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Current status of version 0.4

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Build mode changes.

* Vehicle command (/v) now works in build mode. The vehicle can also be driven.

In previous versions when you tried to drive a vehicle that was spawned with /v, it either caused a crash on entering or the vehicle couldn't be moved or driven.

* When in build mode, command line doesn't react to online mode commands anymore.

It used to cause a crash when you accidentally used a command in build mode that is only available in online mode.

* Weapon commands (/setwep and /clearwep) were added to build mode.

These functions can be used to set weapons which can be saved for class descriptions using the /save command.
--- Code: ---Usage: /setwep [weapon_id] [ammo]

Usage: /clearwep

--- End code ---

* Quit command (/q) no longer crashes in build mode.

Previously caused a crash.

* Skin command (/skin) in build mode doesn't allow skin 8 to be used, because it doesn't exist.

Previously caused a crash.
Restored from copy from Google Cache.
Original poster: maxorator

New miscellaneous commands.

* Added 5 utility commands.

These functions can be useful when looking for the ID of a vehicle, weapon, object etc.

Sample of modelsearch:
--- Code: ---/inf_modelsearch gun

(1) Found 'chromegun' at 277.

(2) Found 'minigun' at 290.

(3) Found 'minigun2' at 294.

... and 3 more.

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---Usage: /inf_getwepid [weapon_name]

Usage: /inf_getwepname [weapon_id]

Usage: /inf_getvehid [vehicle_name]

Usage: /inf_getmodelname [model_id]

Usage: /inf_modelsearch [model_name]

--- End code ---

* Savepos command (/save) also saves current skin and weapons for a class.

If the player has more than three weapons, it also outputs a warning and only saves 3 of those weapons.

Sample /save output:
--- Code: ---Class = 0 12 -1022.9858 184.6826 11.2494 143.5805 14 100 25 800 30 500

AddPlayerClass(12, -1022.9858, 184.6826, 11.2494, 143.5805, 14, 100, 25, 800, 30, 500);

// custom label!

Vehicle = 204 -1025.4694 179.7530 10.9614 0.7965 16 16

CreateVehicle(204, -1025.4694, 179.7530, 10.9614, 0.7965, 16, 16); // hermes

--- End code ---

* Savepos command (/save) now also supports custom labels and also outputs a pawn function call.

This makes it more useful, since the output doesn't have to be converted to a different format by the user now.
Restored from copy from Google Cache.
Original poster: maxorator

Changes related to weapons.

* Melee weapons work properly now.

All melee weapons now do proper damage to other players, including baseball bat, chainsaw, hammer and so on. They used to do damage very rarely on previous versions.

* Wallglitch cannot be done anymore.

Now you can't shoot through walls if you walk so close to it that while shooting the weapon actually goes through the wall. Now when you try to do that, you only see the animation, but no shots are made.

* Fixed a rare crash with projectiles.

If a person whose projectile was still in the game respawned, other players could experience a crash. This mostly happened only when returning to game from paused state where the game had to quickly process all the packets that had been sent during that time.
Restored from copy from Google Cache.
Original poster: maxorator


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