> ping xxxxxxxx -t -l 65500
[13:43] <@Kevin> :O
[13:44] <@Kevin> do it with 20 cmd windows and under a vps
[13:44] <@Kevin> or a vpn
[13:44] <@Kevin> and aki will be really scared
[13:44] <@Kevin> oh I mean

Just letting the hackers on know, anyone who has attacked XE so far and attacks XE in the future will be permanently banned from the server. Also, they will be reported to VRocker (XE's host), VC:MP developers and appropriate authorities, as DDOS attacking is highly illegal and punishable by up to many years in prison.

Please consider this the last warning from XE Management.

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[03:49] <%Stormeus> I picked up PHP when I was around 10

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Do not PM me for support.

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [Updates] -
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2013, 10:59:18 pm »
Welcome TLK.Izaki

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[03:49] <%Stormeus> I picked up PHP when I was around 10

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [OFFICIAL] -
« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2013, 05:33:35 pm »
Congratulations Izaki!

Welcome to the truly United Legion of Killers.

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [OFFICIAL] -
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2013, 06:38:26 pm »
Thanks! :)

Offline rohit16

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Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers - Since 2003 [OFFICIAL] -
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2013, 07:25:46 pm »
Congratulations Izaki!  bro im honey nice u r in best of luck bro  8)