Author Topic: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers []  (Read 37631 times)

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Offline TBS.Milko

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2013, 03:52:41 am »
Lol only my stats -.-

Offline Fuzzy168

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2013, 07:19:43 am »
Nice panel.. First of it's kind AFAIK.
I'm beginning to feel like a Lag God, Lag God

Offline hellboy_vkk

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2013, 10:23:26 am »
milko I was using your account so thought to put your account ;)

And yes fuzzy its vcmp's first forum based panel that can change ingame stuff.
Vice City Cops 'n' Robbers is good for an even more relaxed style of gameplay than Argonath.

Offline hellboy_vkk

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2013, 04:48:14 am »
Hereby I Present the new vice city cops and robbers's graphical server analyzer.

Hourly Analysis of past 24 hours

Minutes based Analysis of past 30 Mins

I cannot run this as its php bot due to which my current vps lag , but i have it still :D
as soon i get new vps , i will turn it there.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 07:12:53 pm by hellboy_vkk »
Vice City Cops 'n' Robbers is good for an even more relaxed style of gameplay than Argonath.

Offline hellboy_vkk

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2013, 02:55:54 pm »
After working hard for 2 hours I finally made the Top 10's for VCCNR

* thinking 'no big deal' , the data is stored in hashes , now think again :P
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 07:37:24 pm by hellboy_vkk »
Vice City Cops 'n' Robbers is good for an even more relaxed style of gameplay than Argonath.

Offline hellboy_vkk

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2013, 04:20:37 pm »
Alright , I'm again announcing an update after a bit gap (which was due to a raged owner) , so what i've added now is

More properties , as players were demanding for properties (which was 8 earlier) , are now extended to 54 in number and thw
command for property system are :







/c spawnatprop <on/off>  (If you own any property and if this function is set , you will spawn at your property everytime)

what more to come in this system ?
> Players will be able to store their weapons in their properties

>Players will be able to use commands like /c buy pizza , /c buy donut and all (which are restricted to the BlackMarket and Bars)

What else I've added?

The BlackMarket And the ATMs

what is BlackMarket?
> A place where tax system fails and you get things cheaper.

what is there at BlackMarket?
>There are many products which can be seen using /c productlist.
>> highlights are weapons.

More information about BlackMarket?
>only those who have either 1000 copskills or 1000 robskills can enter into the BlackMarket using the command "/c enter <a-e>"

> when you are in blackmarket , your blip at radar won't appear which means if you get lucky cops cannot catch you as even the cop's "/c loc " fail if a player is in black market

what is ATM?
>Automated teller machine , which can be used to access to your money stored in bank.
> you can withdraw your bank cash using !withdraw at ATMs.

More information about ATM:
> you can only access money in the range 5000-20000.
>4% tax will be deducted from the withdrawal money.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 07:37:54 pm by hellboy_vkk »
Vice City Cops 'n' Robbers is good for an even more relaxed style of gameplay than Argonath.

Offline sunny

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2013, 01:14:41 pm »

Offline Kratos

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2013, 01:27:14 am »
the concept is alright

Offline MatheuS

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2013, 02:36:14 pm »
Good Man  ;)

Offline hellboy_vkk

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2013, 09:21:41 am »
Oh Hello there , so this is the update thing going on at VCCNR (In progress):

Hello there, my lovely friends, tonight I wanted to do a special thread, dedicated to one of the upcoming ideas designed to enhance the gameplay experience at VCCNR.

Let me introduce you, to the Gameplay Update: Gangs.

The Gang Update

Many people might ask, "What is this?", well, let me explain you whats this update about. A few days ago, I had an idea, related to players having their own gangs in-game. I have this thought while doing the !crank cmd. "Boss" was the answer that server gave to me.

Then I said: "Why are we supossed to be bosses if we dont have a gang?" and so it all began.

What is a Gang?

A gang is a simple yet organized, criminal group. It is composed of several gang members or "recruits" and a Boss. Special ranks can be given to certain members, such as trainer, general, etc.

So, how it's going to work in VCCNR? Here comes the idea.

The Idea

There are some requirements for a robber to found a gang. These are:
1 - Player must have at least 4000 robskills.
2 - Player must own a Hideout (a building where the gang meets, buys weapons, organizes attacks, etc.)
3 - Player must spend an initial amount of 2.5 millions, to equip his hideout with weapons and goods for the gang members.
4 - Player must spend 100k, to create a gang fund, that will be used to cover mission prices.

But, things are not so easy. So lets keep explaining, what is a Hideout? This, is a Hideout:

UPDATE: Hideouts!

*These buildings have interiors, that would fit perfectly for the gang purposes, but I still need to ask Hellboy or Blacklight if it is possible to set a boudary that allows only gang members to get in - use this place.*

Its basically, an abandoned building, that can be bought by high rank criminals. There will be only 4 of these ingame.

Whats next? How does the gang system works? Ok, here it is.
A robber with his 4000 robskills decides to create his own gang. He must invest 10 million to buy a Hideout. After doing so, he'll become the gang's boss.

As a Boss, a player can recruit members, assign ranks and choose gang's missions. We'll explain later wich missions can be choosen.

Recruitment has only 1 requirement:

1 - Player must have a minimum of 1500 robskills to be recruited/join a gang.

But, there are more basic rules for a boss and his gang members, that they must follow. These are:

1 - A gang member can get inside his gang Hideout and change his civilian skin for his gang skin, but this, will mean that when you leave the hideout, every single cop will be able to hunt you, kill you or arrest you without a previous warning. Also, being killed or arrested by a cop will affect your gang's reputation, so dont leave the hideout with your gang skin on, without a mission, unless you want your gang to lose reputation.
2 - A boss holds the keys of the Hideout, so Hideouts will be open only when the boss is online and decides to get in there (the boss can leave the Hideout, however, when he logs out from the server, Hideout will be closed).
3 - Gang members can get inside their Hideout while its open, when the Hideout closes, gang members will be kicked from it.
4 - Gang members wont be hunted for joining their hideout, UNLESS they leave the Hideout wearing their gang skin on.
5 - Gang members CANNOT join the Hideout wearing any skin related to law enforcement (army, fbi, swat, cop).

So, how would it look like? And what about reputation? Haha, ok, let me continue then. When a regular player (a gang member) joins the Hideout, he will do so wearing his civilian skin (any civilian skin, it doesnt matters wich) I.E:

Once he joins the Hideout, he can leave it the way he got in (with his civilian skin), or, do it while wearing his Gang skin. I.E:

So, what to do when you leave the Hideout wearing a gang skin without a mission? You can risk yourself and go wild trough the city, rob stores and slay enemy gang members (if there's any). But, if cops arrest you, or enemy gang members kill you, you'll make your gang lose some reputation points. If, you succeed robbing stores, avoiding cops and slaying enemy gang members, your gang will earn some reputation points.

But, what to do about missions? Ok, time to explain the real deal.

There are 3 types of missions that a gang's boss can choose to realize with his gang. Each mission has its own difficulty, his own time limit and his own prizes. These are:

A - Riots!
B - Big-Bank Heists
C - Versus

So, lets explain them!


Riots are vandalic acts that will make a gang earn reputation, weapons or money. The time limit for a Riot is 3 mins. It requires 3 gang members to be done. When a gang's boss chooses "Riot" as a mission, he can do one of the next 3 sub-missions:

1 - Release any jailed player.

By attacking the jail and killing any area nearby cop, gang members will have a chance to release jailed players. To do this, no cop must be in the area, and gang members will have to stay 30 seconds at the police station, to release every single jailed player. Succeeding in this, will make the gang earn 750 reputation points.

However, failing will make gang lose money from the gang funds (-$50000).

2 - Assault Army's Fortress.

Assaulting Fortress will provide a gang the chance to grab heavy weaponry (m60s, hand grenades, molotovs) that can be used at later missions. It's the easiest mission, gang members must get inside the Fortress and steal a weapon from the army's reserve. You can only steal 3 weapons from the boxes (1 weapon per member), and then you must runaway to the Hideout. If a gang member who ports a stolen weapon gets caught, he'll make the gang lose reputation, gang funds and the mission itself (-200),(-$9000).

If the gang succeeds stealing the Fortress, they'll get 500 reputation points, and those heavy weapons will be automatically transferred to the Hideout's warehouse.

NOTE: stolen weapons can be used only once, since each weapon has a limited amount of ammo, so use them wisely.

3 - Attack government's building.

By attacking the government's building, gangs have a chance to earn 200000 dollars that they can add to their gang funds. This is the simplest Riot mission. It requires a gang member to hack into gov's computer and transfer the money to the gang's fund. However, it takes 35 seconds to do this, so the rest of the team, must watch for cops that can interrupt this assault. If the gang succeeds, they'll earn 100 reputation points and 200k for their gang funds.

If a cop kills the gang's hacker, or arrests him, gang will lose reputation points and some funds. (-150), (-$25000).

Special note: Riot missions can be performed every 2 hours.

Big Bank Heists

Big bank heists are the toughest mission. It requires at least 5 gang members to be performed. Bbh has a time limit of 5 mins. It works like this:

When a boss chooses BBH as a gang's mission, the gang has 5 minutes to perform a bank heist. This, howerver, isn't a regular heist. It will take 1 minute to blow the locker, and every single cop in the city will be warned about the robbery, so cops will have a chance to fight gangsters and stop them from robbing the bank.

If a cop kills the member thats doing the robbery, the gang will lose the bomb and fail the mission.

However, if the gang succeeds, they'll earn 1 million dollars and 1000 reputation points.

Special note: Big bank heists can be performed every 4 hours.


Versus is a gang mission that is related to respect, money and territories. It basically means a duel between two gangs. However, there are some requirements:

1 - To challenge another gang, a gang must have a minimum of 10000 reputation points. The prize of this challenge is half the reputation points of the enemy gang.

2 - When having 35000 reputation points, a gang can challenge another gang, for their gang funds. The prize of this challenge, is 75% of the enemy's gang funds.

3 - When having 50000 reputation points, a gang can challenge another gang for their territory (their Hideout). The prize of this challenge, is the enemy's Hideout and territories. If a gang loses this challenge, the gang will be disbanded.[/align]

In this mission (despite the challenge), every single member can participate. This mission is a total carnage, a team deathmatch between the two gangs. Any challenge ends when a gang kills every single member of the enemy gang. However, cops can get involved in the fight and arrest members from both gangs, so you must keep an eye on them.

Special note: gang challenges can be performed every 10 hours.

Special notes about Gangs:
*A gang begins with 1000 reputation points.
*A gang will have an hourly tax of 5% of the gang funds (while the boss is logged in).
*Gang members can't use helis in any mission.
*A gang has a limit of 10 members. With each Hideout conquered, the limit is raised by 5.
*By conquering Hideouts, and using them, tax will be increased. Having 2 Hideouts: 15%. Having 3 Hideouts: 30%. Having all the Hideouts: 45%.
*If a gang loses all of his funds, a Hideout will be sold to pay the debts. If the gang owns a single Hideout, and loses all of his funds, the Hideout will be sold and the debt will be cancelled.
*A gang can challenge any gang with a lower amount of reputation points, to any of the Versus challenges, however, enemy gang must accept it in order to begin.
*A Boss can sell a conquered Hideout, or keep it for his gang. However, having 2 or more Hideouts will make the gang's costs increase and gang funds will be reduced faster than normal.

This Project is divided into 4 phases out of which phase 1 is completed and phase 2 is almost done.

For more detail visit our forum
Vice City Cops 'n' Robbers is good for an even more relaxed style of gameplay than Argonath.

Offline MatheuS

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2013, 04:27:54 pm »
one wonders why the server so it favors more to the part of the thieves and not the police?

thieves have more facilities to gain skills
for thieves have robskills 1000 and less than 1 day

the cops have not copskills 1000 and less than 2 months


Offline hellboy_vkk

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2013, 07:52:12 pm »
Hehe, but our server doesn't restrict a player to do just one job whole life, btw next update will be for cops ;)
Vice City Cops 'n' Robbers is good for an even more relaxed style of gameplay than Argonath.

Offline JUDI0.0

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2013, 05:44:08 am »
hello, i need report this hack on the server cops and robbers. the explorer say (the forum not exist) are there new forum?

see the hack

Offline dynavolt71

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2013, 05:59:15 am »
the Forum is here And Try Report There
[PAWNO]Fix Error " Failed to set data for "" " -


Offline Machete

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Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2013, 10:37:24 pm »

Nice And Good Now hellboy you ban me on forum Unban me Plz And you say Will get 2 days Unban SO Unban me 3 days Complete plz

First, you advertised another server in your signature, but after we removed it, you used it again.
And I was the one who banned you.
This ban is not set to expire unless Hellboy says so.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 10:46:37 pm by Cheech »